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RT @ecrgroup: 🇭🇰 "It's so painful every time we speak about , showing precisely the nature of atrocities against ordinary peace-loving and democracy-loving people."

🗣️ MEP @AnnaFotyga_PE on the arrest of Cardinal Zen and the trustees of the 612 relief fund in .


43 europosłów wystosowało list do Komisji Europejskiej w sprawie przestrzegania jednomyślnych sankcji nałożonych przez UE na Rosję, które obejmować muszą także Obwód Królewiecki.


RT @ecrgroup: “In negotiating the UK Withdrawal Agreement, we didn't the foresee the vicious war so close to our borders and the necessity to focus on security.”

📣 @AnnaFotyga_PE in the .


RT @franakviacorka: Chargé d'affaires of Poland in Belarus Marcin Wojciechowski laid flowers at the place of the grave of the soldiers of the Armia Krajowa (The Home Army) razed by the regime’s bulldozers in Mikulishki near Ashmiany. Lukashenka's regime is a shame for Belarus & the whole of Europe.


Я глыбока перажываю страту «Брэста», камандзіра Беларускага палка ва Украіне. Я выказваю свае глыбокія спачуванні яго сям'і, сябрам і таварышам. Мы ніколі не забудзем вашу ахвяру. За свабоду нашу і вашу свабоду!


RT @ipngovpl_eng: in 1902, Wiktoria Goryńska was born.

This great painter, graphic artist and wood-engraver - her self-portraits testify to how good she was - in WWII worked for the Home Army as messenger and fought in the Warsaw Uprising.

The Germans murdered her in KL Ravensbrück.


RT @StZaryn: In Belarus, parallel to the information war targeting Poland, barbarous actions are being taken against Polish national memorials. These activities are calculated to escalate tensions between PL and BLR.


RT @Bielsat_pl: ‼️Reżim walczy z polskimi grobami 🤬
Portal Głos znad Niemna alarmuje, że na Białorusi zniszczono kolejny polski cmentarz. Kwatera była miejscem spoczynku poległych w 1944 roku żołnierzy III i VI Brygady Armii Krajowej 👇
Szczegóły i zdjęcia:🔗


RT @franakviacorka: Belarusian student and political prisoner Danuta Piarednia was sentenced to 6.5 years in jail. Datuna was a straight-A student but received 6.5 years for the repost on social media. On June 10, Lukashenka's KGB put her on the terrorist list.


RT @PLinNATO: Today Allies signed the Accession Protocols for 🇫🇮 and 🇸🇪

Finland and Sweden’s membership in will make the Alliance larger & stronger and significantly enhance the security in the region.


Serdecznie zapraszamy do przeczytania wywiadu z 🇵🇱przeprowadzonego przez red. Macieja Kożuszka dla @GPCodziennie (Numer 3212 - 01.07.2022) 📄


Today we celebrate the birth of American Independence.

I wish all the best to our American 🇺🇸 friends and allies!

Happy Independence Day America!

RT @PolishEmbassyUS: Wishing our American friends a very happy ! 🥳🇺🇸

From Kościuszko to Pułaski and other great heroes, the Polish people have steadfastly stood by America's side since the Revolutionary War and will continue to sup…


W minioną niedzielę w Katedrze Oliwskiej 🇵🇱 wzięła udział w uroczystości 119. rocznicy urodzin kpt. Józefa Dambka, przywódcy TOW "Gryf Pomorski".
Po Mszy Św. w intencji Kapitana i Partyzantów rozdano pamiątkowe krzyże walczącym o zachowanie krzyża w Gołubiu.


RT @PremierRP: 🇵🇱 Premier @MorawieckiM złożył kwiaty i znicz przy obelisku na Skwerze Weteranów II Wojny Światowej w .


RT @ipngovpl_eng: On the night of 3-4 July 1941, Germans murdered 22 Polish scholars of Lwów universities with many members of their families. The professors, among them Tadeusz Boy Żeleński, Roman Longchamps De Bérier and Tadeusz Ostrowski were brutally shot and buried in the Wulka Hills.


RT @ecrgroup: On this day 25 years ago, 🇭🇰 's sovereignty was handed over to the .

Now, Hongkongers live a nightmare of abuses & severely curtailed freedoms.

Today, we honour those fighting for freedom and democracy. We share their aspiration. We .


ევროკავშირის კანდიდატის სტატუსის მოლაპარაკებების ყველაზე გონივრული გზა ინკლუზიური მთავრობა და ერთიანობაა: როგორც საზოგადოების შიგნით, ისე პოლიტიკური სპექტრის მასშტაბით.
ასეთი შანსი შესაძლოა მხოლოდ ერთხელ გამოჩნდეს.


Także dziś dominował temat Ukrainy, Rosji i NATO, również podczas moich spotkań i rozmów poświęconych Maroku, Białorusi, Bośni i Herzegowinie, Gruzji oraz Arktyce.


RT @ecrgroup: The transatlantic alliance is growing stronger.

In the face of a that refuses to respect the territorial integrity of its neighbours, a strong @NATO is precisely what Europe needs.

🇸🇪 , 🇫🇮 , your coming is much awaited.



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