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Thank you for your support for better conditions for 9 million workers in .
Now we expect @europarl_en to echo that support and provide more staff and more funds to care.
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Milan Brglez: Social dialogue and collective bargaining are crucial for the creation of decent and attractive working conditions in the care sector. Glad to see significant progress on one of the @europarl_en calls regarding common European action on care. @TheProgressives @EPSocialAffairs


Social dialogue and collective bargaining are crucial for the creation of decent and attractive working conditions in the care sector. Glad to see significant progress on one of the @europarl_en calls regarding common European action on care. @TheProgressives @EPSocialAffairs
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EU Social 🇪🇺: 📍 For the first time in a decade, European social dialogue committee for social services will be set up!
✅ bringing together employers and trade union organisations in the sector
✅ covering around 9 million workers in the EU
Learn more ⬇️


RT Child Rights Intergroup European Parliament
Great to see children’s rights on today’s @POLITICOEurope playbook.
It is about time children are prioritized in the EU political agenda &amp; get some credits.
It is essential to fill the democratic gap &amp; direct representation of children in the EU Institutions!


Re @MarcAngel_lu and I thank all the colleagues for their support to our initiative and look forward to reading Commission’s plans.


In our written question to the @EU_Commission, we, members of the @europarl_en Disability Intergroup, insist on equal 🟰 right of ALL persons with disabilities across the EU to vote 🗳️🇪🇺, already in the next European elections. @MyEDF


RT Al Jazeera English
The UN says it is ‘alarmed’ at Israel's largest assault in decades in the occupied West Bank that has killed at least 10 Palestinians in Jenin and one in Ramallah ⤵️


RT Nina Gaspari
Kakšen balzam za ušesa, dušo in srce je prisluhniti @JanaSvenska.
Hvala tudi Kseniji Horvat za odlično vodenje pogovora.
Iz prve roke, govoriti z Jano je nekaj najlepšega, kar doživiš. Toliko uvidov, prepletanj misli, pogledov naprej.
Prosim, glejte. Še bolj pa poslušajte!


RT Child Rights Intergroup European Parliament
An unprecedented call from 71 UN MS for the removal of child sexual abuse material online:
The internet is flooded w/child sexual abuse imagery: there should be no hiding places 4 perpetrators.
bill is the most powerful weapon to fight these heinous crimes
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GhadaFathiWaly: Protecting children from sexual exploitation online is a global priority.
Every image, every video, represents a child whose innocence has been shattered.
Glad to see 71 States call for the removal of child sexual abuse material from the internet.


RT European Ombudsman
We are delighted to grant a special 🏆 to @EU_Justice for going the extra mile when it comes to involving children in producing a new EU strategy on the rights of the child 👏


RT EU Justice
✍️Recognising the importance of young voices in shaping 🇪🇺 policies
Platform will be a way for children to have a say on policies that will affect them both today &amp; in the future.
Explore the platform here


Re V svoji vlogi poročevalca @Europarl_SL sem si prizadeval za oblikovanje zakonodajnega predloga, ki upošteva visoke standarde za nadzor nad onesnaženostjo.


Re V EU ima namreč zgolj 40% rek in jezer ocenjeno dobro kemijsko stanje, medtem ko je 30% podzemnih voda, ki v večji meri predstavljajo vir pitne vode, onesnaženih.


RT S&amp;D Group
60% of 🇪🇺 surface water &amp; 30% of groundwater bodies are polluted, mainly due to industrial &amp; agricultural production.
Today @EP_Environment under S&amp;D's leadership approved an ambitious report to monitor pollution &amp; help clean up our waters, for the environment &amp; people’s health.


RT Philippe Seidel Leroy
Care must be recognised as a right across the EU, stresses @milan_brglez at the launch of @CaritasEuropa report on EU's long-term care systems


RT Child Rights Intergroup European Parliament
Our @milan_brglez @ General Assembly of the Child Participation Forum.
This is a dream come true. This is just the beginning: That’s what child leadership looks like.
It’s time we reverse the demographic gap we have in the EU &amp; give children a seat on the table to shape the EU


RT Amnesty International USA
BREAKING: UN Special Rapporteur's findings reinforce urgent need to close Guantánamo and provide redress for past and present detainees
@Amnesty's Secretary General @AgnesCallamard said:


Hvala za iskrenost, @PoprijanAdrian. Z delitvijo tvoje zgodbe odpiraš prostor za pogovor o vsem, tudi o tej temi, ki ne bi smela biti tabu.
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Nodi📹: “Še pomislim ne na to, da bi od nasvetov služil kot nekdo, ki vešč besed napiše lepo knjigo svojih razmišljanj, naredi lepo spletno stran in se drago prodaja. Ljudje v težavah pa plačujejo za takšne nasvete.”
Nekaj o meni in moji poti tudi od psihiatrijedo pisarne @milan_brglez


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