💬Zdaj je čas, da okrepimo podporo Ukrajini.
Razpravljali smo o zamrznjenem ruskem premoženju.
@EU_Commission bo predstavila predlog. Osredotočili se bomo na presežne dobičke od premoženja ruske centralne banke. @vonderleyen👇 #StandWithUkraine https://n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/status/1674767559847976960
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Ursula von der Leyen: Now is the time to double-down on our support to Ukraine.
We have discussed the topic of immobilised Russian assets.
The @EU_Commission will come forward with a proposal.
We will focus prudently on the windfall profits from the immobilised assets of the Russian Central Bank. https://t.co/f6BgKKsDEN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1674791662684618754