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RT by @kajakallas: Morning run in Switzerland with friends and colleagues @BuschEbba @jonasgahrstore @kajakallas @alexanderdecroo

[2024-06-16 06:26 UTC]

Good discussion with the UK Prime Minister
G7 decision to use frozen Russian assets for a loan to Ukraine is an important step.
Thanked the UK, our NATO framework nation, for ensuring security in our region.

[2024-06-16 09:57 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Witnessing the continuation of Russia’s colonialist landgrab policy today in Ukraine is a heartbreaking reminder of how history can repeat itself.

My call to you all: let us finally learn from our past mistakes. 7/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: I grew up during the final years of Russia's occupation. My mother, deported to Siberia as a baby, suffered war crimes Russia inflicted upon far too many.

In theory, it was called peace, but it was peace on Russian terms – meaning mass atrocities, repressions, colonisation. 6/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Many countries have suffered under colonial wars.

Russia isn't typically thought of as a colonial power. But it was and still is.

Estonia, my own country, went through Russia’s colonisation and occupation for almost half a century, up until 1991. 5/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: History has proved that giving up territory for peace has too often led and will lead to further aggressions.

We must learn from our mistakes, or face a colossal human cost globally. 4/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has lasted for ten years. For the bigger part of it, the world ignored it.

Some hoped back then and are hoping right now that territorial concessions to the aggressor would bring peace. But it will not. 3/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: That is why I’m concerned about so-called peace plans and initiatives that ignore the core UN Charter principles.

We cannot treat Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty as somewhat secondary.

Without these core principles we cannot achieve a just and lasting peace. 2/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

My message at
opening plenary:
Sovereignty, territorial integrity and discrediting aggression as a tool of statecraft are crucial principles that must be upheld in case of Ukraine and globally.
These principles are essential for just and lasting peace. 1/

[2024-06-15 19:41 UTC]

I’m attending
to express support to Ukraine,
, and his peace plan.
The way to peace is supporting Ukraine until victory.
Just and lasting peace is possible when Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty are restored.

[2024-06-15 15:38 UTC]

On 14 June 1941, 10 205 Estonians, including infants and elders, were deported to Siberia by the Soviet regime.
Most of them died, only a few managed to return. But we remember them all.
Today, Russia uses deportations as a weapon against Ukraine.

[2024-06-14 08:14 UTC]

Stressed in
panel on Ukraine’s future in the EU that
has proved its ability to carry out reforms even during the war.
Estonia’s experience shows that enlargement will benefit both new and old members.
An enlarged Union will add to our security and welfare.

[2024-06-11 20:47 UTC]

R to @kajakallas: Ultimately, Russia has to pay for the damages it has caused.

Estonia’s Parliament recently passed a law allowing the use of Russia’s frozen assets for Ukraine.

Hope it also sets an example for others.

Read the national statement of Estonia in full: 2/

[2024-06-11 16:26 UTC]

My message at
: we must continue to set Ukraine’s victory as the goal.
Our aid must be long-term and large enough to help Ukraine defeat the aggressor and keep its economy running.
Recovery is possible already now. 1/

[2024-06-11 16:26 UTC]

A pleasure to meet with
Glad to see that Montenegro has been making great progress on its EU integration path.
I am looking forward to further intensifying our bilateral cooperation as allies in NATO and future partners in the EU.

[2024-06-11 14:46 UTC]

Discussed important summits ahead with
Our decisive action must help set Ukraine on the winning trajectory.
We must keep raising the cost of aggression for Russia. To compensate for damages in Ukraine, finding a way to use Russian frozen assets is crucial.

[2024-06-11 13:58 UTC]

Always good to exchange thoughts with
We must connect the dots behind Russia’s hybrid activities against our societies and ensure consequences follow.
Also discussed what more we can do to support Ukraine on its way to NATO.

[2024-06-11 13:35 UTC]

I am in Berlin today to take part in the Ukraine Recovery Conference.
Reconstruction is possible even before the war is over. It is the most practical expression of our belief in Ukraine’s victory.
Stay tuned for

[2024-06-11 06:30 UTC]

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