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The 🇪🇺 will become climate neutral by 2050.

But to get there, we need to set climate targets for 2⃣0⃣4⃣0⃣

What do YOU think the EU's climate ambition should be? 🫵

Answer our survey:!Wn7Fpq


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Today we present a pioneering proposal to help us get to net zero emissions.

The first ever 🇪🇺-wide framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon removals.

To boost innovative natural and industrial carbon removal solutions.

Here's how 👇


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Europe is burning as spread across France, Greece, Portugal and Spain.

Sounds familiar?🤔

That’s because 2021 was the second worst wildfire season on record, with fires mapped in 22 EU countries.

Read more👉!mM8BYy


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Today is 🌍 and we have a big announcement… 📣the @EU_Commission joins the 🎉

The pledge is to become climate neutral by 2030💚 How? By reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more and see how you can take too👉!vXQ88G


RT by @EUClimateAction: Most Europeans see climate change as a serious problem but don't know what they can do to help. 🌍

We travelled to Austria and Germany to see what citizens are doing to help protect the environment. 🌱🐸

w/ @EU_ENV


[2024-05-02 11:30 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: The @EIB is providing a loan of €45 million for an innovative project in Bavaria 🇩🇪.

Canada-based @Eavor will drill deeply into the earth to harvest heat directly from underground rocks.


[2024-05-02 13:09 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: Register for & ceremony!

Reserve your seat and join us to celebrate the & their successful contributions to a greener & sustainable future🐦🌳🌊☀️

🗓️30 May
📍Brussels & online

[2024-05-02 07:52 UTC]

🇧🇪on Saturday 4️⃣ May?
Join us for a fun-packed
at the
Visit our
village to learn about how 🇪🇺 is helping protect the 🌍 and build a more sustainable future for everyone.
Free entry for all.

[2024-05-02 10:00 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: Seaweed is not just beach debris. 🌊🌿

It's also a superfood which offers solutions to various environmental issues, from capturing carbon to reducing overfishing.

🎧Find out more on the podcast:

w/ >@EU_MARE

[2024-05-02 07:30 UTC]

Adapting to climate change is one of our biggest challenges – but there is a lot we can do! 💦🌳🥕
Learn 3️⃣ key strategies for climate resilience from the

[2024-05-01 10:00 UTC]

Climate change is making heatwaves longer and more intense.
This new 🌍 reality is having a big impact on workers in agriculture, construction, manufacturing, tourism and transportation.
, learn how to adapt and stay safe in hot weather.

[2024-05-01 08:00 UTC]

In the
Director-General Kurt Vandenberghe met with Yutaka Matsuzawa, the Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs at the Japanese Ministry of Environment
Both sides 🇪🇺🇯🇵 agreed to work more closely together to achieve climate neutrality🌍

[2024-04-30 15:29 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: Wind energy is crucial to meet EU’s objectives & reach the target 🎯 of at least 42.5% by 2030.

In 2022, accounted for 37.5% of the total generated from renewables in the EU.!NWmrxY

[2024-04-30 13:32 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: The EC 🇪🇺 is awarding nearly €720 million to 7 projects in Europe, selected through the 1st competitive bidding process under the European Bank.

Its funding comes from the revenues of the EU Emissions Trading System.!NtPRYD

[2024-04-30 12:21 UTC]

NEW report on the state of climate adaptation in Africa by
Read about the continent's remarkable progress in building more climate resilience, and the challenges that still persist.
An 🇪🇺 supported report.

[2024-04-29 15:25 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: More episodes predicted for Europe with relatively high surface concentrations for parts of Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany and Greece over the coming days in the CAMS regional ensemble forecast from 29 April.

See our forecast 👉

[2024-04-29 14:29 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: Climate change is hitting urban areas hard.

Cities are denser and more populated, making them more vulnerable to extreme weather events like heatwaves and floods.

A🆕@euenvironment report shows how 🇪🇺 cities are building climate resilience.


[2024-04-29 09:28 UTC]

📷 Snap &amp; share your climate efforts with the
photo competition!
From local green initiatives to sustainability in action, let your photos speak for you, inspire others and have the chance to win prizes!
Share your images 🔗!J7KyH6

[2024-04-29 14:22 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: Great to be at the Climate, Energy and Environment ministers’ meeting in Turin 🇮🇹.

We have a responsibility, the capacity and a
self-interest to be climate leaders.

Looking forward to discussing the concrete implementation of COP28 outcomes and prepare for COP29.

[2024-04-29 08:49 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: We should never take democracy for granted.

Use your vote. Or others will decide for you.

[2024-04-29 09:00 UTC]

RT by @EUClimateAction: European are adapting to for example through and building codes, economic incentives and insurance, and early-warning systems and information campaigns.
Our new report on in Europe ➡️

[2024-04-29 09:12 UTC]

As climate change intensifies, cities and towns across Europe are struggling to deal with the growing consequences.
So, what can urban areas do to ensure that 🇪🇺 territories and residents are protected?🤔
Mayors from 🇪🇸🇮🇹🇵🇹 share ideas⤵️

[2024-04-26 08:08 UTC]

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