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Our single market underpins our prosperity & competitiveness.

To improve competitiveness, we need to increase our research spending target, ensure regulation enables business and reduce unnecessary reporting obligations.


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By 2030, we want Europe to be able to produce at least 40% of its clean tech.

The Net-Zero Industry Act will speed up and simplify permitting and funding.

The Critical Raw Materials Act will help secure the critical materials needed for the digital and green transition.


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Consumers are at the heart of our electricity market reform.

The reform we present will reduce the impact of gas on electricity bills.

And bring the benefit of low-cost renewable energy closer to the consumers.


We will increase our bilateral cooperation to address coercion against our companies and economies.

We will work to further align our strategic investment and export controls, including on outbound investment.

This work on economic security will also feed into the @G7 Summit.


We’ll continue to support Ukraine and diminish Russia’s ability to wage war.

We are stepping up enforcement of our sanctions to prevent evasion & circumvention.

We must disrupt the supply routes that continue to feed Russia’s military machine and will sanction those involved.


On , two new major steps:

→ Starting on a critical raw materials agreement

To secure strong supply chains for batteries in 🇪🇺 & ensure access to the 🇺🇸 market

→ Launching a dialogue on Clean Energy Incentives

So our incentives reinforce each other rather than compete


Very good meeting with her Excellency @GGCanada

Values underpin everything 🇪🇺🇨🇦 do together - from supporting Ukraine to protecting the Arctic and our climate.

We build the future with the highest regard for the health of our planet and the well-being of our communities.


We need all our talents to live up to the big challenges of our times.

But gender equality requires day-to-day commitment.

We have a duty to set an example of what a world of fair chances looks like.

Every day, not just on


On I honour the women that are an inspiration to us all.

The women of Ukraine.

Those who, by joining the army, smashed a glass ceiling over the head of the Russian invaders,

And those who have become unbreakable forces for good, like @ZelenskaUA


Le Canada est un partenaire naturel pour les matières premières.
Grâce aux minéraux que vous exploitez et à la façon dont vous les exploitez.
Car nous aussi, nous tenons au respect de l’environnement, des droits des travailleurs et des communautés locales.


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A global tech race has begun.

There is growing competition to attract investment and control the most critical links of vital supply chains.

In this more competitive global environment, Canada and Europe must play on the same team.


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Inspiring visit of @li_cycle, where lithium batteries are recycled.

Recycling will be a key pillar of our Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act.

And our CRM Partnership with Canada will strengthen our strategic value chains and help us reach our climate objectives.


Thank you to each Canadian troop involved in training Ukrainian armed forces.
Europe and Canada will continue our training efforts - so that Ukraine prevails.
I welcome @JustinTrudeau’s announcement of a new UNIFIER combat medic training initiative.


Dear @JustinTrudeau thank you for your strong engagement and that of Canada, for Ukraine.
Together, we will keep supporting Ukraine for as long as needed.
Keep building bridges between our people and our economies.
And keep strengthening our great transatlantic friendship.


Landed in Ottawa 🇨🇦 for a visit I’ve been looking forward to.
Canada is one of our most trusted partners - and a close friend.
We will discuss how to take our excellent cooperation forward:

→ Support to Ukraine
→ Raw materials
→ Energy transition
→ Climate action


In diesen Vorsprung wollen wir klug investieren.

Für ein starkes und wettbewerbsfähiges Europa.

Statement bei der gemeinsamen Presseerklärung mit @Bundeskanzler ⤵️!cGt369


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Guter Austausch und viel Einigkeit mit der Bundesregierung in

Wir stehen weiter fest an der Seite der Ukraine, wir machen Europa unabhängiger von fossilen Brennstoffen.

🇪🇺 ist führend bei sauberen Technologien.


Russia must pay for its crimes.

Proud of the agreement to set up the International Centre for Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression in The Hague.

A key step towards prosecuting the crime of aggression.

We must do everything in our power to bring the perpetrators to justice.


I promised to work with Ukraine on renewable energy sources, important for its energy security.

Now we deliver: a first batch of 5 700 solar panels will be sent to Ukraine soon.

Thank you @KadriSimson for working with industry on this - I am confident more donations will come.


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