RT @YesforEU: Our #YesForEU rally is in #Edinburgh next Saturday 22nd @ 1pm! If you're among the 72% of Scots who want to #RejoinEU come and listen to ex-MEP @AlynSmith GMK @believeinscot @sarasheridan @joao_kay @julebandel @gerrymulvenna Aye Notes🎶🏴🇪🇺
RT @ottocrat: This is really the only stat you’ll ever need when someone defends Brexit.
Every word of this 👇 from the excellent
RT @PippaCrerar: MY ANALYSIS: ‘It feels like game over’: Liz Truss struggles for authority as Tories plot her demise https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/oct/15/it-feels-like-game-over-truss-struggles-for-authority-as-tories-plot-her-demise?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
I’m back in Stirling after a load of meetings in Berlin and I was really conscious that our assessment of the UK government might have sounded overly negative. Turns out, not negative enough! Scotland needs independence to rid us of this Westminster chaos.
RT @Dr_PhilippaW: Wide-ranging discussion of UK Friendship Group over lunch with myself, @AlynSmith and @StewartMcDonald on #Ukraine, #Brexit, #NIProtocol #EnergySecurity and #Scotland
Home to Scotland after a great (if tiring!) few days in Berlin with @Dr_PhilippaW and @StewartMcDonald meeting German friends, talking EU, Energy, Defence, Brexit, Northern Ireland and plenty more. Important more than ever now to keep talking 🏴🇪🇺🇩🇪
This is important. I would not stop any organisation from participating in public debate… *but* if they’re not transparent in their funding or who they’re speaking for they should simply be persona non grata, especially on the publicly funded @BBCNews.
RT @LeftFootFwd: Institute of Economic Affairs in car crash interview when asked to explain sources of funding
"Nobody can go on your website and see who funds your organisation”.
Stirling, Scotland’s Hallowe’en capital! @GoForthStirling 🎃 👻 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjnOoL2gTiC/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
RT @GlasgowlovesEu: Scotland continues to collaborate with our European family
Here recognition for #Scottish #innovation at #EURegionsWeek
@AlynSmith @Dr_PhilippaW @davidmartinmep @euromovescot @AndreaTECScot @GrassrootsEU @RichardGCorbett @hilarybennmp
Great to see you, see you soon! 😃
RT @fbrantner: Schottland ist ein wichtiger Partner, gerade in diesen krisenhaften Zeiten. Gemeinsam teilen wir demokratische Werte, setzen uns für eine offene Gesellschaft und konsequenten Klimaschutz ein.
Thanks for visiting, my european friends! 🏴
@Dr_PhilippaW @AlynSmith @StewartMcDonald
Delighted to see my pal, and a good friend of Scotland and the UK @TerryReintke elected as the new Co-President of @GreensEFA Glückwünsche! 👏 😃
My speech at @thesnp Conference on Ukraine. Our party and movement stand four-square behind the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and democracy.
Putin and his allies will answer for their war crimes and for the suffering they've unleashed in this senseless war.
RT @ScotNational: 'It is Scotland, as well as many others across these islands, who will suffer for no other reason than Truss’s ideological agenda, pure and simple' // @AlynSmith
RT @GylesB1: Quote of the Day:
"I've never been particularly aware of my age. It's like being on a bicycle - I just put my foot down and keep going."
- Angela Lansbury
An early start in Berlin for another day’s meetings with our @theSNP Westminster Group Europe and Defence Spokespeople @Dr_PhilippaW & @StewartMcDonald. Lots to do to maintain 🏴 🇩🇪 🇪🇺 links.
RT @BAKS_Bund: Welche Auswirkungen hat die #Zeitenwende auf die #Sicherheitspolitik in Europa? Darüber tauschte sich heute #BAKS Vize-Präsident Dr. Patrick Keller mit den schottischen Parlamentariern @Dr_PhilippaW, @AlynSmith und @StewartMcDonald aus. Thanks for coming!🏴
RT @StewartMcDonald: A pleasure to be at the German Federal Academy for Security Policy with @AlynSmith and @Dr_PhilippaW for discussions on Ukraine and European security.
Thank you to Dr Patrick Keller and his team for hosting us.
RT @Dr_PhilippaW: Great start to our first day in Berlin with excellent meeting with @NvOndarza and colleagues at Think-Tank @SWPBerlin discussing #Brexit, #NIProtocol, Ukraine and aim of #IndyScotland to Rejoin #EU.
@AlynSmith @StewartMcDonald
Everyone’s experience is different, and it’s harder for some than it is for others, but coming out as LGBT+ can be the most liberating moment of a person’s life.
There’s never a right or wrong time to do it, there is only your time. #NationalComingOutDay
@Jabarn @PippaCrerar Indeed not, thanks for the defence! A cursory read of the article disproves the headline totally, an appalling bit of journalism I considered going to the lawyers about but decided not to give the poison more oxygen.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Scottish European. MP for Stirling, the heart of Scotland. @theSNP Europe and EU Accession Spokesperson. Constituents please email: Alyn.Smith.MP@parliament.uk