Now the 2 day jumbo-trialouge on EU:s climate package (ETS/CBAM/SCF) has officially started! 🇪🇺💪 I will give small hints and possible updates here!
Nu har slutförhandlingarna om EU:s klimatpaket dragit igång! Uppdateringar sker löpande…
The liberal @RenewEurope delegation are the only Swedes negotiating in the room 🇸🇪
(the incoming presidency are here for monitoring purposes - and we dearly miss @JytteGuteland who is now replaced by her rock star colleague @MChahim 🌟)
Started this morning by inviting my fellow shadow rapporteurs for prep-breakfast! @MChahim @micha_bloss
Now: first round of statements on ETS1 ambitions by Council and Parliament.
Will be followed by first round of compromises by the Commission.
15:30 the ETS team had a lunch/dinner break while the SCF team do their rounds. We continue 18:00 with shadows meeting and 18:30 next round of trialogues!
As we are still far from a deal - we decided on an early night today to get some sleep ahead of tomorrows final rounds. Therefore I’m now, at 00:47 entering (what I believe is) my last meeting of tonight!
Today A LOT of positions have moved and we have achieved a surprisingly big amount of progress. At some point we even saw the finishing line tonight - but then we realized we still hadn’t discussed the funds 🙃 so… soon it is time for a break!
01:37 I now officially left the building- see you tomorrow!
Shadows meeting in Parliament ahead of next round in the trialogues! Today is the day people!
Meet the @RenewEurope superstar policy advisor @Wilhelm_Bargum 🙌🌟
So, what is at stake??
On ETS1:
- the phase out curve of free allocation (CBAM)
- the overall ambition/emission curve (LRF & rebasing)
- the function of MSR (removing emissions at certain thresholds)
- the inclusion of waste in ETS
- free allocation to industry (benchmarks)
On the funds:
- the size of the innovation fund
- the name (!) and scope of the innovation fund
- should fossil energy be financed in modernization fund (?!)
- the financing of the social climate fund
On ETS2:
- will there be an ETS2?!
- can we introduce a price stability mechanism (PSM - yes, I namned it) to stabilize the price
- an emergency break
- the starting date
- a cost pass through mechanism
Sometimes it is time for ETS negotiations and sometimes it is just time for pancakes with your advisors!
My time is almost up - looks like I’m losing! 😬
A package on Europes future carbon markets is being created…
The political groups in the parliament all have to agree on the content of the deal = many aspects to consider! Right now the deal covers ETS1+ETS2+SCF+CBAM - but still a long way to go, the night is young!
We are closing in…
…back in plenary mode…
01:55 - we have a deal!!
⚠️ ETS - CBAM - SCF ⚠️
We have a deal for Europe’s climate policy in the future decade!!
So incredibly proud of this team!!
The main elements of Europe’s future climate policy:
75 % (!!) of Europe’s emissions will be covered by carbon pricing!
This is a big towards a global price on carbon and a functioning market-based system to reduce all emissions! 🙌⚠️🌟🇪🇺🔥
Sectors included:
Maritime: inclusion 2025: 40%, 2026: 70%, 2027: 100%.
Waste incineration (and other waste treatments): included in MRV 2024, review by 2026 with legislative proposal to include waste by 2028.
Road transports and buildings: Included from 2027 but…
…in order to protect households the following measures are being taken:
- Emergency break (€106/MWh)
- Price Stability Mechanism triggered at the price of 45€/ton
- Social Climate Fund frontloaded from 2026
- The EU Innovation fund is repackaged to include a larger scope for financing upscaling of innovations and new technologies and the size of the fund is increased (but unfortunately not so much we wanted)
- Industry free allocation benchmarks are updated to 0,3 minimum levels
CBAM & export:
The CBAM is phased in with a trajectory 2026-2034, reaching 48,5% at 2030, with a slow start but faster end-curve – this is a middle ground between Parliament and Council, but close to the renew priority of 50% by 2030.
In order to protect industry from carbon leakage three different measures are taken on export rebates for industries.
This all means that we are strengthening targets and ambitions for sectors already covered by the regulation, ensuring support measures for vulnerable households and safeguarding competitiveness in Europe's industries!
You cannot like everything in a compromise, and I want to be honest. Many of these points are much weaker than I wanted, some elements added are 🤬 and many great policies were not added.
However, this is as good as we could have gotten it. The member states simply fought very hard against any ambition increase.
I’m therefore very proud of the overall achievements and the package as such! 🙏
A few personal favorites/victories:
- the update of the LRF within the same bidding period
- the new bigger scope of the innovation fund
- the name of the “price stability mechanism”
- the review to make the MSR progressive
…and last, but not least, my biggest achievement (prepare for bragging!):
Without me is simply would not have happened 🥲 (@peterliese even named me ambassador of waste, in the process 🙏) I’m EXTREMELY proud over this!
Now, I’m going home.
Merry Christmas!
// A tired and proud Emma
(who doesn’t have to spend Christmas night in ASP5G3!)
- Conditionality mechanism on free allocation: industries must fulfill conditions on energy efficiency and establish decarbonization plans in order not to lose 20% of free allocation
- Top-performers in industry are excluded from the cross-sectorial-correction-factor