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RT @OCHA_Syria: OCHA facilitated a 3-day mission to for Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy, Sweden and EU delegations on 13-15 Nov. They visited -funded projects focused on Education, Health, Protection, Shelter/NFI, & WASH. Thanks to our generous donors for making this work possible!


On 29th November annually, we mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Unfortunately, Palestinians in the West Bank are experiencing the most violent and deadly year since 2005.
Read more: civil-protection-humanitarian-


RT @IrePalestine: On 29th November annually, we celebrate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Palestinians have yet to attain our inalienable rights - our roots run deep and here we will remain until peace and justice are served. Stand with us


المدرسة تجلب 😊 إلى وجوه الأطفال.

بفضل تمويل الاتحاد الأوروبي ، يمكن لأكثر من 12000 تلميذ الوصول بأمان إلى التعليم في الضفة الغربية ، فلسطين.


School brings a 😊 to children’s faces.

Thanks to EU funding, more than 12 000 pupils can safely access education in the West Bank, Palestine 🏫📚


Today, @EU_ECHO, @NetherlandsMoFA and
@BMZ_Bund organised a donors’ roundtable
on mental health and psychosocial support
in the Middle East and North Africa.

We discussed fighting stigmatisation and enhancing
capacity of local partners.

📷by Ramia Mahmmoud Ahmad


يواجه الأطفال النازحون داخليًا في سوريا العديد من المخاطر. فرصهم في الذهاب إلى المدرسة معرضة للخطر.

بالتعاون مع @FCA_global ، قمنا بإعادة تأهيل 43 مدرسة في سوريا لمساعدة الأطفال في الوصول إلى التعليم وتعلم مهارات جديدة.


Internally displaced children in Syria face many risks. Their chances of attending school are compromised.

Together with @FCA_global we rehabilitated 43 schools in Syria to help children access education and learn new skills.


يكثف الاتحاد الأوروبي دعمه لبرنامج @WFP بمبلغ 5.8 مليون يورو للاستجابة للاحتياجات الملحة للاجئين الصحراويين في الجزائر.

تأتي مساهمتنا في وقت حرج وصلت فيه احتياجات التمويل الإنساني في الجزائر إلى أعلى مستوياتها على الإطلاق في عام 2022.


The European Union 🇪🇺 is stepping up its support to @WFP with €5.8 million to respond to the critical needs of Sahrawi refugees in Algeria.

Our contribution comes at a critical time when humanitarian funding needs in Algeria have reached an all-time high in 2022.


Ahed in Zaatari camp has things to say and places to go!
You can probably find her rapping at the EU-funded safe space for girls & women supported by @UNFPAJordan


"لدي أمل ، وأمل كبير ، في أن أحقق ما أريد ، حتى أنني أتمنى أن أكمل شهادتي الجامعية يومًا ما." تقول غفران ، 42.

تعيش في حلب سوريا ، وتتلقى مساعدات غذائية ونقدية شهرية من شراكة الاتحاد الأوروبي و @WFP_Syria .


“I have hope, big hope, that I will achieve what I want, I even have hope that I will continue my university degree one day.” says Ghufran, 42.

Living in Aleppo Syria, she receives monthly food and cash assistance from EU and @WFP_Syria's partnership.


RT @unwomenEU: We are RELENTLESS in our efforts to create a world free from violence against women and girls.

RT if you agree!

via @UNTrustFundEVAW


Earlier this month, @NRC_Norway and @EduCannotWait distributed 2600 student kits starting in Amerli District, Salah Al-Din Governorate in Iraq.

With EU funding, @NRC_MiddleEast will continue distributing more kits across Salah Al-Din.


RT @WFP_MENA: Rising food prices are outpacing humanitarian support for refugees in .

In this critical time, WFP is grateful for the EU's support to help provide the basic food needs for many, including:

🥣 Cereals
🫘 Pulses
🌻 Vegetable oil
🫙 Sugar



جيانا البالغة من العمر 14 عامًا تحضر مدرسة للبنات تقع بالقرب من منزلها في حماة ، سوريا.

بعد معاناتها في بعض المواد الدراسية ، ساعدها والدها في التسجيل في فصول ما بعد المدرسة الممولة من الاتحاد الأوروبي في مدرسة للأولاد عادةً ، مما ألهم فتيات أخريات للانضمام أيضًا.


14-year-old Jiana attends a school for girls located close to her house in Hama, Syria.

After struggling in some subjects, her father helped her register for the EU funded afterschool classes at a school normally for boys, inspiring other girls to join too.


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