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RT @SYRedCrescent: The second EU aid plane for today arrived in Damascus airport carrying 11,24 tons of supplies received by the @SYRedCrescent These aid materials are sent to through the @ECHO_MiddleEast Civil Protection mechanism to support the families affected by the


RT @WHOIraq: .@WHO conducted a monitoring & evaluation mission in Erbil to assess health needs & quality assurance at its primary healthcare centre in Hasan Sham U2 camp.

The support of @USAIDSavesLives & @EU_ECHO was crucial in serving 14,000 IDPs residing in this camp and its surroundings.


These are the first such 🇪🇺 flights landing in Damascus, and are part of a series of ✈️ transporting assistance from the EU's humanitarian stockpiles in Brindisi and Dubai to the Syrian people in both government controlled and non-government controlled areas.


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RT @ifrc: In Syria, the scale of the disaster is still unfolding and more humanitarian assistance is needed.

Today, the @SYRedCrescent received a new shipment of much-needed relief items thanks to the support of
IFRC and @ECHO_MiddleEast.


RT @SYRedCrescent: New EU aid plane arrives in Damascus to support the response to the earthquake disaster 

@SYRedCrescent received relief assistance from the European Union through @EU_ECHO


RT @IFRC_MENA: تزداد إحتياجات المتضررين جراء الزلزال في سوريا يوماً بعد يوم، وتستمر المساعدات في الوصول. تلقى @SYRedCrescent اليوم شحنة جديدة من مواد الإغاثة التي يحتاج إليها الناس بفضل دعم @ifrc و @ECHO_MiddleEast


RT @JanezLenarcic: As part of an 🇪🇺 humanitarian air bridge for , 2 ✈️ with emergency aid just landed in Damascus, to provide further support for the Syrian people impacted by the . The aid will be delivered to the people in need in cooperation with our humanitarian partner @ifrc.


RT @EUinSyria: في الأسبوع الماضي، هبطت ثلاث رحلات جوية من قبرص 🇨🇾 في بيروت، لنقل عدة أطنان من المساعدات للسوريين، بما في ذلك الأدوية، بتيسير من آلية الحماية المدنية التابعة للاتحاد الأوروبي.

الآن، سيحرص @ECHO_MiddleEast وشركاؤه على الأرض على إيصال المساعدات إلى جميع المتضررين.


قبل يومين ، مرت قافلة من 10 شاحنات تحمل مساعدات إغاثة من الاتحاد الأوروبي للمتضررين من الزلازل في شمال غرب سوريا عبر معبر باب السلام الحدودي.

يرحب الاتحاد الأوروبي بفتح العديد من النقاط الحدودية للمساعدة في تسريع جهود المساعدات.



RT @UNICEF_Yemen: The simplest of things require literacy and numeracy skills. How many times a day do you use these skills without noticing?

@EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast @UNICEF_Yemen


RT @EU_ECHO: More life-saving aid has arrived in Syria. 🇸🇾

This week, via the Mechanism, three flights from Cyprus 🇨🇾 have transported several tons of aid, including medicine.

Now, together with our partners, we are making sure to deliver the aid to those most vulnerable.


Following the tragic earthquakes, we immediately mobilised all our emergency and humanitarian tools to help Syrians in need.

But how is this done?

Here are 6 steps to get European emergency assistance to the people in Syria. ⬇️



RT @VOICEeu_: 🎉Yesterday we held our 1st communication meeting of the year! 

Exchanging ideas with our NGO members on the upcoming co-organised by @EU_ECHO and @sweden2023eu 

➡️A great opportunity to connect with our COMMs colleagues and make the voices of NGOs heard!


Today, a convoy of 10 trucks with 🇪🇺EU relief aid for people affected by the earthquakes in Northwest Syria passed through the Bab al Salam border crossing.

The EU welcomes the opening of several border points to help speed up the aid effort.


RT @UNICEF_Yemen: How do you discover what you love to do, or nurture a talent? A basic education is essential at every step of your learning journey.

@EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast @unicef_yemen


RT @UNICEF_Yemen: Our daily lives are full of small actions that having an education makes possible. Take away these basic skills and you take away someone’s agency in their own life.

@EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast @unicef_yemen


Last night, life-saving medical assistance from Norway landed in our hub in Beirut. 🛬🇱🇧

It is now continuing its journey to reach Syrians affected by the deadly earthquakes.

Takk 🇳🇴 for your solidarity with the Syrian people 🙏 via the Mechanism. 🇪🇺🤝


We have mobilised our 🇪🇺 humanitarian stockpiles to support people affected by the earthquake in Syria.

The much needed relief items have already reached those in need.

Thank you @UNHRD and @Irish_Aid for your cooperation! 🤝
RT @WFPLogistics: Over 3 airlifts managed by @UNHRD, 230 mt of shelter items and emergency supplies by @EU_ECHO & @Irish_Aid were delivered to .

@UNMigration, @Concern and @GOAL_Global will distribute to populations in N…


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