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When Theresa May introduced the energy price cap, she made prices the government's responsibility. I argued at the time that it was a mistake. Worth noting, incidentally, that a price cap on domestic use encourages energy suppliers to charge firms even more, so driving up prices.


@MarPerRodr Nah, that one's politically straightforward, too. And overdue, in my view.


Things that are technically straightforward but politically difficult:
✅Cut inflation
✅Cut spending
✅Remove producer-led regulations
✅Build more houses
✅Copy the more successful European healthcare models
✅Raise the retirement age in line with longevity


@timjames16 I was one of the earliest critics. It made no difference. The country was going through an authoritarian spasm and wanted to be told what to do.


Meanwhile, unremarked and unacknowledged, @BrooksNewmark continues to evacuate tens of thousands of Ukrainian women and children from the war zone - most recently, 1015 from Kharkiv.


@ChrisViney88 It has been a very long time since the Times was in any sense in the tribe. Fine paper, though.


@marco_jessman Big Brain Dan was almost alone in making this argument in March 2020. Plenty of people joined in in April and May, but those first couple of weeks were very lonely.


The massive extension of state power during the lockdown - the uniquely generous furlough scheme and other grants that ministers boasted of at the time - are the direct cause of our present problems.


Classic Twitter. "Let me tell you what you're REALLY saying..."
RT @TheChrisWray: @DanielJHannan So you're saying that you solve the cost of living crisis by giving the rich, greedy, profit-hungry companies and people even more profits?

That's been working so well these last decades; it's bound to keep working so well as we allow them to take even more of the piss.


RT @DanielJHannan: Putin is not in the least bit worried about sanctions. Indeed, he is planning a kind of self-sanction, cutting off the EU's gas in the hope of forcing its leaders to push Ukraine into a dishonourable peace. No, the only thing he fears is military defeat.


If today’s high prices are caused by the greed of the corporates, presumably yesterday’s lower prices were caused by their generosity?
RT @Croakanut1: @DanielJHannan Prices are being pushed up by greed, speculation and a lack of regulation. That’s what’s taking money out of the economy and peoples pockets. You are just plain wrong. But you knew that didn’t you!


You don’t solve a cost of living crisis by taking even more money out of the economy and giving it to favoured groups. You solve it by removing the regulations, tariffs and barriers that push prices up in the first place.


RT @DouglasCarswell: It might be fashionable to talk of the US losing manufacturing overseas, rust belts etc.

The truth is that US industrial output today is almost double what it was when Bill Clinton was in the White House.

Like agriculture, higher output is achieved with fewer workers.


RT @DanielJHannan: Putin is not in the least bit worried about sanctions. Indeed, he is planning a kind of self-sanction, cutting off the EU's gas in the hope of forcing its leaders to push Ukraine into a dishonourable peace. No, the only thing he fears is military defeat.


@DavidDeutschOxf Yes. There are perfectly respectable arguments about how much to subsidise farmers. There are no arguments for tariffs, which are far more damaging to the economy overall, and whose revenue does not go to farmers.


@freddie_poser @tomhfh One of the saddest things, post referendum, was watching sensible, liberal-minded people descend to the lowest depths of protectionist stupidity in an attempt to own the Brexiteers.


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