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RT @YasMohammedxx: So many of us see ourselves in this little girl. Frustrated and angry at being wrapped up like a corpse. We want to breathe. We want to live.


RT @ecre: 👏👏Expert Council on NGO Law urges 🇮🇹 to REVOKE SAR decree:

"until adequate & effective steps are taken to ensure that migrants’ lives are not being put at risk by the inability of search and rescue NGOs to work effectively".

Via @CoE_NGO:


RT @LaVanguardia: ☕️🗞️¡Buenos días! Esta es la portada de La Vanguardia de hoy, sábado 28 de enero

▪ El Gobierno reformará la ley del 'solo sí es sí' ante el aluvión de críticas
▪ Las imágenes del ataque al marido de Pelosi

➡️Más en


RT @NasimiShabnam: The Taliban’s Minister of Disaster Management —

“There is no need for women to work. Our religion DOES NOT ALLOW women to work”.

Afghanistan has turned into a prison for women in the 21st century.


RT @AAzoulay: Keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive is the fulfilment of a universal duty, a duty to humanity, which is @UNESCO's raison d'être. We owe it to the victims of the Shoah, we owe it to the survivors, we owe it to all the generations to come.


RT @Limportant_fr: La joueuse d'échecs iranienne Sara Khadem refuse de s'excuser en vidéo pour avoir retiré son hijab @arabnews


RT @Lanoche_24h: ▶ @manuelrico sobre la denuncia de Amnistía Internacional en relación a las residencias de ancianos durante la pandemia:

"La Fiscalía no ha cumplido con el cometido que tiene encomendado por la Constitución y el Estatuto Fiscal"



Descansa en paz, , uno de los personajes clave en la lucha contra ETA y la construcción de La Paz en .
Gracias por tanto😍


Es Águilas, sí
RT @juanjojambrina: Creo que es una playa murciana, no? @Miss_Grape_ @NievesJemezB @rosabelmonte @luisvalenciano @ElenaValenciano @annasauraramon


Mientras, en el planeta indepe, la habitual deslealtad institucional 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


RT @NasimiShabnam: In Afghanistan, now even the female mannequin’s faces must be covered.

The Taliban have ordered all shopkeepers to either behead female mannequins or cover their faces.

This is symbol of the Taliban's treatment of women in Afghanistan. Haunting.


Centros de educación clandestinos en

RT @Limportant_fr: Admirables ! Des femmes afghanes créent des centres clandestins d'éducation à domicile pour les petites filles et pour les femmes analphabètes. Ici à Balkh, dans le nord de l'Afghanistan.


RT @NasimiShabnam: The Taliban have reportedly cut off the hands of 4 people in a football stadium in Kandahar today, accused of theft, in front of spectators.

People are being lashed, amputated & executed in Afghanistan, without fair trial and due process.

This is a human rights violation.


RT @Radfem_Italia: The Italian Psychoanalytic Society criticises puberty blockers: dangerous and experimental. And joins feminists and parents in calling for scientific data and a public debate on the best treatment for minors with gender dysphoria


RT @HabibKhanT: Afghans and Iranians are protesting against the Mullahs together. Both neighboring countries ruled by religious fanatics are oppressing women.


RT @NasimiShabnam: This is me in Kabul, at the Gardens of Babur, with my cousins wearing their colourful scarves & walking freely.

Today, they’re imprisoned at home, banned from going to university, working or simply leaving the house without a man.

But this too shall pass. Justice will prevail.


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