RT by @nvillumsen: — Den indignation, vi har oplevet med Nordic Waste, er et symptom på et generelt problem og på miljølovgivning, der er totalt utilstrækkelig.
Det sagde præsident for Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, @MariaGjerding, i Debatten på DR2
Se hele programmet på http://dr.dk/tv
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DebattenDR2/status/1751500605674439078#m
[2024-01-28 07:01 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Idag mindes vi Holocaust. Det racistiske, industrielle og planlagte massemord på Europas jøder. Millioner af uskyldige skudt, sultet, tævet og arbejdet ihjel eller gasset og brændt.
Et sår som aldrig kan heles og en arv som vi altid må bære videre. Vores løfte er: Aldrig igen.
#AldrigmereFascisme #bekæmpantisemitisme
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/pelledragsted/status/1751238806236229971#m
[2024-01-27 13:40 UTC]
My result is clear: I would surely vote for
if I could in tomorrows presidential election in Finland. And I recommend you to do the same.
We need a strong Finnish voice speaking out in favor of climate, international law and human rights!❤️💚
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1751152182710173973#m
[2024-01-27 07:56 UTC]
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1751177112533258463#m
[2024-01-27 09:35 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: As fighting intensifies around Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, #Gaza, hundreds of patients and health workers have fled. Currently 350 patients and 5000 displaced people remain at the hospital.
The hospital is running out of fuel, food and supplies.
The intense fighting in the vicinity continues. Access to resupply the hospital remains challenging.
We appeal for a an immediate ceasefire, so that we can replenish urgently needed lifesaving supplies.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DrTedros/status/1750994031348199931#m
[2024-01-26 21:28 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: The ICJ found that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza due to:
▶️ More than 26,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed in Israel’s unrelenting bombardment of Gaza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/amnesty/status/1750927710354849919#m
[2024-01-26 17:04 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Det her er den rigtige analyse. Fra Harvard Law. Det vigtige for Danmark her er, at de ligesom andre våbenproducenter har fået en advarsel om, at de kan have været medvirkende til folkedrab og at alle stater har et ansvar for at gribe ind. Det her er serious business @larsloekke
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/PaulaLarrain1/status/1750931137956880554#m
[2024-01-26 17:18 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: I hope @EU_Commission @EUparliament also 'take note' that their leadership had a photo-op alongside @Isaac_Herzog the day after he made a public statement the @CIJ_ICJ have now found to reach the threshold of "incitement to genocide".
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/evegeddie/status/1750932193042460738#m
[2024-01-26 17:22 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: The ICJ has just ruled that the evidence is "sufficient to conclude that at least some" of South Africa's claims of genocide against Israel "are plausible".
They can't adjudicate at this stage on whether it is genocide.
They have concluded there's a plausible risk of genocide.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/OwenJones84/status/1750859500557316422#m
[2024-01-26 12:33 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: The genocide in #Gaza must stop.
@CIJ_ICJ ordered Israel to "take all measures within its power" to prevent and punish acts of genocide in Gaza.
To comply, this means an unconditional, immediate and permanent #CeasefireNOW!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Left_EU/status/1750874221293789333#m
[2024-01-26 13:31 UTC]
Beslutningen fra
om at gå videre med
’s anklage mod Israel for folkemord understreger hvor alvorlig situationen er.
ICJ pålægger
at stoppe den humanitære katastrofe og mulige folkedrab.
DK og EU bør sikre at kravene efterfølges!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750876017961394316#m
[2024-01-26 13:39 UTC]
I dag markerer vi i Europa-Parlamentet den internationale holocaust mindedag.
Vi må aldrig glemme Holocaust!
Vi må aldrig glemme menneskerettigheder og medmenneskelighed!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750468415951675498#m
[2024-01-25 10:39 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Jeg tror godt jeg kan afsløre at den politiker der kæmper mod asbesten - også i vandrør - er @nvillumsen...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/pellechristy/status/1750480259592433974#m
[2024-01-25 11:26 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: May other government officials and diplomats, especially in European and Arab counties, demonstrate the integrity shown by their Dutch counterparts. There couldn't be a more compelling historical moment to do so.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FranceskAlbs/status/1750486610829848786#m
[2024-01-25 11:51 UTC]
Civilian casualties in Libya where keep secret for both the Danish Parliament and the UN.
This is totally inacceptable!
We cannot have a democratic debate on Danish and Western warfare if the consequences of the bombings are kept secret to the public!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750518351980646690#m
[2024-01-25 13:57 UTC]
Jeg kæmpede for - og fik EU-Parlamentets opbakning til at kræve at der skulle sættes ind overfor asbestholdige vandrør.
MEN, EU-landenes regeringer, herunder den danske, ville absolut ikke høre tale om det.
Mere hos
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750519970805727525#m
[2024-01-25 14:04 UTC]
R to @nvillumsen: I Danmark har vi stadigt mere end 1000km vandrør med asbest.
Er der virkeligt nogen der tror, det problem bliver mindre - eller billigere at løse - af at udskyde at gøre noget ved det?
Vi har behov for handling, ikke mere udenomssnak.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750519973255196786#m
[2024-01-25 14:04 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Hvis du hører til dem der altid har drømt om at læse om @nvillumsen og kampen mod #asbest på rumænsk🇷🇴 - så er i dag din heldige dag! 👇
#eudk #arbejde
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/pellechristy/status/1750558095187616157#m
[2024-01-25 16:35 UTC]
Helt uacceptabelt!
Oplysninger om civile tab i forbindelse med bombardementerne i Libyen blev hemmeligholdt for Folketinget og FN.
Det skal undersøges til bunds!
Vi bliver nød til at kunne have en reel demokratisk debat af dansk krigsdeltagelse.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1750446006989144154#m
[2024-01-25 09:10 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Hel enig med Jonas fra vores venner og allierede i Sverige. Jeg er stolt over at samarbejde med dem i valgkampen op til valget til EU-parlamentet.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/PerClausen3/status/1750417183992115222#m
[2024-01-25 07:15 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament representing The Red-Green Alliance @Enhedslisten from Denmark. Vice-chair @Left_EU. Solidarity, Climate Justice and Democracy