RT by @ECHO_MiddleEast: In #Gaza, overcrowding and unsanitary conditions are leading to significant spread of disease.
With support from 🇪🇺 >@EU_ECHO, UNRWA is providing health care services, including post-natal and high-risk pregnancy cases.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNRWA_EU/status/1728812369516847434#m
[2023-11-26 16:26 UTC]
In response to Cyclone Tej's impact in Yemen, the EU replenished
-DREF with 150,000 EUR to support the
address immediate needs.
EU support focuses on water, sanitation, shelter, and essentials like blankets and hygiene kits.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1728740789541380426#m
[2023-11-26 11:41 UTC]
Omar, Rahma, Athra'a and Rafad wait patiently with their mother to submit their application for civil documentation.
The EU and
are helping local authorities improve their capacity to provide displaced people with civil documentation.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1728648863232237976#m
[2023-11-26 05:36 UTC]
EU releases €15 million in humanitarian aid for most vulnerable in Syria and Lebanon:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1728707196165267908#m
[2023-11-26 09:28 UTC]
RT by @ECHO_MiddleEast: The humanitarian crisis in #Gaza is unprecedented.
🇺🇳 @UNRWA is providing #PalestineRefugees and those suffering in Gaza with life-saving assistance.
Thanks to 🇪🇺 >@EU_ECHO's support, #UNRWAworks to protect the most vulnerable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNRWA_EU/status/1728352467958825080#m
[2023-11-25 09:58 UTC]
كل يوم هو يوم جيد للأيدي النظيفة! 🌟
يكرس الاتحاد الأوروبي و
جهودهما لرفع مستوى الوعي حول الدور الحاسم الذي تلعبه النظافة الشخصية في الوقاية من الأمراض.
فلنمارس جميعًا نظافة الأيدي بشكل جيد للحفاظ على صحة أفضل. 🧼💧
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1727588937881756147#m
[2023-11-23 07:24 UTC]
The blockade on the entry of fuel into
has severely impacted access to water for the population, who has been struggling for weeks to access it.
We commend the work of
in providing water to those who need it most inside Gaza.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1727302706484957659#m
[2023-11-22 12:27 UTC]
Empowering Iraqis to Reclaim Their Rights! 🇮🇶💪
Conflict-affected Iraqis often face legal hurdles due to missing documents.
With support from the EU and
, the Protection Consortium of
is helping communities recover and rebuild. 🌟🤝
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1727193346429641037#m
[2023-11-22 05:12 UTC]
Hear from our colleague Daniele who was in
last weekend for the ongoing humanitarian operations in aid of people in need in
EU humanitarian aid is supporting the Egyptian Red Crescent and partners in coordinating and channeling aid from Al-Arish through
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1727212334853316970#m
[2023-11-22 06:28 UTC]
🌪 Last week, we sprang into action in Yemen! 🇾🇪
500 families affected by the cyclone in Socotra received critical relief thanks to our partnership with
's Rapid Response Mechanism.
Together, we're making a difference! 🤝
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1726901329128501737#m
[2023-11-21 09:52 UTC]
نزح أكثر من 120,000 شخص في شمال غرب
في شهر أكتوبر، بعد أن فروا من منازلهم بعد القصف المكثف.
من خلال دعمنا، تعمل
في جميع أنحاء محافظة إدلب للوصول إلى الأسر المتضررة بالمساعدات الطارئة القائمة على النقد.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1726486700506173465#m
[2023-11-20 06:24 UTC]
هبطت رحلتان جويتان إضافيتان بالأمس في مصر تحملان ما يقرب من 100 طن من المساعدات الإنسانية المنقذة للحياة لشعب
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1726115846907412778#m
[2023-11-19 05:51 UTC]
Two more humanitarian air bridge flights have landed today in Egypt with nearly 100 tons of lifesaving humanitarian assistance for the people of
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1725875700979155322#m
[2023-11-18 13:56 UTC]
EU civil protection mechanism supports countries affected by Middle East crisis.
To learn more click ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1725881522220138591#m
[2023-11-18 14:19 UTC]
Every day is a good day for clean hands! 🌟
The EU and @IOMYemen are dedicated to raising awareness about the crucial role personal hygiene plays in disease prevention.
Let's all practice good hand hygiene for better health. 🧼💧
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1725023018160664770#m
[2023-11-16 05:28 UTC]
تمكين العراقيين من استعادة حقوقهم! 🇮🇶💪
غالباً ما يواجه العراقيون المتأثرون بالصراع عقبات قانونية بسبب فقدان الوثائق.
بدعم من الاتحاد الأوروبي و
، يساعد ائتلاف حماية
المجتمعات على التعافي وإعادة البناء. 🌟🤝
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1724674904862171177#m
[2023-11-15 06:25 UTC]
في الوقت الذي يواجه فيه الفلسطينيون أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقة، يواصل الاتحاد الأوروبي للمساعدات الإنسانية تنظيم رحلات الجسر الجوي لتوصيل المساعدات المنقذة للحياة إلى
الأسبوع الماضي كنا في كوبنهاغن، حيث أقلعت إحدى الرحلات الممولة من الاتحاد الأوروبي من قبل
إلى مصر.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1724379530452734378#m
[2023-11-14 10:51 UTC]
RT by @ECHO_MiddleEast: 🤝Thanks to >@EU_ECHO's support in expanding the logistics lifeline for people in #Gaza.
✈Crucial equipment has arrived in Al-Arish from @UNHRD stocks in Dubai & Brindisi.
🚚Through @logcluster, we unite in supporting the incredible efforts of @EG_Red_Crescent to reach Gaza.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/WFPSupplyChain/status/1724391883420434911#m
[2023-11-14 11:40 UTC]
Stuck in displacement, many Yazidi girls and women in Iraq are particularly vulnerable, especially after the threat of enslavement by ISIS.
EU partners provide mental health and psychosocial aid to girls and women and have helped set up community women’s committees.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1724325074088431663#m
[2023-11-14 07:15 UTC]
🌪 في الأسبوع الماضي، انطلقنا إلى العمل في اليمن! 🇾🇪
حصلت 500 أسرة متضررة من الإعصار في سقطرى على إغاثة حرجة بفضل شراكتنا مع آلية الاستجابة السريعة التابعة لـ
معًا، نحن نحدث فرقًا! 🤝
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1723979803802386570#m
[2023-11-13 08:23 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Updates on EU-funded humanitarian projects in the Middle East & North Africa from @EU_ECHO's Amman-based communication team