RT by @EnricoLetta: A debat el mercat interior europeu, @EnricoLetta ‘o fem la integració real d’Europa o desapareixem davant dels mercats americà, xinès i indi.’
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/gloriafreixav/status/1726736618185171222#m
[2023-11-20 22:57 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: Letta, que dio un paso atrás en el liderazgo del PD tras perder ante Meloni, prepara ahora un informe encargado por el Consejo Europeo sobre el futuro del mercado único.
"O hay una integración europea completa, o desapareceremos", defiende.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/annabujcusso/status/1726510674229260478#m
[2023-11-20 07:59 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: Josep Sánchez Llibre i @EnricoLetta protagonitzen la cloenda de l'acte.
Pel president de #Foment, és necessari adequar la transició energètica al món industrial. Recorda que la #sostenibilitat ha de ser sempre compatible amb el creixement empresarial.
Per altra banda, Enrico Letta profunditza sobre el seu informe: "Necesitamos implantar urgencia e integración o de lo contrario desapareceremos ante tanta competitividad.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FomentTreball/status/1726594592860975440#m
[2023-11-20 13:33 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: Entrevista | Enrico Letta: "O hay una integración europea completa, o desapareceremos".
El ex primer ministro italiano prepara un informe encargado por el Consejo Europeo sobre el futuro del mercado único.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LaVanguardia/status/1726623936753103210#m
[2023-11-20 15:30 UTC]
O hay una completa integracion del mercado unico europeo o desapareceremos. Un intero dia de debate al
en Barcelona para identificar barreras y soluciones en vista de l’elaboracion de l’Informe sobre el futuro del
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1726627163724484622#m
[2023-11-20 15:42 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: "Hay que mejorar la cultura de prestar atención a las sensibilidades de los distintos Estados miembros, la cultura de construir una posición europea más sólida." Una entrevista con @EnricoLetta @n_roettgen @SylvieKauffmann @AranchaGlezLaya https://agendapublica.elpais.com/noticia/18907/fomentar-cooperacion-entre-paises-clave-puede-ayudar-sentar-bases-ue-mas-flexible-eficaz
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/a_publica/status/1726632493506502930#m
[2023-11-20 16:04 UTC]
In my opinion, the next European legislature will go down in history as the one that abolished the right of veto and the unanimous vote.
My interview
on the future of the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1726644698331357407#m
[2023-11-20 16:52 UTC]
"Without full European integration, we will disappear"
My interview to the newspaper
on the future of the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1726645003047543171#m
[2023-11-20 16:53 UTC]
is not complete: in the fields of
and telecommunications today it’s impossibile to build 🇪🇺 global champions.
My interview
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1726650933764046967#m
[2023-11-20 17:17 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: Dos ex presidentes de gobierno italianos, #Draghi y @EnricoLetta, un “socialista liberal” y el antiguo líder de la coalición de izquierdas @pdnetwork, pueden salvar a #Europa con sus informes sobre #Competitividad y #MercadoÚnico, Mi tribuna hoy en @elmundoes
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JuanMoscosodelP/status/1726162038953840975#m
[2023-11-19 08:54 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: To maintain our European social model, we need to stay competitive. Our companies should not only be able to operate in the single market but also to prosper.
Pleased to have discussed with @EnricoLetta, stakeholders, and students from @scuolapolitiche
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MarosSefcovic/status/1725550113823633524#m
[2023-11-17 16:23 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: All'AREL oggi si è parlato di decarbonizzazione, sicurezza energetica e competitività del mercato unico europeo. Il seminario è stato introdotto da @EnricoLetta, con la partecipazione del Vicepresidente della Commissione UE @MarosSefcovic.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AgenziaAREL/status/1725536264298840116#m
[2023-11-17 15:27 UTC]
What an intense week in preparation of the
Future Report. From Bilbao to Bruxelles, The Hague and Rome. Meeting Governments,
, entrepreneurs, trade unions, students and experts.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1725425099078074858#m
[2023-11-17 08:06 UTC]
Looking forward to exchanging with the
academic and research community on the Report on the Future of the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1725426045795328091#m
[2023-11-17 08:10 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: It was a pleasure to chair this lively debate with @EnricoLetta and @BusinessEurope DG Markus Beyrer on the future of the #SingleMarket!
🔎 Our Internal Market Cmte members shared examples of barriers companies face in cross-border business operations that need to be removed🙏🏻
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HartmanRadova/status/1725203097515966696#m
[2023-11-16 17:24 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: Hoe moet de Europese interne markt er in de toekomst uitzien? Dat onderzoekt voormalig premier van Italië @EnricoLetta op verzoek van de Europese Raad @EUCO. Het was goed hem vandaag te ontvangen in Den Haag om hierover door te praten. Wat Nederland betreft is een sterke interne markt de basis voor een sterk en concurrerend Europa.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MinPres/status/1725175738591006808#m
[2023-11-16 15:35 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: What should the European single market look like in the future? Former Italian Prime Minister @EnricoLetta is preparing a report on this question at the request of the European Council @EUCO. I enjoyed meeting him today in The Hague to go into this. For the Netherlands, a strong single market is the necessary foundation for a strong, competitive Europe.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MinPres/status/1725175941599486217#m
[2023-11-16 15:36 UTC]
Meaningful and intense discussion on the Future of the
with a long time friend the Dutch
in The Hague.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1725169020226113696#m
[2023-11-16 15:08 UTC]
Discussing in Bruxelles with the 27 🇪🇺 Member States first ideas for my Report on the Future of the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnricoLetta/status/1725131640953827470#m
[2023-11-16 12:40 UTC]
RT by @EnricoLetta: .@EnricoLetta, the former PM of Italy, was appointed as the independent Rapporteur on the Single Market Report. Enrico Letta was at the #SMEAssembly2023. He met #SMEs, understanding their concerns amidst digitalisation & globalisation. He also met the Ukrainian delegates.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EEPA_EU/status/1724688466695332197#m
[2023-11-15 07:19 UTC]
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