RT @FrankSchwabe: Wir werden mit Argusaugen darauf achten wie sich die #Menschenrechte nach der #cop27egypt entwickeln. Ein besonderes Augenmerk ist dabei auf den Gesprächspartnern bei deutschen Veranstaltungen. @AuswaertigesAmt #Egypt
Kipppunkte drohen schon ab 1,5 Grad! Gutes Interview mit @Ricarda_Climate. #RaceToZero… https://www.tagesschau.de/wissen/klima/winkelmann-arktis-polar-erderwaermung-101.html
RT @BrunswickGroup: Business as Usual? Neal Wolin: ‘The Russian invasion was a watershed. They understood reputational stakes were very high: No government told them to leave Russia, they realised staying would damage their reputations and decided which side of history to be on.’ #PPF22
RT @MinisterIanBorg: Its always a pleasure to discuss the opportunities & challenges we are facing together during this time. In the margins of the @ParisPeaceForum I had the opportunity to meet Presidents @ignaziocassis 🇨🇭@GeorgeWeahOff 🇱🇷 @VjosaOsmaniPRKS 🇽🇰 & PM @xavierespot 🇦🇩
@MetinHakverdi Der absolut richtige Weg! Könnte der dafür benötigte Stahl einmal prozentual grüner Stahl als stabile Säule eines grünen Marktes und Hochlauf sein? @AnkeRehlinger hat diesen beim @spdde #debattenkonvent aufgerufen. Könnte das die EU unterstützen @IsmailErtug ? @DB_Presse ?
RT @MetinHakverdi: #Bereinigungssitzung
Der Betrieb des @dmz_maritim in Hamburg wird mit 5 Mio € unterstützt. Der Verein setzt sich für die Förderung, Modernisierung der maritimen Branche und klimafreundlicher Schifffahrt ein.
RT @KfW_FZ_int: #COP27 in Egypt brings the world together to take #climateaction.
On behalf of @BMZ_Bund, @KfW_FZ_int in 2021 alone supported projects worldwide with 3.7 bn EUR. These will avoid 7.5 mln t of CO2 p.a.: https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/International-financing/KfW-Development-Bank/Our-topics/SDGs/SDG-13/
RT @KoerberIP: ☀️ Bonjour Paris! We are very excited to be at the opening of the #PPF22 this morning! Join us at 11:30 CET for a debate on "Strengthening Eastern Europe’s resilience" moderated by @MuellerNora w/ @DumoulinME @ediramaal @DritanAbazovic & @AlexanderSoros 🔜
RT @FranceRomania: Rencontre hier soir à l'Elysée entre le président 🇷🇴 Klaus Iohannis et le président 🇫🇷 Emmanuel Macron, en marge du @ParisPeaceForum. La réunion a porté sur les questions à l'ordre du jour européen, euro-atlantique et international. 📸FB/Administrația Prezidențială a României.
RT @ParisPeaceForum: https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1BdGYyLbNvvGX
RT @ArneLietz: @ParisPeaceForum links up to the #COP27 and addresses existing climate networks of Islands, Cities, Science and Thinktanks on different continents. Thank you! #GuiseppeSala #IanBorg @NaokoIshiiTokyo @StewartMPatrick #AzucenaChaidez @MikeBloomberg @Bloomberg @CarnegieEndow #PPF22
@ParisPeaceForum links up to the #COP27 and addresses existing climate networks of Islands, Cities, Science and Thinktanks on different continents. Thank you! #GuiseppeSala #IanBorg @NaokoIshiiTokyo @StewartMPatrick #AzucenaChaidez @MikeBloomberg @Bloomberg @CarnegieEndow #PPF22
RT @otbhh: 🚦-Koalition löst Versprechen ein: Die Investitionen in den Schienenverkehr werden weiter erhöht. Um die chronische Unterfinanzierung der Schiene zu beenden, braucht es allerdings weiterer entschlossener Schritte. #bahn #schienenverkehr
RT @ArneLietz: Import Panel at @ParisPeaceForum #PPF22 on Accelerating feminist diplomacy in numbers as issues like gender equality, food crisis, health questions and environmental threat’s need to be address much stronger. More Women need to be in leadership positions! @unwomenEU @UN_Women
Import Panel at @ParisPeaceForum #PPF22 on Accelerating feminist diplomacy in numbers as issues like gender equality, food crisis, health questions and environmental threat’s need to be address much stronger. More Women need to be in leadership positions! @unwomenEU @UN_Women
RT @JosepBorrellF: We see a big rise in geopolitical tensions.
At the @ParisPeaceForum today, to address how to ride out the multi crisis:
By making clear who is responsible, and by supporting #Ukraine and the developing world to cope with the fallout of the war.
RT @ArneLietz: @JosepBorrellF explained at @ParisPeaceForum #PPF22 on „Riding out the multicrisis“ that the EU showed a major unity by getting independent from Russian gas and standing behind #Ukrainian. On Energy we have to find world solutions for the global south - urgently!
@JosepBorrellF explained at „Riding out the multicrisis“ session of @ParisPeaceForum #PPF22 that the EU has been successful standing together on Energy when Russia became unreliable/ behind the #Ukraine️. Nevertheless the world energy crisis in the south ends world attention!
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Climate / UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele 2030 SDG, former member European Parliament, Senior Policy Advisor at @EcologicBerlin, Director at @Brunswick_de, my own views