What do 🐀 rats and 🐒 macaques have in common?
Studying them will help a newly funded #ERCSyG team better understand how our mind processes the spaces around us - in terms of ownership, use & social hierarchies, creating a sense of territory.
More 👉 http://bit.ly/OxytocINspace
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585252101671727104
How do cells change shape and move?
A new #ERCSyG-funded project will provide new fundamental insights into biological & physical principles underlying the control of cell shape, integrity and movement.
@ISTAustria @UniUtrecht @institut_curie @CNRS
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585224761114001412
New ERC Synergy grant-funded research is based on the premise that post-growth transition could unlock a more economically stable and socially prosperous future.
How do the researchers imagine the post-growth deal?
More at ➡️ https://bit.ly/ERC-REAL
@unil @UABBarcelona
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585209661971922946
🌌 #DYK that #neutronstars are the remnants of catastrophic stellar core collapse. #ERCSYG researchers now join forces to decypher more about the #nuclear & #astrophysical processes.
@koebenhavns_uni @FAIR_GSI_de @GSI @ucddublin @QUBelfast @darach
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585196719276720129
Imagine an ice-free #Greenland 🧊
As the ice is melting faster than expected, an #ERCSyG project aims to discover the ice sheet's age & stability, improving our understanding of ice-free conditions in Greenland.
➡️ http://bit.ly/Green2Ice
@CNRS @ULBruxelles @koebenhavns_uni
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585181708395110402
Happy national day, #Austria! 🇪🇺🇦🇹
Schönen #Nationalfeiertag, Österreich!
Did you know that Austria hosts 375 ERC grantees? One of them is Anton Zeilinger, who recently won a #NobelPrize for #physics.
Read all about it 🏅http://bit.ly/3eWzFDw
@EUKommWien @AustriaatEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585164375203409920
RT @mleptin: Congratulations to you all! I know some think ERC shouldn't deviate from its 1 PI per grant principle - but from my own 2018 experience as Very Sceptical panel chair for SyG, I find this type of collaboration (still PI-driven! no strings attached!) not only useful but inspiring.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1585002218742480896
Should we rethink our understanding of the economy and move away from dependency on growth?
Georgios Kallis, Jason Hickel, & Julia Steinberger's new #ERCSYG project will offer new perspectives on universal human wellbeing.
More 👉 http://bit.ly/ERC-REAL
@UABBarcelona @unil
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584873670656524289
What would happen if #Greenland became ice-free? 🌡
Four researchers will use their new #ERCSyG to help us understand the implications of melting ice sheets on the sea levels & greenhouse gases.
Read how 👉 http://bit.ly/Green2Ice
@CNRS @ULBruxelles @koebenhavns_uni @BlardPh
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584869896974127104
How do #cells sense and respond to their surroundings? 🔬
Four new #ERCSYG winners - Anna Akhmanova, Patricia Bassereau, Michael Karl Sixt & Pierre Sens - will join forces to understand the mechanisms.
@ISTAustria @UniUtrecht @institut_curie @CNRS
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584866118296305664
🪐 New #ERCSYG project will make large scale progress in explaining explosions of nuclear matter by spectroscopically dissecting kilonovae & connecting to the #neutronstar merger.
Read 👉 http://bit.ly/ERCHeavyMetal
@koebenhavns_uni @FAIR_GSI_de @GSI @ucddublin @QUBelfast @darach
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584862389081620480
How do mammal minds figure out space, geometry and territory?
This newly awarded ERC Synergy Grant team of Dori Derdikman, Valery Grinevich, David Omer & Angela Sirigu are about to find out!
Read about their project 👉 https://bit.ly/OxytocINspace
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584858572164575232
"I’m happy to see more pioneering researchers funded to focus on ambitious and complex scientific problems that require innovative ways to advance our knowledge." ERC President Maria Leptin welcomes the latest group of ERC Synergy Grant winners.
➡️ https://erc.europa.eu/news/erc-2022-synergy-grants-results
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584854792941494273
In this 2022 ERC Synergy Grant Call, 29 different research projects were approved for funding.
To give you an idea of the range and breadth of the #FrontierResearch that will be covered, read about five projects & their teams 👉https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/news/erc-synergy-grants-2022-project-highlights.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584852337394601985
Would you like to see exactly which projects and researchers have been awarded 2022 ERC Synergy Grants - each worth around €10 million?
Check the list, you might know someone on it! 👉 https://erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2022-10/erc_2022_syg.pdf
@EU_Commission 🇪🇺#FrontierResearch #Funding #ERCSyG #Teamwork
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584849760951078914
📣 The ERC's 2022 Synergy Grant competition results are out!
29 research groups received #ERCSyG funding, enabling their scientists and scholars to combine complementary skills & address frontier research challenges.
Info 👉 https://erc.europa.eu/news/erc-2022-synergy-grants-results
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584847270872514560
Smoke from wood burning becomes more harmful overnight shows research by @LAPI_epfl, impacting #publichealth and #climatechange
Read more here 👉 https://bit.ly/3VPC0kq
#airpollution #aerosols #airquality
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584573972234240000
RT @HorizonMagEU: Europe’s human-made #heathlands are starting to disappear because of urbanisation, climate change & intensive farming. Lessons from the heathland’s past can help us understand how our ancestors maintained the balance with nature.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584445339062669312
RT @NobelPrize: The original publication on graphene was published #OTD in 2004.
The discovery of the material - incredibly thin yet strong and able to conduct heat and electricity - led to a Nobel Prize for authors Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584130914757799937
How effectively can the human brain support artificial body parts? 🦿
ERC-funded Tamar Makin @Cambridge_Uni is exploring such questions, in her attempt to make wearable robotics as user-friendly as possible.
@MDiplomacyWORLD 👉 https://bit.ly/3ySjuhe
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1584107371902930944
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The European Research Council, set up by the EU, funds top researchers of any nationality, helping pursue great ideas at the frontiers of knowledge. #HorizonEU