And we're off with the conclusions and recommendations from our panels at #ENDORSE2023.
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📣 Join us at 17.10 ⏰ for our closing session of #ENDORSE2023: panel conclusions & recommendations, exchange with the programme committee and a final wrap-up & farewell with Franck Noël (@EULawDataPubs) & @AristiNat (@DIGIT_EU).
Follow Track 1.
How do we depreciate a standard when deemed irrelevant? At @NATO, they have a process to actively cancel a standard. They can also analyse which standards are not implemented then cancel them, says Gernot Friedrich at #ENDORSE2023.
Standards do not cover everything there is about technology. There are niches so there can be royalty-enabled patents, says @pchampin at #ENDORSE2023.
At @NATO we're lucky just to have two languages, English and French. When it comes to data standards, we just use one language but the content is multilingual, says Gernot Friedrich at #ENDORSE2023.
There will always be more silent participants, so it's important for the moderator to bring in everyone's views. If people have something to say, they should be able to say it, says @makxdekkers at #ENDORSE2023.
The process can be too strict and get in the way, according to @pchampin, but he has never seen this much at @w3c, as their core values mean that everyone is involved and build consensus.
We work to identify what resources people need. Some of the jurisdictions we work with even have problems with electricity, so we have to approach things case by case, says @stephen_abbott @OpenOwnership at #ENDORSE2023.
On capacity and funding issues, for @NATO it's opt-in. We have a toolbox of different mechanisms. For eg, a framework mechanism can help other countries to implement. Capability planners can come in to help implement standards.
Good standards need to be driven by a need. You need to show what the benefits of a standard are. Rather than having to negotiate, it may be better to promote the results of the standard, says @makxdekkers at #ENDORSE2023.
We have similar challenges where countries don't realise the pros of standards. Difficult to convince some countries. But they can realise the changing needs. Legacy systems can be an issue. Countries may not have the funding, says @stephen_abbott @OpenOwnership at #ENDORSE2023.
We have to have political consensus. We have to trade off for certain standards. For standards where allies work together you have to think about the operational disadvantages, such as you can't share transport etc, says Gernot Friedrich @NATO at #ENDORSE2023.
While we have to get approval from all 30 allies at @NATO, we don't need all of them to get involved in building standards. Allies volunteer. But it's also voluntary for implementation. It's a two step process, says Gernot Friedrich @NATO at #ENDORSE2023.
Christine Laaboudi-Spoiden @eurostat and @DDechandon @EULawDataPubs present European statistical classifications as #LinkedOpenData and the successful collaboration between #Eurostat and the #PublicationsOffice of the #EuropeanUnion
Live now:!tNcV4W
#Interoperable Europe Action, 4 solutions of fundamental reference data:
CAMSS (Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications), EIRA, eGovERA, ELIS (the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications) presented by Raúl M. Abril @EU_DIGIT!tNcV4W
Network of Terms is a service that searches Linked Data sources in a federative way.
With a unified #GraphQL #API that institutions can query using #SKOS it searches the terminology sources for matching terms – real time, with #SPARQL. Offered at @github
#ENDORSE2023 track 2
Cultural institutions in the #Netherlands are encouraged to publish data as #LinkedData and to assign standardised terms.
@ennomeijers @KB_Nederland proposes the ‘Network of Terms’ to search Linked Data sources in a federative way. #ENDORSE2023 track 2
You may need to go for shared ownership and have all the participants in a working group contribute to awareness-raising. But the participants are the best people to explain what the benefits are, says @makxdekkers at #ENDORSE2023
Great news! VIVALOD will be soon implemented at @EU_opendata and freely available at @github
#ENDORSE2023 track2
To have a diversity of people involved is something you can only try to achieve, says @makxdekkers. Getting the message out can be difficult. You're dependent on the people around the table. If you see insufficient participation from communities, reach out and engage more!
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Highlights from the EU Publications Office & @EURLex, @EUPublications, @EU_opendata, @CORDIS_EU, @EUTenders & other services. #ENDORSE2023, 14-16 March