Since it's clear now that many Russians don't want to fight in Putin's dirty war, perhaps we should return to this idea.
RT @radeksikorski: Let us strategically use the EU's soft power, Ursula @vonderleyen. We can offer every defecting Russian soldier €3000 and a 3 year work permit.
The way West Germany welcomed East Germans crossing the Wall. Ready to back you in @europarl_en.
I mean it.
RT @BlagulaBilen: Here's our convoy: Navara financed by @radeksikorski, Pajero financed by @Exen's followers, Exen's pickup, Blågula Bilen TA5 (white/red), TA11(orange), TA12 (white/blue crane truck) and TA13 (painted green).
Swish: 123 607 66 65
BG: 5899-3932
RT @sikorskiradek: Supporting war criminals has consequences, @rogerwaters.
You are not welcome in Poland.
RT @HackingButLegal: This, out of #Ukraine, is 100% one of the most incredible videos I have ever seen.
This Russian POW has the heart of a lion 🦁
#BringBackUkrainianKids - Sign the Petition! via
In Case of Nuclear War West Has Options Putin Will Not Like at All 👇👇 @EPPGroup @grupaepl
RT @EPPGroup: 🔴LIVE NOW: The moment of the year! Follow the State of the Union address by @vonderleyen at the @europarl_en and MEPs discussing our Europe's priorities for the upcoming year. #SOTEU
RT @ClementsCenter: This Saturday: the Polish Club at UT is hosting @radeksikorski for an exciting virtual event, "The Making of a European Union Military." Join us on September 17th at 11:00 am CT! Register at the link below.
RT @TheAtlantic: "The fundamental difference between Ukrainian soldiers, who are fighting for their country’s existence, and Russian soldiers, who are fighting for their salary, has finally begun to matter," @anneapplebaum writes.
RT @AndrzejHalicki: In the European Parliament, beyond political divisions, we urge the governments of all EU countries to adopt a bolder visa policy towards Russians. We propose the 1️⃣st step to be taken. Read the full letter from MEPs to @JosepBorrellF & @JanLipavsky here:
The lesson of history is that we need to defend peace. In order to defend peace, we must confront the aggressor. In order to do that effectively, Germany must get out of its comfort zone.
RT @HenryJFoy: "I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear its inactivity. You have become Europe’s indispensable nation" - @sikorskiradek, November 2011
If it had gone the other way the Roman limes might have settled on the Elbe.
RT @romanhistory1: Today Today 9AD The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest ends after four days with a Germanic alliance defeating Roman forces and putting an end to expansion of the empire east of the Rhine
RT @n_roettgen: 🇩🇪 muss jetzt handeln. Die BuReg hätte der #Ukraine längst mehr schwere Waffen liefern sollen. Aber diese erfolgreiche Gegenoffensive nicht mit allem, was lieferbar ist, zu unterstützen, ist eine unglaubliche & sture Verweigerungspolitik. Frieden gibt es nur, wenn die 🇺🇦 gewinnt.
RT @UkrArmyBlog: Так зустрічають українських воїнів на звільнений землі!🇺🇦
RT @radeksikorski: Looks like the Russian army is making lots of what they call gestures of good will.
Which is to say getting licked real good.
The ultimate politeness would be for them to fuck off from all of Ukraine.
RT @igorsushko: and we regularly exchange POWs, so no one will be cutting anyone, don't worry."
"We didn't even want to come here. We were ordered. Now thinking what to do." "So, as I am saying, if you have the desire, you can surrender and then return back home (to Russia)...
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