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RT @merrionstreet: Following their addresses, both @HMcEntee and @naomi_long are giving their views on how the Irish Government and Northern Ireland Executive can work together to ensure zero tolerance for violence and abuse against women.



RT @merrionstreet: 🗨️Former NI Minister of Justice @naomi_long tells the Dialogue of the need to “move upstream” and adopt a whole-of-society approach to tackling gender-based violence and abuse.


RT @merrionstreet: "Under the Shared Island initiative, I want to strengthen these connections to promote an effective and cohesive response to ending all forms of gender-based violence and abuse on this island."

– @HMcEntee at the Dialogue

Full speech👉


RT @merrionstreet: 🗨️Addressing the Dialogue, Minister @HMcEntee highlights the importance of cross-border cooperation initiatives between Departments and Agencies, service providers and civil society organisations.


RT @merrionstreet: 🎙️Over 100 people, including from victim and survivor support organisations, have gathered together to discuss how to tackle gender-based violence and abuse on the island of Ireland.



RT @merrionstreet: 📍 Minister for Justice @HMcEntee and Alliance Party Leader @naomi_long arrive at the Dialogue on Tackling Gender-Based Violence and Abuse at Eureka House, Kells.


Wonderful broadcaster and beautiful person, inside and out. 😔
RT @bbcradioulster: We’re paying tribute to our much missed colleague, and friend, Kim Lenaghan. Join John Bennett, regular contributors, and friends, as they remember a woman who forged a special relationship with her audience, and themselves.

Listen now on BBC Sounds:


RT @EoinTennyson: A bizarre call from a party that a year ago said triggering Article 16 was “no magic bullet”, that it would “embed the protocol” and “cause further damage”.

Any such move now would be irresponsible and counterproductive in the extreme, risking progress made in talks to date.


RT @PBNINews: Our Substance Misuse Court (SMC) team work with people who have addictions & provide support to help them reduce their substance misuse. One of our Service Users talks about how the SMC programme helped them to change their life.


RT @PatriciaOLynn: My first visit to studios was an eyeopener, looking forward to visiting again to spread our party message & fight for the rights of our entire community across Northern Ireland.

We need to & get back to the business of governance.



RT @Justice_NI: This @VictimSupportNI @NSPCCNI animation was created to help young victims or witnesses of crime, to understand their journey through the justice system:
"Everyone's journey is different...there are people there to help you along the way"


RT @AndrewMuirNI: Making the case for reform and ending ransom politics on @RTENewsAtOne after meeting the Secretary of State earlier today alongside @allianceparty Leader @naomi_long.


RT @allianceparty: The only way to deliver effective government and much-needed, lasting stability for the people of Northern Ireland is to remove the threat of ransom politics by reforming our institutions, says @PatriciaOLynn

Watch below:


RT @EoinTennyson: Alliance is ready to fight an election if it is called. But it will solve nothing.

The public's patience is wearing thin. Our time and energy would be better invested cutting MLA pay and reforming the institutions to end ransom politics - for good.


@AlbertCooke15 I never mentioned joint authority. The myth that I did was peddled by hysterical bloggers, unionist politicians and some media.

What I actually said was transcribed (see below).

It was an answer to what might happen without devolution, not what I want. I want devolution.


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