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RT @GreensEFA: must deliver! Polluting countries must pay for the in other countries.

And the EU must raise its climate targets to respect the and stay under 1,5°C of global heating.

Take action to help achieve this👉


Congratulations to the European Armenian Federation For Justice and Democracy @eafjd for its 20th anniversary. Two decades advocating from Brussels for the rights of the Armenian and Artsakh people. Very glad to have joined today your celebration!


🗣“És hora que la UE acordi una estratègia clara i unificada cap a la Xina, que ens permeti reforçar la nostra autonomia estratègica i alhora ser coherents amb els nostres valors fonamentals.” ho he dit avui al ple del PE👇


Today at the opening ceremony of the Taiwan Orchids exhibition. A symbol of Taiwan's vitality, as well as of the friendship between Taiwan and the EU 🌸🤝 @TaiwanEU


RT @EUROLANG: Molts gracies to @jordisolef, all the ELE panellists, @lk_june, @EP_ScienceTech, for the opportunity to discuss the importance of digital development for our languages. Vital that we have a long term programme for Digital Language Equality (DLE). @tarfandy .


RT @GreensEFA: Our @AlexandraGeese was elected Vice-President of our Group 👏Congratulations!👏

Alexandra is an expert on digital issues and negotiated the Digital Services Act . As a Member of @EU_Budget, she fights for gender-equitable economic activity!

All the best in the new role💚


At the event on digital language equality in the EU organized by @EP_ScienceTech.

👏🏼Thank you to all the speakers for the necessary debate on the research and development of language technologies in the context of linguistic (in)equality in the Union.


A l'acte sobre igualtat lingüística digital a la UE organitzat per @EP_ScienceTech.

👏🏼Molts gràcies a tots els ponents pel necessari debat sobre la recerca i el desenvolupament de les tecnologies del llenguatge en el context de (des)igualtat lingüística a la Unió.


RT @EFAparty: ⚠️ Time to BeReal. ⚠️

exposes years of a failure to deliver. It's time to take the more seriously. We welcome the compensation fund for , but we need much more to keep the global 1.5ºC commitment.


RT @yuribcn: MEP @jordi_canyas says @SophieintVeld's report "seems to have been drafted by @Esquerra_ERC, the Catalan independentists", and that "If we look at the watermark maybe we'll see it's by @DianaRibaGiner."

Perhaps @RenewEurope whip @MalikAzmani should have a word with him!


Ahir i avui hem tingut l’honor de rebre al Parlament Europeu la visita de l’amic i company de files @raulromeva , qui fou un gran eurodiputat del grup @GreensEFA, on encara avui la gent de més trajectòria en conserva un gran record


RT @EFAparty: Today we are attending the @EP_ScienceTech workshop on digital language equality hosted by EFA MEP @jordisolef
Analysing technology support for Irish, Bulgarian, and Basque and working on recommendations towards full digital language equality in the EU by 2030.


RT @JoanRaventos: “L’abús del programari espia a la UE és una greu amenaça a la democràcia”

@SophieintVeld presenta a l’@europarl_en el primer informe del cas .

Demana a la UE que no miri a una altra banda i més informació dels països com Espanya, a qui fa responsable del .


RT @EUROLANG: Strong statement calling on EU to act to support endangered languages and lesser used languages in digital age from @jordisolef at the @EP_ScienceTech workshop. @tarfandy @pgelin71


RT @28aOriol: @jordisolef @Esquerra_ERC @DianaRibaGiner @MeritxellSerret @SophieintVeld "Per el és positiu veure
en aquest esborrany de l'informe del cas Pegasus
que no és una qüestió tancada
per les institucions europees"

Meritxell Serret
Consellera d'Acció Exterior i Unió Europea


RT @JaneDunne5: Riveting panel discussion at in involving a range of language technology researchers and academics, MEPs and European Commission representatives on how Digital Language Equality can ultimately benefit European citizens


RT @EP_ScienceTech: MEP @jordisolef closes today's on digital language :

"The digital gap between English & other languages is ⬆️. We have research results & we know what is needed. It's now up to us, politicians, to push for coordinated EU action"



RT @EP_ScienceTech: What is the EU doing to protect languages digitally?

Today's features EU-funded @EuroLangTech: A consortium of 52 partners developed a to achieve full digital equality in Europe by 2030

👉Interview w/ project coordinator @tarfandy:


RT @EP_ScienceTech: MEP @jordisolef opens today's on digital equality of

"Each language is a treasure, we cannot afford one of them. Now we are facing significant challenges: digital tools can impact the linguistic diversity of the EU"

🔴Watch live:


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