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Ar Ukrainas premjerministru @Denys_Shmyhal pārrunājām ES un Latvijas turpmāko atbalstu Ukrainai. Latvija turpinās atbalstīt Ukrainas tālāko ceļu uz ES un NATO un ir gatava palīdzēt valsts reformu un atjaunošanas procesā. 🇱🇻🇪🇺🇺🇦


Russia’s recent escalatory steps and high energy prices are the most pressing issues we will discuss at today’s . It is necessary to send united and strong signal to Putin and to work on joint EU solutions in energy.


Thank you for the fruitful meeting @Denys_Shmyhal ! We wil continue to stand with Ukraine. 🇱🇻🇺🇦
RT @Denys_Shmyhal: The courage of Ukrainians in confronting the aggressor inspires the whole world, said 🇱🇻 PM @krisjaniskarins during our meeting. Thanked him for Latvia's firm position regarding our application for NATO membership and consistent assistance to our state in all areas.


Since the first days of war, Ukrainians have shown true warrior spirit defending their homeland. Assured @Denys_Shmyhal that we will stand with Ukraine until the war will be won! 🇱🇻🇺🇦


Talked to @JenniferMerode from @guardian about the energy situation in Europe, our continued support to Ukraine and the current political events in Latvia.


The first meeting of with the main aim to keep Europe united against the imperialistic ambitions of Russia and its brutal war in Ukraine. We have to continue support and .


Šodien Eiropas Savienības valstu un valdību vadītāju sanāksmē Prāgā lemsim par enerģētikas drošību un turpmāko atbalstu Ukrainai. 🇱🇻🇪🇺🇺🇦


Mūsu valsts nākotnei ir svarīgi, lai nākamā valdība ir spēcīga, un spētu ne tikai vest cauri krīzei, bet arī veicinātu straujāku mūsu ekonomisko attīstību. Par Saeimas vēlēšanu rezultātiem un koalīcijas veidošanas procesu šorīt saruna @RitaPanorama .


Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum an @Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und die Menschen in Deutschland. Die Demokratie und Freiheit sind von einem unschätzbaren Wert. Auch in Europa werden wir weiter , um dafür einzustehen!


@IngridaSimonyte Thank you @IngridaSimonyte , your support is highly appreciated! 🇱🇻 🇱🇹


@JustinTrudeau Thank you @justintrudeau for the kind words and support! Latvia and Canada are like-minded partners, our nations value the close cooperation and friendship between us. 🇱🇻🇨🇦


@GitanasNauseda Thank you @GitanasNauseda for the warm congratulation and for the true words - brotherly cooperation on all maters of strategic importance! Look forward to continue our close cooperation! 🇱🇻🇱🇹


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