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Reunião de trabalho com eurodeputado @joseggusmao sobre os apoios do Fundo de Transição Justa à formação profissional e reinserção no mercado de trabalho dos antigos trabalhadores da refinaria da Galp de Matosinhos.


📢Às 18h30 (GMT+1), no quadro do 70º aniversário da Faculdade de Economia do Porto, vou falar sobre a Competitividade Portuguesa e a Coesão Europeia.

Siga online
aqui 👉


Policy funds are of paramount importance in this endeavor and a major player in the economic governance of the EU budget.

More info about your country👉!hYWYYV



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Divergencies between 🇪🇺 regions call for place based policies to:
📌improve social wellbeing
📌unlock 🇪🇺 regions' full economic potential
📌diversify the EU's competitive advantages
📌strengthen the EU single market

New Report on Regional Trends 👉!6Cmv7J



Temos de ouvir os jovens e dar-lhes espaço e meios de intervenção para poderem transformar a realidade - porque aqueles que hoje encaramos como os desafios do futuro são o mundo em que eles vão viver.

Discurso na Conferência @Renascenca @SantaCasaLisboa 👉!YvkP7R


📢We launch new EUI call!

Cities of all sizes are crucial to help 🇪🇺 become 1st climate-neutral continent by 2050

This 2nd EUI call will inspire innovative/bold urban strategies enabling EU cities to play their role in achieving our long-term EU and Policy objectives


Very good exchange today with Slovak Deputy Prime Minister @VasakovaLivia and Minister Peter Balík on how to optimise the implementation of Policy programmes in 🇸🇰.


Supporting a just transition @transitionjust with loans for private and public investors: debate today in Katowice.

✅InvestEU support to the private sector
✅Public Sector Loan Facility

Speech 👉!CkMKXf


Glad to have participated online in the informal ministerial meeting of the Visegrad + 4 countries to listen to the views and expectations for the future of .

Cohesion is the cement that keeps 🇪🇺 together in the face of external pressures and turmoil.


We have many ambitions in 🇪🇺, carbon neutrality, competitiveness, strategic autonomy, but none is possible without social justice.

Fairness has very strong territorial dimension & also depends on the capacity to reform & adapt.



EU supports projects at local level, integrating place-based policy with sustainability, inclusion & aesthetics.

This is a natural symbiosis: a socially resilient & territorially cohesive 🇪🇺 is based on balanced growth, leaving no one behind.


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By showing us that the radical is possible, nature teaches us a lesson: it is not a question of nature versus humanity, but a conscious pursuit of Cohesion in its widest sense: between nature and us.

Speech at event @la_Biennale


Beyond the place and the hard construction, architecture should shape our mindset.

At the @la_Biennale to present and discuss our Laboratory of the Future


Visita ao Pavilhão do Brasil, vencedor do Leão de Ouro da @la_Biennale 2023.

Poderoso testemunho da grande multiplicidade cultural, património, tradições e da relação especial deste país com a natureza e os recursos naturais.


The biggest geothermal heating system in 🇪🇺 was inaugurated in Szeged 🇭🇺.

Supported by - €23 mn - it will power 28,000 households & 400+ public buildings w/ clean, renewable & affordable energy - a great future-proof, socially beneficial & sustainable solution!
RT @EUinmyRegion: 🌍💚 Sustainable and affordable heating for all!
Thank to EU investments, the city of Szeged will harness an endless source of green energy to keep low heating bills and s…


Glad to speak today at Conference “Supporting skills development through reforms”.
The Technical Support Instrument continues to partner with 🇪🇺 Member States to address skills shortages & support public administrations be fit for future challenges. 


RT @EU_reforms: 👥More than 1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ participants joined us for the 🇪🇺 this year!

📺If you missed it live or want to refresh your memory, watch the highlights👇


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