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Orędzie o stanie Unii
RT @EU_Commission: Our Union stands strong together.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹.

Long live Europe.


Stanje Unije
RT @EU_Commission: Europe listened to its citizens’ voice during the Conference on the Future of Europe.

We now need to deliver.


État de l’Union
RT @EU_Commission: Today we all see that we must fight for our democracies.
Every single day.

We need to better shield ourselves from malign interference.

This is why we will present a Defence of Democracy package.


Η κατάσταση της Ένωσης
RT @EU_Commission: Unemployment is at a record low, and this is great.
At the same time, job vacancies are at a record high.

We need much more focus in our investment on professional education and upskilling.

We are proposing to make 2023 the European Year of Skills.


Euroopa Liidu olukord
RT @EU_Commission: So far, 100 billion euros have been disbursed to EU countries from – to invest in sustainable jobs and growth.

This means: 700 billion euros still haven’t flown into our economy.

Let’s get the money on the ground.


Lage der Union
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA As forest fires become more frequent and more intense, Europe will need more capacity.

This is why we will double our firefighting capacity over the next year – buying another 10 light amphibious aircrafts and three helicopters to add to the fleet.


Talen om Unionens tilstand
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA Hydrogen can be a game changer for Europe.

We need to move our hydrogen economy from niche to scale.That is why we will create a new European Hydrogen Bank.

It will be able to invest 3 billion euros to help building the future market for hydrogen.


Projev o stavu Unie
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA Russia’s financial sector is on life-support.
Russia’s industry is in tatters.

This is the price for Putin’s trail of death and destruction.


Състояние на Съюза
RT @EU_Commission: Today, courage has a name, and that name is Ukraine.

Courage has a face, the face of Ukrainian men and women who are standing up to Russian aggression.

𝗔 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻.

The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena @ZelenskaUA is here with us!


Estado de la Unión
RT @EU_Commission: Europe is united and determined.

We should be proud of that.

We have brought Europe’s inner strength back to the surface.

🔴 Watch LIVE President @vonderleyen speech in International Sign


Ir vēl kāds sakāmvārds – “Rīta stundai zelts mutē”. Jaunība ir kā rīta stunda – abām zelts mutē. Zelts ir potenciāls. Viss, ko diena – vai dzīve – var nest.
Ko esat iecerējuši šoruden? Pieredzēt ko nebijušu? Iegūt jaunus draugus?


"Per l’Anno europeo dei giovani, una citazione in 🇮🇹 dell’amato Presidente Pertini: “I giovani non hanno bisogno di sermoni, i giovani hanno bisogno di esempi di onestà, di coerenza e di altruismo”.



Planirate li naučiti stani jezik? Mladima je najlakše usvajati nove jezike. Zato započnite s učenjem već danas! Iskoristite vrijeme koje vam je na raspolaganju i uložite u svoju budućnost.



Tharla sé dúinn ar fad gur thug duine níos sine an drochshúil orainn – ar ‘aos óg an lae inniu’. Cuireann an seanfhocal seo i gcuimhne do na glúnta níos sine gurb éifeachtaí an moladh ná an cáineadh.



L’expérience est précieuse, mais face à de nouveaux défis, il arrive que seule la jeunesse ait l’audace nécessaire pour inventer des solutions qui paraissent impossibles.



We all have the potential to achieve our goals and realise our dreams, but getting there is a step by step process. Patience (and perseverence!) will get us there.



Η νεολαία έχει τη δύναμη να καταστρέψει το παλιό και να χτίσει έναν νέο κόσμο. Γι’ αυτό κι ο Καζαντζάκης, στο έργο του «Αδερφοφάδες», την παρομοιάζει με τον σεισμό και τη φωτιά. Πιστεύετε ότι η παρομοίωση αυτή παραμένει επίκαιρη;


Paljud vanasõnad võrdlevad noorust külviajaga – mida noorena õpid, see püsib sul kogu elu meeles, olgu selleks jalgrattasõit või võõrkeeled. Kas sina juba tead, millist keelt järgmisena õppida?


Mit Jugendsprache hat sich schon Goethe beschäftigt, und er scheint ein Fan gewesen zu sein. 😉 Frage an alle Sprachprofis: Welche klingenden Jugendwörter habt ihr schon übersetzt/gedolmetscht❓Aus welchen Sprachen und wie? 🤔


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