Great meeting with UK Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly.
We are cooperating closely to make forward defence on #NATO's eastern flank a reality.
The best deterrence against Russia is ending its cycle of aggression. This means full accountability and ending grey zones in Europe.
@muriliis Vana olevat siis, kui hakkad külalistele toitu kaasa panema, sest noorte pidudel pole kunagi nii palju süüa, et üle jääb.
My message at #egov2023: e-governance isn't just a question of building technology, it's a question of building democracy.
People live their lives online, the state must be where the people are. The future is about personalized and seamless services.
The crime of aggression is a leadership crime. There can be no immunity for it.
Read the thread and advocate for accountability.
RT @edwardlucas: More than 2 million people have signed the @Justice4Ukr petition calling for a Special international Tribunal to prosecute Russia’s crime of aggression. I encourage you all to add your name and share it with #SpecialTribunalNow.
A 🧵 on why this matters.
Congratulations to President @RTErdogan on his re-election.
Türkiye is an important Ally, and I look forward to close cooperation to ensure European security as well as to advance bilateral relations.
RT @vseviov: Defense and deterrence personified.
No matter how wise your strategy or grand your decision - it is meaningless without the hard work of “people on the ground”.
Extremely proud of our Allied men and women in uniform.
You make our strategy work.
#StrongerTogether @NATO
Attended Estonia's largest tech and startup conference @Latitude59.
We have a very open, resilient, flexible and dynamic business environment with a strong startup culture.
So, I’m encouraging startups and tech companies to come to Estonia and discover what we have to offer.
RT @Bundeskanzler: Als Verbündete in EU und NATO haben wir entschlossen auf die russische Aggression gegen die #Ukraine reagiert. Beim Treffen mit @kajakallas, @IngridaSimonyte und @krisjaniskarins waren wir uns einig: Wir lassen uns nicht spalten. Und wir helfen der Ukraine, so lange es nötig ist.
Read my full remarks at the press conference from here:
We also must find ways to boost the European defence industry.
Yet in real terms, the defence spending of European allies decreased by 11.6 % in 2022, compared to 2021.
Defence spending above 2% and increased defence investments must become a common reality for the allies. 5/
Russia’s threat at NATO’s doorstep is real and long-term. We need a Europe that is able to defend itself militarily.
Looking ahead to the Vilnius Summit, we need first and foremost NATO’s new regional defence in place. And we need to have them backed up by necessary forces. 4/
We must end Russia’s cycle of aggression.
For that, we need to dry up Russia’s war machine and support Ukraine until victory. For lasting peace in Europe, we need accountability, we need to end grey zones in European security, and we need Ukraine in the EU and NATO. 3/
The faster Putin understands he will not reach his objectives, the sooner this war ends.
Our strength is our unity.
Breaking this unity is the Kremlin’s strategy to win. We will prove them wrong. We cannot agree with Putin’s „Landraub“. 2/
At the meeting with @Bundeskanzler, @krisjaniskarins and @IngridaSimonyte, I said the year behind us has been an intense one.
Many landmark decisions have been made.
Ukraine has proved to the world it can win this war, with the transatlantic family strongly next to it. 1/
Welcome to Tallinn, @Bundeskanzler.
Thank you for #Germany's commitment to #Estonia and our region, and for being a strong supporter of #Ukraine.
Our goal must be Ukraine's victory – victory that means Russia returning to Russia and an end to the cycle of Russian aggression.
Glad to welcome you in Tallinn, @SenBooker.
The U.S. has shown great leadership in supporting #Ukraine.
Russia’s aim is rewrite the international rules-based order, to one where might makes right. This is why our support to Ukraine is essential in the long haul.
RT @madis_muller: Ühtlasi tähendab see, et reaalpalk kui keskmise ostujõu näitaja kasvas I kv 2,5% ning alates 2022 III kv on Eesti inimeste ostujõud paranenud juba 5% võrra. Keskmine palgakasv on viimasel ajal selgesti kiirem kui hinnatõus. #ERR
It was fun for a chnge.
RT @sapitonmix: Prime Minister (@kajakallas) cracking jokes in the Late Night Startup Show at the "Founder Stage" of the startup conference is such an Estonian thing
RT @KustiSalm: In 2014 at the @NATO Wales Summit Allied leaders committed to 2% defence expenditure within a decade.
2% club in 2014: 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇪🇪🇬🇷
2% club in 2022: 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇪🇪🇬🇷🇵🇱🇱🇹🇱🇻
In 8 years European combined expenditure has moved from 1,5% to 1,68%. Need to do better. #StrongerTogether
RT @vseviov: Thank you, @Michelin, for recognizing what we in 🇪🇪 have known for quite some time: the food scene in #Estonia is nothing short of amazing.
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