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People who still say "so where's the £350 million for the NHS?" disqualify themselves from the conversation.


RT @Adrian_Hilton: "Let me give you my vision. A man's right to work as he will, to spend what he earns, to own property, to have the State as servant and not as master, these are the British inheritance. They are the essence of a free economy. And on that freedom all our other freedoms depend."


Amazing how many angry cybernats have chosen to become agitated about a piece that was not even tangentially about Scotland. They really are an odd bunch.


@iainmartin1 The price cap applies only to domestic customers. So it perversely encourages suppliers to balance their books by charging businesses even more.


When the price of something rises, it's a signal to producers to make more of it and to consumers to use it more frugally.
Fixing the price of energy (or anything else) jams this mechanism.
That's why it's preferable to subsidise the poor directly than to set prices for everyone.


RT @danielmgmoylan: The entirety of anti-Brexit Twitter brilliantly summarised in one Teeet by Lord @DanielJHannan

They can all go home now. He’s done the job for them.


RT @danielmgmoylan: @DavidHenigUK It’s revenge for your support of the Protocol?


How are you enjoying your Brexit? Where's our £350 million? Boris lied! Russian money! Only 26% of he actual population! Disaster capitalism! Empire nostalgia! Still haven't identified a single benefit! Didn't know what they were voting for! You won, get over it! Own your shit!


I'd scrap most of these agencies. But if we're going to keep them, we can hardly complain about the fact that the elected government appoints their heads. The implication here is that they should run Britain without any democratic interference.


I am forever being struck by the way academics (especially those who credential themselves in their bios) rage, in crude and juvenile language, against pieces that they have plainly not troubled to read.
RT @Birdyword: "Do some academics really hate a Tory MP so much that they’ll defend paedophilia? Not quite - but they will end up accidentally defending paedophilia, simply because they’re so politically biased that they can’t be…


It would be nice if all the people saluting Liz Cheney’s courage found a moment to acknowledge @justinamash, who was more than a year ahead of her, and was roundly condemned for his pains by, among others, Liz Cheney. Being too early in politics never pays, alas.


RT @jaynordlinger: This column by @DanielJHannan is a "keeper." Something to save, and re-read. Something to be anthologized, really. It teaches important things (in excellent prose). I will definitely "clip" it, or the modern equivalent.


So many ministers are conquered by their officials. Not @Jacob_Rees_Mogg, who is the success story of the present Parliament. I hope he gets a job which reflects his ability to get things done in Whitehall.


RT @LaveenLadharam: If there is one article you must read today, it's this one


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