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RT by @milan_brglez: Amidst the surge of violence &military response, it is essential that children in Gaza are protected and never a target.

Children are always the most vulnerable during conflicts, it is imperative to fully uphold international humanitarian & human rights law.
Read the full call👇🏼


[2023-10-14 18:47 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: As the @UN’s agency responsible for public health, @WHO strongly condemns 's repeated orders for the evacuation of 22 hospitals treating more than 2000 inpatients in northern .


[2023-10-14 19:21 UTC]

RT by @milan_brglez: My urgent plea to the parties to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.
@ICRC is ready with medicine and other relief items. Entry must be granted, and our teams in Gaza must be allowed to work safely and effectively.

The situation is critical.


[2023-10-15 08:44 UTC]

I’m saddened by the news on the passing of my colleague Veronique Trillet Lenoir (@RenewEurope). I and all Europeans will forever cherish her contribution to the achievements in the areas of employment& social affairs, including the European Care Strategy. Qu'elle repose en paix.


RT Val 202
je Sandi Zajc, član PGD Mengeš. V eni od številnih reševalnih akcij, ko je tudi njegovo hišo preplavljala voda so v občini Mengeš uspešno prepeljali in prenesli na varno vseh 22 otrok iz vrtca enote Gobice.
Foto: PGD Mengeš


RT Vlada Republike Slovenije
Poveljnik regijskega štaba Civilne zaščite za Notranjsko Sandi Curk: Hvala za vašo neizmerno moč humanitarnosti in solidarnost. Od danes naprej imamo aplikacijo Poplave2023, ki jo je postavila republiška uprava za zaščito in reševanje.


RT Vlada Republike Slovenije
🚨 Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje je izdala priporočila za postavljanje zasilne protipoplavne zaščite.
Podrobnejše informacije:


<div class="rsshub-quote">
Slovenska vojska: Deček z modrim dežnikom reševalni ekipi v vrečki prinesel nekaj priboljškov. 😍😍😍


RT António Guterres
78 years ago, a nuclear weapon incinerated Hiroshima.
As anyone who has visited knows, the memories never fade.
I stand with the people of Hiroshima and the hibakusha working tirelessly to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again.


RT Vlada Republike Slovenije
OPOZORILO ‼️ Zaradi obilnih padavin se lahko sprožajo tudi zemeljski plazovi.
🆘 Če opazite takšne znake, o tem obvestite Center za obveščanje na telefonsko številko 112 in zapustite nevarno območje.


RT PES 🌹🇪🇺
🇮🇱⚖🌹 Netanyahu’s attempt to limit the power of the Supreme Court over the government is threatening the rule of . We stand by the opposition, protesting the controversial bill. More👉🏻


RT António Guterres
Racism plagues our world.
It is abhorrent.
It is ugly.
We must &amp; condemn it without reservation, hesitation or qualification.


Žal je odšel prehitro, ostajajo pa njegova dela in dosežki. In naša hvaležnost, da je svoje življenje delil z nami. Naj počiva v miru.


RT United Nations
We all have a role to play in stopping the spread of harmful misinformation online, which can result in people being left uninformed, unprotected &amp; vulnerable.
Before you share content online, pause to verify facts by asking basic questions.


RT PES 🌹🇪🇺
Today we remember the peaceful fight of for a fairer, more equal society, with no place for discrimination.
Mandela's historical actions inspired leaders from all corners of the globe and guided us all in the pursuit of a more united world.
His legacy lives on.


Ustavno kategorijo socialne države kot socialistično razumejo samo “nerežimski” mediji in posamezniki.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Božo Predalič: Venček socialističnih fliskul.


Dovolj je bilo tabujev! Če želimo še naprej živeti v socialni državi 🇸🇮 ter narediti tudi 🇪🇺 bolj socialno, moramo začeti govoriti o obdavčevanju najbogatejših ter o pomoči delavcem in srednjemu razredu. O tem je včeraj tekla beseda v @Europarl_SL 👇🏻. @strankaSD @TheProgressives


Spomin na žrtve genocida v Srebrenici in izraz solidarnosti ter sočutja z njihovimi svojci je civilizacijska odgovornost vsakega posameznika.
Vsako zanikanje in relativizacija tega zločina pa je zavržno in v nasprotju s temelji in pridobitvami zahodne civilizacije.


RT Bertrand Bainvel
A very welcome initiative:
Over 100 MEPs from different political groups want the @europarl_en to organise a structure exclusively to defend children’s rights (@POLITICOEurope).
UNICEF fully supports this idea and is ready to act.


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