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Encouraging message from @mhaklay for .

On :

👉It has potential in both applied and frontier science
👉Any community can be involved
👉There will always be place for researchers but let’s be inclusive.

More ERC-funded projects 👇


Have you ever had a science experiment gone wrong?

It even happens to Nobel laureates! Read about Reinhard Genzel’s anecdotes from his youth and more.

Our former ERC member won a 2020 for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy. 🏅
RT @NobelPrize: “One day, I was playing with the spectrometer and boy, did I get the full 15 kilovolts!”

Even 2020 physics laureate Reinhard Genzel had some unsuccessful forays in science…


RT @europainitalia: .@ERC_Research
@MLeptin ha tenuto una lezione a @EUI_EU; incontri a Roma con premio Nobel @GiorgioParisi, Accademia dei Lincei e ministro @BerniniAM

I fondi ERC aiutano 🇮🇹 ad attrarre talenti: il 20% dei borsisti ERC si è trasferito qui con borsa di studio🇪🇺


Innovative @ERC_Research funded 💻 developed by Adrien Bousseau @inria_sophiais is set to change the way designers ✍️ create & test their , making it easier than ever to bring their visions to life.

Full story 👉!MCMCgk


Fruitful visit to Italy: 🇮🇹
@MLeptin gave a lecture at @EUI_EU; then meetings in Rome with laureate @GiorgioParisi, Accademia dei Lincei and minister @BerniniAM.

ERC funding helps Italy attract talent: 20% of ERC grantees there moved to Italy with their grant. 🇪🇺
RT @EUI_EU: "...funding cannot be short-sighted. To maintain a healthy research system, it is right to invest in long-term, curiosity-driven research."

🤝 @ERC_Research President @mleptin at the…


has the potential to strengthen our sustainable development and make research more democratic.

Director of @EuCitSci & the head of Citizen Science @mfnberlin explain its transformatory power.


📷 ©Ben Kriemann


A new harvest of ERC-funded research results!

This week's highlights include:

🌍 Ecosystemic politics @ElanaWilsonRowe

🪸 Coral reef heat tolerence @jr_guest

🚶‍♂️ and humans in Iberia @AlcarazCastano

More findings 👉


RT @sup_recherche: 🇫🇷🇫🇷
"Ce que l'expérience nous montre c'est que ce qui est recherche exploratoire aujourd'hui a toutes les chances de faire les applications de demain."

Le prix Alain Aspect était présent lors de la célébration des 1500 boursiers @ERC_Research.


RT @mleptin: Preceding the great event marking 1500 ERC grantees based in France last week, I met Minister @sRetailleau and found we share a vision for innovative and independent research.
On a side note: all 6 attendees were female; physicists, lawyers, political scientists (#6 taking pic).


RT @EUI_EU: "...funding cannot be short-sighted. To maintain a healthy research system, it is right to invest in long-term, curiosity-driven research."

🤝 @ERC_Research President @mleptin at the EUI today - an excellent opportunity to meet with the Institute's many successful ERC grantees.


"The experience show us that what's exploratory science today has every chance to become the innovations of tomorrow."

We had an on the fly conversation with laureate Alain Aspect at the celebration of 1500 ERC grantees in France - he's one of them! 🇪🇺
RT @UEfrance: 👩‍🔬 Avec @sup_recherche, nous célébrons aujourd'hui 𝟏 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞́𝐚𝐭𝐬 du Conseil européen de la recherche en France 🇫🇷

Créé en 2007, l'@ERC_Research soutient l'excellence scientifique à travers…


Breakthroughs in archaeology are inspiring a re-appraisal of the relationship between humans & tropical forests.

Damian Evans uses a new generation of tech to detect traces of human activity in SE Asia. 👉🏼



Whilst in Paris to celebrate 1500 researchers awarded ERC grants in France, we also had an engaging discussion with many grantees at a workshop organised by @PCN_ERC_France.

The next such gathering for grantees is taking place in Copenhagen on 8 June.


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RT @sretailleau: En célébrant son 1 500e lauréat du conseil européen de la recherche (ERC), la recherche française confirme son excellence et l'importance de ses coopérations européennes.

Vive la recherche, vive l’Europe ! 🔬🇪🇺🇫🇷

👉 enseignementsup-recherche.gouv


Have you been experimenting with image generation tools like @midjourney_ai or DALL-E?

According to ERC grant holder @jilltxt at @UiB visual technologies are fundamentally changing the way we see our world. 👇

Full story in 🎧 👉


Why do some countries face problems obtaining ERC grants? Why is there such a disparity in performance? What is the ERC doing to help now? What is it considering for the future?

Read our Q&A session with Alice Valkárová, ERC Scientific Council Member. 👉


“Solutions to these problems are complex and may be difficult to implement.”

Jacek Kuźnicki, former President of the 🇵🇱Polish @NarodoweCentrumNauki, gives his views on how to improve EU research grant competition success rates in some countries.

Read 👉


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