Re @akrupa41 @PolandFarmer U nas na wsi ziarno przerabiało się na mięso i na mleko, trochę też na jajka. Samego ziarna zazwyczaj nie opłacało się sprzedawać, za mała wartość dodana. I nie trzeba było do tego wielkiego konsorcjum, wystarczyła obora i kurnik.
An honour to meet with H.E. @TokayevKZ
The EU appreciates Kazakhstan’s contribution to the transit of grains and food to vulnerable regions.
We wish to strengthen our cooperation in this and other areas, and to build further partnerships in the region.
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forward to st…
…also with @euronews and @EFEnoticias
Speaking with Jibek Joly TV and radio complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the challenges facing global food security.
As major food producers and exporters, both the EU and Kazakhstan are key players, and we can strengthen our cooperation.
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forw…
Latest agri-food trade report shows rebound of EU exports in February 2023👇!DNQVP3
The challenges facing our food systems are complex: some need to be tackled in days, others can only be addressed over decades.
But by sharing our perspectives on these challenges, as we do today, we can build a clearer vision of the solutions we need.
#AIF2023 #FoodSecurity
A pleasure to contribute to the panel “When Chains Break: The Impact of Global Supply Chain Disruption on Food Security” at @AstanaIntlForum
The EU intends to lead the path to sustainable food security; but it is a path we cannot take alone.
#AIF2023 #FoodSecurity
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forwar…
A constructive meeting with H.E. Mr. Yerbol Karashukeyev, Minister for Agriculture of Kazakhstan.
In the current geo-political context, EU and Kazakhstan share a joint responsibility to ensure food security, avoid restrictive trade measures, and advance sustainability.
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I lo…
Instead of an unnecessary #RegulatoryBurden that pushes farmers out of business, we propose several measures to protect our #FoodSecurity and the future of farming.
Let farmers farm, says MEP Marlene Mortler.
A busy afternoon ahead at the @AstanaIntlForum, following this morning’s opening ceremony.
I look forward to taking an active part in both the Plenary Session and Working Lunch, hosted by H.E. @TokayevKZ
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forward to strengthening EU-Kazakhstan cooperation for food sec…
A pleasure to meet with Mr Mirek Dusek of @wef on the margins of @AstanaIntlForum
The EU and the World Economic Forum can work together to drive new practices, technologies and innovations, enabling our farmers to support people and planet.
RT @jwojc: Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forward to strengthening …
RT @KazBrussels: 🇰🇿🇪🇺We look forward to welcoming in #Astana H.E.Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski @jwojc among the main speakers of @AstanaIntlForum discussing food security and #Kazakhstan-#EU cooperation. He briefly comments on his visit to the correspondent of #24kz📹
RT @PacynaAdrian: Gdzie rośnie pszenica na Ukrainie? Głównie w terenach objętych walkami podczas agresji.
@infograin_m @jwojc @PiotrPodkarpac1 @LukaszP85
EU food producers! Do you want to expand your business in India?
Apply to accompany Commissioner @jwojc at the @sialindia fair on 6-12 December 2023 ⬇️ #EUAgriPromo @EU_in_India
I will also take part in the panel “When Chains Break: The Impact of Global Supply Chain Disruption on Food Security”
Register your interest here:
#AIF2023 #FoodSecurity
Tomorrow I begin my two day visit to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.
As well as taking part in @AstanaIntlForum, I shall meet H.E. @TokayevKZ, Minister Karashukeev, and @wef.
Overall, I look forward to strengthening EU-Kazakhstan cooperation for food security and sustainability.
RT @AstanaIntlForum: The #AIF2023 is almost here!
We are excited to welcome national, regional, and international guests in #Astana.
Check out what has been happening behind the scenes. …
#EUOrganic Awards - Best Retailer: La Ferme à l'Arbre de Liège👇
RT @jacekzarzecki: Do zakończenia naboru wniosków o dopłaty bezpośrednie zostało już niewiele czasu. W poniedziałek 12 czerwca będę odpowiadał na pytania związane z dobrostanem bydła w czasie webinarium organizowanego przez @topagrar_PL. Masz pytania? Zarejestruj się.
RT @MRiRW_GOV_PL: 💬 Minister @RobertTelus w #Dorohusk: Mamy także zgodę #KE na przedłużenie do końca roku pomocy dla gospodarstw zajmujących się trzodą chlewną na obszarach zapowietrzonych. Jest to pomoc do 6️⃣ tys. zł miesięcznie do 200 sztuk.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Commissioner in charge of @EUAgri