RT by @milan_brglez: 🚀The #AGEManifesto2024 has been officially launched!
We thank all the valuable contributions from participants, including MEPs who endorsed our Manifesto, showing their commitment in working with AGE towards a society for all ages. 💪
📜Endorse now: http://age-manifesto.eu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1750214798615138777#m
[2024-01-24 17:51 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: "Through policies that foster strong connections between generations, we can create a resilient and prosperous EU community that values the contributions of every individual, at all ages."
🗣️ Milan Brglez | Close words by @milan_brglez @TheProgressives
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1750176792277569655#m
[2024-01-24 15:20 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: 🗣️Opening by the host MEPs:
👉 Milan Brglez | MEP @milan_brglez @TheProgressives
👉 Magdalena Rygalska on behalf of Jarosław Duda | MEP @jaroslawduda @EPPGroup
How can we achieve concrete steps towards comprehensive policies on ageing?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1750144982172758085#m
[2024-01-24 13:14 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: “We need to move towards a care economy that is gender transformative and acknowledges care as a basic human right and pillar of economy”
🗣️Milan Brglez | The EU Care Strategy
@milan_brglez @TheProgressives
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1750160600976503243#m
[2024-01-24 14:16 UTC]
Kot sopredsedujoči
imam danes čast gostiti konferenco o zaščiti otrok v oboroženih spopadih.
govorimo v en glas - narediti moramo več in na vseh ravneh za celostno zaščito otrok med in po oboroženih spopadih.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1749800543822786772#m
[2024-01-23 14:25 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Last year, over 2/3 of the 🌍’s children were living in a conflict-ridden country. And this figure is rising.
This is unacceptable.
I thank @unetchac and @Childmanifesto for organising today's discussion on joining forces to protect these children.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JanezLenarcic/status/1749812286280413327#m
[2024-01-23 15:12 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: On Tuesday 23 we will host a Conference on "The Protection of Children in Armed Conflict" w/the @unetchac
The event will take place in Room 6Q1 in the @europarl_en, Brussels, at 1:30 - 3 pm CET
To attend in person, please register👉🏼 https://forms.gle/JddaMaC3xHZtLhZM6 until Monday 22
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Childmanifesto/status/1748359714327478384#m
[2024-01-19 15:00 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Jutri je @vecer #vSoboto. Spraševal je @BorisJausovec. @milan_brglez / @strankaSD.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/73cesar/status/1748284169111982523#m
[2024-01-19 10:00 UTC]
Sva že dva.
Sicer pa se je žal Evropski parlament na čelu z
danes postavil nad mednarodno pravo. Ni mu dovolj, da pogojuje trajno premirje v Gazi. Tudi sodb in odločb Meddržavnega sodišča ne bo spoštoval.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1747964933700997419#m
[2024-01-18 12:51 UTC]
Eden. Edini in večni. Glas otroštva naših otrok. Hvala, gospod Souček. Za vse. Počivajte v miru.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1747555689700983212#m
[2024-01-17 09:45 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: The number of civilian casualties in #Gaza is unacceptable. The protection of civilians is of utmost importance. Respect for #IHL is imperative and non-negotiable.
This is a message that we consistently pass to 🇮🇱.
And Hamas must release all hostages without preconditions.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JanezLenarcic/status/1747288910655356990#m
[2024-01-16 16:05 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Evropski poslanec🇪🇺 @milan_brglez ob robu #plenarnoEP: “Zagotavljanje dostojnega delovnega mesta in poštenega plačila morajo biti in ostati prioritete Evropskega parlamenta in EU kot celote.”
Spremljajte nas in prisluhnite tudi izjavam drugih poslancev iz 🇸🇮.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_SL/status/1747151194366108046#m
[2024-01-16 06:57 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: 📽️Members of European Parliament — @kimvsparrentak, @msaraswati, @MarcAngel_lu, @Evelyn_Regner, @ilandebasso & @milan_brglez — have a message for @EU_Commission: @EU_Commission: Reform the Public Procurement Directive now! #ProcuringDecentWork
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNI_Europa/status/1746943195773112585#m
[2024-01-15 17:11 UTC]
In today’s
debate, I will call on the
to put an end ❌ to the publicly financed race to the bottom in public procurement.
The EU Public Procurement Directive must be strengthened 💪🏻 to promote decent working conditions and collective bargaining.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1746833938809553358#m
[2024-01-15 09:57 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Da ne bo #nisemVedel
Med podpisniki podpore obtožbi Izraela🇮🇱 pred mednarodnim sodiščem, ki ga je sprožila Južnoafriška Republika🇿🇦, tudi trije slovenski EvroPoslanci:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EdvardKadic/status/1745509062056292482#m
[2024-01-11 18:12 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Delegacija SD, na čelu s #podpredsednikSD @MatjaNemec, ministrom dr. Aleksandrom Ješkom, poslanko SD Bojano Muršič, evroposlancem @milan_brglez ter DS Andrejo Katič, je ob obletnici poslednjega boja Pohorskega bataljona položila venec ob spomeniku pri Treh žebljih na Osankarici.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/strankaSD/status/1743619598568583325#m
[2024-01-06 13:04 UTC]
Se strinjam. To od nas zahtevata tudi naša Ustava in dosledno spoštovanje mednarodnega prava.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1743138732285345874#m
[2024-01-05 05:13 UTC]
Namesto omejevanja, se konflikt širi, padajo vse meje dopustnosti v vojaških spopadih. Velika pričakovanja imam(o), da bo 🇸🇮 v VS 🇺🇳prispevala k prekinitvi ognja, human(itarn)osti, obnovitvi mirovnega procesa ter pregonu zločinov, takoj ko bo to mogoče.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1742212870090179041#m
[2024-01-02 15:54 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Letošnje leto bo tudi leto velikih kadrovskih kupčij v Bruslju. Pri nemškem portalu @Europe_Table, specializiranem za EU, kot možno kandidatko za “evropsko zunanjo ministrico” navajajo vodjo slovenske diplomacije. 🧐
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/PeterZerjavicEU/status/1742111083375088020#m
[2024-01-02 09:10 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: PRESS RELEASE: #SouthAfrica institutes proceedings against #Israel and asks the #ICJ to indicate provisional measures
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/CIJ_ICJ/status/1740785561961398765#m
[2023-12-29 17:23 UTC]
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