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One month after the , people in the region of Afrin in Northwest Syria are still coming to terms with the devastation.

Umm Esmat laments the loss of her house but is happy to have a temporary safe space in the tent she received from the EU’s emergency stockpiles.


RT @UNRWA: In the digital age, technology is essential to 📲To give every student a chance to thrive, we must make technology accessible for all.

The EU🇪🇺 is making that happen by providing with access to digital learning, preparing tomorrow's global citizens.


RT @UNHCRYemen: “Registration documents enable me to work, get health care, & receive assistance," Mustafa, an asylum seeker from Ethiopia.

Thanks to EU humanitarian funding, UNHCR in cooperation w/authorities, helped refugees & asylum seekers issue or renew identity documents in south Yemen.


RT @UNICEF_Yemen: Ensuring that every student gains a solid foundation in basic reading and mathematics is critical to ending the learning crisis. In 2023 and beyond: @UNICEF_Yemen @EU_ECHO


RT @UNICEF_Yemen: Just being in school is a great achievement for many children around the world, however, we must ensure that the education they receive is a quality education, in a safe place, with well-trained teachers. In 2023 and beyond: @EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast


بعد 4 أسابيع من وقوع الزلزال، بدأ تفشي جديد للكوليرا وأمراض أخرى يهدد آلاف السوريين المشردين.

يقدم الاتحاد الأوروبي وشركاؤه مجموعات أدوات النظافة والكوليرا في الملاجئ الجماعية في حلب للمساعدة في منع حدوث أزمة ما بعد.


@Abdulla_Alzoabi @EUinSyria @UnfpaSyria @WHOSyria @DRC_MiddleEast Regardless of what the cause is, we see people in terrible need which we are helping with impartial humanitarian aid through partners.


4 weeks after the a new outbreak of cholera and other diseases are threatening thousands of homeless Syrians.

The EU and partners are providing hygiene & cholera kits in collective shelters in Aleppo to help prevent a crisis upon crisis.


يقول أحمد: "في البداية ، اعتقدنا أنها كانت غارة جوية. في اليوم التالي للزلزال، غادرنا المخيم بسبب الفيضانات. خلال الـ 12 عامًا الماضية ، كان هذا النزوح هو الأصعب".

في شمال غرب سوريا ، يمنح الاتحاد الأوروبي العائلات التي لا مأوى لها مثل أحمد نقودًا للمأوى أو الإيجار.


“At first, we thought it was an airstrike. The day after the , we left the camp because of flooding. In the past 12 years, this displacement was the hardest,” says Ahmed.

In Northwest Syria, the EU gives homeless families like Ahmed’s cash for shelter or rent.


بعد أربعة أسابيع من الزلزال، ما زال السوريون مثل هنا يعانون من الصدمة.

كثف الاتحاد الأوروبي مساعداته الإنسانية للأسر المتضررة من خلال الشركاء الموجودون في الميدان في جميع المناطق المتضررة + أرسل المزيد من الإغاثة عبر تركيا ولبنان ومباشرة إلى سوريا. 🚚🛳️🛩️


وضع السوريين المتضررين من الزلزال والذين يعيشون في الملاجئ لا يحسد عليه.

يُعد خطر تفشي الأمراض مصدر قلق كبير إلى جانب الصحة البدنية والعقلية للأشخاص.

نحن ندعم الشركاء لتشغيل فرق طبية متنقلة، ومساحات آمنة للنساء والفتيات وتوزيع أدوات النظافة.

@EU_ECHO @EUinSyria @EUinArabic


Four weeks after the Syrians like Hanna are still reeling from the shock.

The 🇪🇺EU has stepped up its humanitarian aid to affected families via partners on the ground in ALL affected areas + sent more relief through Türkiye, Lebanon & directly to Syria. 🚚🛳️🛩️


RT @ifrc: "Clean drinking water, hygiene kits and other medical items are the priority for us in the coming weeks." said @chiranlivera, Head of Emergency Operations @ifrc in the interview to @AJEnglish on growing numbers of diarrhoea and cholera cases after the earthquake in Syria


The gap between global humanitarian needs and resources is ever-increasing.

How can we bridge that gap and better support those in need?

Join us at the European Humanitarian Forum and discover what EU decision-makers have to say. 💬

Register now! 👇


Today at , EU Commissioner @JanezLenarcic announced over €193 million in 🇪🇺 humanitarian funding for the most vulnerable people in Yemen.

He also urged all parties to guarantee unrestricted humanitarian access.

Read more. ⬇️ |


RT @EUinSyria: إن تقديم المساعدة للفئات المتضررة في شمال غرب هي من أولويات الاتحاد الأوروبي❗وضمن خطة الإستجابة للإحتياجات الملحة، وصل من 🇪🇺 في اليومين الماضيين 150 طنًا من المساعدات الإنسانية إلى أضنة ليتم توزيعها على الشمال الغربي عبر شركائنا على الأرض.
مستمرون في دعم الشعب السوري...


RT @UNRWA: Thousands of our students across the region now have access to digital learning thanks to 🇪🇺@Eupalestinians

This initiative has supported children to ensure they can thrive in the digital age 📲🖥️


RT @UNICEF_Yemen: Step by step we build our lives through new skills and passions. We all have to start somewhere, and that first step is a basic education.



@fkontar78 @EU_ECHO We’ve been working through non-governmental organisations, UN agencies & the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement in Aleppo & all other parts of Syria since years. EU humanitarian aid is impartial & we provide it to the most vulnerable Syrians on all sides. Pls watch till the end.


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