Orędzie o stanie Unii #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Our Union stands strong together.
𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹.
Long live Europe.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569960736268361730
Stanje Unije #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Europe listened to its citizens’ voice during the Conference on the Future of Europe.
We now need to deliver.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569958661627445249
État de l’Union #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Today we all see that we must fight for our democracies.
Every single day.
We need to better shield ourselves from malign interference.
This is why we will present a Defence of Democracy package.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569957386131054592
Η κατάσταση της Ένωσης #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Unemployment is at a record low, and this is great.
At the same time, job vacancies are at a record high.
We need much more focus in our investment on professional education and upskilling.
We are proposing to make 2023 the European Year of Skills.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569954524361539585
Euroopa Liidu olukord #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: So far, 100 billion euros have been disbursed to EU countries from #NextGenerationEU – to invest in sustainable jobs and growth.
This means: 700 billion euros still haven’t flown into our economy.
Let’s get the money on the ground.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569953145656164354
Lage der Union #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA As forest fires become more frequent and more intense, Europe will need more capacity.
This is why we will double our firefighting capacity over the next year – buying another 10 light amphibious aircrafts and three helicopters to add to the fleet.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569952348390232065
Talen om Unionens tilstand #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA Hydrogen can be a game changer for Europe.
We need to move our hydrogen economy from niche to scale.That is why we will create a new European Hydrogen Bank.
It will be able to invest 3 billion euros to help building the future market for hydrogen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569951692031934466
Projev o stavu Unie #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: @ZelenskaUA Russia’s financial sector is on life-support.
Russia’s industry is in tatters.
This is the price for Putin’s trail of death and destruction.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569948036150841346
Състояние на Съюза #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Today, courage has a name, and that name is Ukraine.
Courage has a face, the face of Ukrainian men and women who are standing up to Russian aggression.
𝗔 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻.
The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena @ZelenskaUA is here with us!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569947200049893377
Estado de la Unión #SOTEU
RT @EU_Commission: Europe is united and determined.
We should be proud of that.
We have brought Europe’s inner strength back to the surface.
🔴 Watch LIVE President @vonderleyen #SOTEU speech in International Sign https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1dRKZMznAQvxB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569946137997500417
Ir vēl kāds sakāmvārds – “Rīta stundai zelts mutē”. Jaunība ir kā rīta stunda – abām zelts mutē. Zelts ir potenciāls. Viss, ko diena – vai dzīve – var nest.
Ko esat iecerējuši šoruden? Pieredzēt ko nebijušu? Iegūt jaunus draugus?
📅🔗 https://europa.eu/!R4MtYt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569936519137476609
"Per l’Anno europeo dei giovani, una citazione in 🇮🇹 dell’amato Presidente Pertini: “I giovani non hanno bisogno di sermoni, i giovani hanno bisogno di esempi di onestà, di coerenza e di altruismo”.
#xl8 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569574129468321792
Planirate li naučiti stani jezik? Mladima je najlakše usvajati nove jezike. Zato započnite s učenjem već danas! Iskoristite vrijeme koje vam je na raspolaganju i uložite u svoju budućnost.
#xl8 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1569211744668753921
Tharla sé dúinn ar fad gur thug duine níos sine an drochshúil orainn – ar ‘aos óg an lae inniu’. Cuireann an seanfhocal seo i gcuimhne do na glúnta níos sine gurb éifeachtaí an moladh ná an cáineadh.
#xl8 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1568864456737964037
L’expérience est précieuse, mais face à de nouveaux défis, il arrive que seule la jeunesse ait l’audace nécessaire pour inventer des solutions qui paraissent impossibles.
#xl8 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1568486970686570497
We all have the potential to achieve our goals and realise our dreams, but getting there is a step by step process. Patience (and perseverence!) will get us there.
#xl8 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1568124584288993280
Η νεολαία έχει τη δύναμη να καταστρέψει το παλιό και να χτίσει έναν νέο κόσμο. Γι’ αυτό κι ο Καζαντζάκης, στο έργο του «Αδερφοφάδες», την παρομοιάζει με τον σεισμό και τη φωτιά. Πιστεύετε ότι η παρομοίωση αυτή παραμένει επίκαιρη;
📅🔗 https://europa.eu/!R4MtYt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1567762241197604865
Paljud vanasõnad võrdlevad noorust külviajaga – mida noorena õpid, see püsib sul kogu elu meeles, olgu selleks jalgrattasõit või võõrkeeled. Kas sina juba tead, millist keelt järgmisena õppida?
📅🔗 https://europa.eu/!R4MtYt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1567399802530574336
Mit Jugendsprache hat sich schon Goethe beschäftigt, und er scheint ein Fan gewesen zu sein. 😉 Frage an alle Sprachprofis: Welche klingenden Jugendwörter habt ihr schon übersetzt/gedolmetscht❓Aus welchen Sprachen und wie? 🤔
📅🔗 https://europa.eu/!R4MtYt
#xl8 #EDLangs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/translatores/status/1567037414065213441
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