Evropski parlament je naredil svoje, da bi še leta 2023 zaščitili pravic vseh delavk in delavcev v 🇪🇺. Enkrat več pa so države članice popustile pod pritiskom lobijev in pustile na cedilu najbolj izkoriščane ter podplačane. Uberizacija 2024 😡‼️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1738170761079050398#m
[2023-12-22 12:12 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: 🔎 Meet the Supporters of #AGEManifesto2024!
🖋️✅ We're proud to have @milan_brglez (Member of the EU Parliament, @TheProgressives), as a supporter of the AGE Manifesto, standing as an ally in shaping a Europe for all ages!
📜 Endorse the Manifesto now: http://age-manifesto.eu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1737382329893695572#m
[2023-12-20 08:00 UTC]
Upam, da bo sprejetje evropskega pakta v zvezi z migracijimi in azilom končno pomenilo urejeni evropski pristop k upravljanju z migracijami ter spodrezalo krila desnemu populizmu, ki se je napajal z vzbujanjem strahu ter sovražnosti do tujcev.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1737384403339247748#m
[2023-12-20 08:08 UTC]
👩🏻🧒🏼👧🏽 have opinions that matter and a right to express them. The obligation of adults and politics is to create opportunities for children to voice their views on what 🇪🇺 should prioritize.🔝 initiative promoting children’s participation👇🏻
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1736818228700057998#m
[2023-12-18 18:38 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Delo, časnik dveh obrazov: na spletu populističen, vulgaren in seksističen (levo), v tisku zadržan, konservativen in približno dostojen (desno). #vonjinbarvadenarja
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BRajgelj/status/1736498896266748284#m
[2023-12-17 21:29 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: @europarl_en voted for a common EU parenthood certificate. Children of same-sex parents deserve to be treated on equal footing w/children of opposite-sex parents. It is against the UNCRC&their best interest to be discriminated against bc of the sexual orientation of their parents
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Childmanifesto/status/1735588709842477242#m
[2023-12-15 09:12 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: A historic day!
Proud of a balanced deal reached during the Spanish Presidency on the new EU platform work legislation!
This compromise will ensure the protection of platform workers, genuinely self-employed and good employers.
We urge EU member states to support it.
Social Europe has to be a reality for everyone!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TheProgressives/status/1734838709747356015#m
[2023-12-13 07:32 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Deal!
We have an agreement that ensures better protection for platform workers of Uber, Deliveroo, Temper & Helpling, both workers and genuinly self-employed
Congrats to @gualminielisa @kimvsprrentak @leilachaibi @RadtkeMdEP & @NicolasSchmitEU for this historic win!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/a_jongerius/status/1734839962011308052#m
[2023-12-13 07:37 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov (ZN) je potrdila resolucijo z zahtevo po takojšnji prekinitvi ognja v Gazi.
🔗 https://n1info.si/novice/svet/zdruzeni-narodi-podprli-zahtevo-po-takojsnji-prekinitvi-ognja-v-gazi/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/n1slovenija/status/1734691479115735337#m
[2023-12-12 21:47 UTC]
Welcome commitments, especially support to the international legal instrument for the protection and promotion of the rights of older persons. 🇸🇮 has a unique opportunity to push together with other 🇪🇺 MS for a 🇺🇳 convention on the rights of older persons.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1734255145712546256#m
[2023-12-11 16:53 UTC]
is translated into more than 500 languages. How much longer will it take to translate it into lives of all children, women, men, older persons, various minorities, regardless of where they come from, where they live, how much they earn or who they love?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1733814665052856797#m
[2023-12-10 11:43 UTC]
Obsojam. V Sloveniji ni in ne sme biti prostora za nestrpnost. Nikoli, nikdar in nikjer.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1733771872754348345#m
[2023-12-10 08:53 UTC]
Se bomo končno zganili ali bomo dovolili, da se ponavljajo in ponovijo zgodbe z Balkana, Afganistana, Sirije in Ukrajine.
, quo vadis?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1733128469935001779#m
[2023-12-08 14:16 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Stanovsko priznanje
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UrosEsih/status/1732794084643783085#m
[2023-12-07 16:07 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Kakšni so dosežki evropskih poslank in poslancev iz 🇸🇮 v iztekajočem mandatu? Kaj jih še čaka v naslednjih 6 mesecih? Kdo se bo potegoval za nov mandat na #EUvolitve2024, ki bodo potekale 9. junija? Vse to in še več jutri z vsemi 8 poslankami in poslanci 👉https://fb.me/e/1AQaBc1cX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_SL/status/1732773372126195851#m
[2023-12-07 14:45 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Slovenian candidate for the International Criminal Court Judge, Beti Hohler was elected today at the Assembly of States Parties in New York! This is the first time that a judge from 🇸🇮 will serve at the @IntlCrimCourt. In times when the Court is more needed than ever.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/markostucin/status/1732182742820081920#m
[2023-12-05 23:38 UTC]
Thank you
for the opportunity to host a very insightful discussion on trauma informed approaches in services for young children 👧🏻 👶🏼 🧒🏻and their caregivers 👩🏻🦰🧔🏻♂️👩🏻⚕️👨🏻🏫, and to highlight the
work and
initiatives in this regard.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1732013931013476842#m
[2023-12-05 12:27 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: Mainstream Child Rights by reinforcing #ECEC services for children' physical and mental health and development; by supporting also families and investments.
Thank you so much MEP @milan_brglez to host our 91th QoC and your warm words for putting CR at top of the EU Agenda.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AllianceForChi1/status/1732014569420173387#m
[2023-12-05 12:30 UTC]
The unbearable lightness of forgetting the warm embraces of the
with the far-right in this
mandate, from migration to environmental and social affairs …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/milan_brglez/status/1729852920265388221#m
[2023-11-29 13:20 UTC]
RT by @milan_brglez: 📣Live at @EU_EESC's conference ⬇️
@EESC_President, @dubravkasuica, Heidrun Mollenkopf, AGE President (@bagso_de), @JorgeCalero1, @AnaMartinezCCOO, @CEOE_ES, @milan_brglez, @MCabraDeLuna, @mjkucharczyk, @AnaGallegoEU,@lubegach,@RelicDanko,@eu2023es
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AGE_PlatformEU/status/1729782763287429536#m
[2023-11-29 08:42 UTC]
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