
So it finally happened. The access used to update was cut off, all requests get an HTTP 401 response. Some discussion at

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mirrors are catching up on the recent posts, using RSS input for the ever-wonderful .

We're only able to get the 20 most recent posts from , so any account which posted more than that in the past ~2 weeks will have some posts missing. Some posts also get a bit messed up in the data conversion, so please be patient. (Most issues are already reported upstream.)

Please send patches or donations at!

To reduce truncation errors, we caved and increased the character limit for posts to 2000 characters.

Our source is broken again, we'll reconsider the alternatives. (Such as self-hosting or switching to a Nitter source.)

Since 2023-08-10, our mirrors almost always failed.

We're now trying the instance by the excellent @nolog as source. (Trying to avoid excess load.)

Please support them and the Nitter developers if you can:

" is dead", proclaimed the maintainer after yet more changes.

Some instances managed to survive a bit longer but now we're suspending updates of accounts. We'll reassess in a little while.

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