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A Mastodon forum for the discussion of European Union matters. Not run by the EU. Powered by FeedToMastodon, Nitter and

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Evropska komisija

Na podlagi današnje 🇸🇮 prošnje za pomoč 🇪🇺 smo nemudoma aktivirali mehanizem .
Prvi seznam potreb, ki ga večinoma sestavljajo težka mehanizacija in inženirske enote za njeno upravljanje, je bil že poslan državam članicam . 💪
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Janez Lenarčič: Upon the latest 🇸🇮's request for assistance due to the flood emergency, we have immediately activated the . The first list of needs has already been dispatched to our member states, asking for mostly heavy machinery &amp; engineering units to operate them.
