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RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se je ob robu srečala z MZZ Pakistana @BBhuttoZardari. Minister se je zahvalil za pomoč Slovenije ob tragičnih hudournih poplavah v Pakistanu jeseni lani. Veselimo se krepitve dvostranskega sodelovanja s Pakistanom, ključnim akterjem v regiji.



RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon will be speaking at the panel "A New Helsinki" tomorrow at to mark the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act. Topics: current geopolitical situation, war in & the future.

🔴 Follow LIVE tomorrow at 10:15 👉


On the margins of @wef I met w/ MFAs from @Fuad_Hussein1& @AdaljizaM.Discussed ways to ensure effective & tackle common global challenges.We will award a scholarship to a student from for a master’s degree in 2023/2024


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon bo jutri na ob bližajoči se 50. obletnici Helsinške sklepne listine nastopila na panelu z naslovom "Novi Helsinki". Teme: trenutne geopolitične razmere, vojna v Ukrajini 🇺🇦 & prihodnost.

🔴 Spremljajte V ŽIVO jutri ob 10:15 👉


RT @SLOtoUNGeneva: is an excellent opportunity to discuss multilateral affairs, too!

Minister @tfajon 🇸🇮 & Minister @Arnoldo_CR23 🇨🇷 looked at achievements of past year & planned future steps on:
🟢Green Group
🌿right to clean, healthy and sustainable environment
⚖️human rights education.


RT @WBHoekstra: Say cheese! 📸 Good to see you again @tfajon. Last year, the Netherlands and celebrated thirty years of diplomatic relations. Looking forward to strenghtening our cooperation in the time to come.


RT @MZZRS: | Ministrica @tfajon se je v Davosu 🇨🇭 srečala z generalnim direktorjem Evropske vesolje agencije @esa Josefom Aschbacherjem. Pomembna prioriteta @vladaRS je, da 🇸🇮 postane članica agencije. Naša podjetja so na področju vesoljske industrije 🛰️ zelo uspešna.


Pleasure :) welcome to beautiful !
RT @AmbMKimani: Thank you to Slovenia foreign minister H.E. @tfajon and @MZZRS for the invitation to beautiful and snowy Ljubljana to participate in a conference on the protection of critical infrastructure and environment during armed conflicts and in relation to measures


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je v videu nagovoru na konferenci "Pravni izzivi 21. stoletja", ki ga organizira @MZZRS, poudarila: " 🇸🇮 deli prepričanje, da je spoštovanje mednarodnega prava osnovni pogoj za vzdrževanje mednarodnega miru, varnosti in stabilnosti".


Inspiring & honest conversation at the ‘Diplomacy Dialogue on the ’ @wef. Let’s make sure that #2023 is a year of a breakthrough for the . Let’s seize the geopolitical momentum, remind ourselves what’s the enlargement all about and think out-of-the-box.


Svetovni red se je začel spreminjati z začetkom ruske agresije v Ukrajini. V razpravi o novem geopolitičnem obdobju se mnogi strinjamo, da potrebujemo veliko bolj dostojanstveno politiko Zahoda. Potrebujemo veliko bolj ponižno in vključujočo politiko do držav v razvoju.


@BBCNews @bundestag_tweet So honest, so understandable, but such a loss for democratic and progressive forces. Will miss you, dear @jacindaardern. I wish you all the best for your future and thank you for everything you’ve done for improving the state of the world. 🙏


RT @SLOtoUNGeneva: Water among central resource-related discussions at .

At the meeting of Champions for Water Innovation Community Minister @tfajon emphasized:

💦 necessity of transboundary water cooperation,
✨ youth in innovation,
👩‍🎓 need for more women water professionals.


Count on us!
RT @DrTedros: Pleasure was mine in meeting @tfajon, 's Foreign Minister. As we prepare for @WHO at the end of this month, I thanked her for 🇸🇮's leadership and taking on chairing. Together, for .


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je na sodelovala na panelu o pomenu vesoljske industrije. Izpostavila je pomen vesolja kot globalne dobrine in pomemben prispevek slovenskih 🇸🇮 inovativnih podjetij k raziskovanju in razvoju vesolja. Pozvala je k trajnostni & miroljubni rabi vesolja.


Glad to be in attending the 53rd @wef focusing on energy & food crisis and economic outlook. I’m representing 🇸🇮 as a green, social & modern country ready to take its share of responsibility in addressing global challenges.


RT @MZZRS: Jutri bo potekal mednarodni dogodek o pravnih izzivih 21. stoletja, humanitarnih krizah ter zaščiti kritične infrastrukture & okolja. Ministrica @tfajon 🇸🇮 bo prek videa nagovorila več kot 100 udeležencev, zaključni nagovor pa bo imel DS @markostucin.



RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se je ob robu @wef srečala s predsednikom Demokratične republike Kongo 🇨🇩 @FelixUdps & z ministrom za trgovino & industrijo Zambije 🇿🇲 Chipoko Mulenga. 🇸🇮 želi okrepiti prisotnost v afriških državah, predvsem na področju upravljanja z vodami & digitalizacije.


RT @SLOtoUNGeneva: Strong presence of Geneva-based international organizations & UN 🇺🇳agencies at this year’s @wef meeting in Davos.

Minister @tfajon today discusses the interactions between space, telecom and other innovative industries together with @ITUSecGen Doreen Bogdan-Martin. @ITU


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon bo ob robu 53. Svetovnega gospodarskega foruma v Davosu @wef podala kratek intervju za Al Jazeero na temo vojne v Ukrajini 🇺🇦, Rusije in energetske krize.

🔴 Vabljeni k spremljanju V ŽIVO ob 13:45 👇


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