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Shall I tell you the worst thing about this law-breaking? It’s not the flagrant vandalism. It’s not even the idiocy of demanding a citizens’ assembly in the world’s preeminent assembly of elected citizens. It’s that humouring these fools is what gave the energy crisis.


RT @JackNayland: @DanielJHannan It's Irishmonk.

Remember one thread when his BS was quickly dismissed and he openly admitted that he regularly lied about people just because he could.

The man has no shame and is fully aware that some people will believe anything he says if it confirms their biases.


@MrDarcyDog ?s=20&t=GlwdzRpwnNclqKNfYkMXSQ
RT @DanielJHannan: Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang…


Thousands of RTs for this hilarious fantasy. I was walking along footpaths in Suffolk that day. More to the point, can imagine Eurocrats scheduling a meeting in August?
RT @castlvillageman: EUcom translator insight.
" Lord Hannan" demanded a translator in BXL on August 25 -2022 at an ad hoc EU/UK parliamentary meeting.
He was told that the UK has not made provision for an interpreter and EU does not fund 3rd parties .
The meeti…


"Oh, I just ignore politics these days," say half-clever people.
OK, fine. But politics isn't going to ignore you.


Congratulations to everyone who said Tiraspol. The USSR lives on in this little unrecognised sliver of land, rather as the Byzantine Empire lived on in Trebizond after the fall of Constantinople.


RT @axosaja: "We are a more authoritarian electorate than we were in 2019, more demanding of the smack of firm government, greedier for grants."


Look, nil nisi bonum and all that, but let’s not pretend Gorbachev was some kind of liberal. His aim was to preserve Communism through a measure of reform. Fortunately for the world, he miscalculated.


@DCBMEP Neither China nor Russia is among our top ten suppliers, David. And no single country accounts for more than 15 per cent of our steel imports. We have security precisely because we can source from a wide variety of suppliers.


RT @tomhfh: The UK’s biggest airport still only has two runways.

We haven’t built a reservoir for more than thirty years.

We’re shutting down more nuclear power stations than we’re building.

And we’re building far fewer than *half* the number of homes per year than France manages.


Delighted to meet President @sandumaiamd, Moldova's clever and charming president, in Chișinău. Moldova faces a terrifying winter spike in energy costs as well as a security threat. But she is steering her brave little country toward peace and freedom.


RT @cwforward: Does anyone here really believe that the troubles we face today arise because the Government has spent too little? Or because taxes are too low, or because we’ve run too many surpluses?

Of course not.

We need more FREEDOM, not less 🙏

💬 @SteveBakerHW


RT @Igor_Grosu_md: Discussed Moldovan-British relations with Lord Daniel Hannan, as well as the difficult times that and all of are going through. I thanked the British people for their support of our country over the years.


It is happening even earlier than expected. People who supported the lockdown have now backdated the moment that they changed their minds, and are retrospectively furious about policies they demanded at the time.


Who is John Galt?
RT @thetimes: Kwarteng had hoped to fast-track plans to develop six untapped fields in the North Sea, some of which had secured govt approval decades before.

An application from Shell to extract oil from the site received the go-ahead, but is now entangled in a case brought by Greenpeace


At the height of Empire, here was a measure of gentle and humorous self-mockery which few other nations would have managed. Lost on 80 per cent of Twitter, of course, which has defaulted to its usual shouty self-righteousness.
RT @ItsTaz1989: It's interesting to see what children were being taught when Britain was the dominant world power. What were the lessons that made us great?
So, without further ado, here's 𝘈𝘉𝘊 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘳…


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