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RT by @john4brexit: What a farce!
Government giving even bigger handouts to wind farm operators to “lower the price of electricity”.
Basically using taxpayers’ cash to bribe an industry to pursue the unachievable and the unaffordable.
Stop this madness.


[2023-11-16 11:37 UTC]

The Tories' calamitous failure to control our borders has driven them to the verge of oblivion
Sunak’s Rwanda fightback will fail unless he explicitly rejects anachronistic international conventions


[2023-11-16 10:03 UTC]

DANIEL HANNAN: If they weren't having a prolonged tantrum, the Euro-nostalgics would have to admit the Florida trade deal is more proof that Brexit IS working | Daily Mail Online


[2023-11-16 10:08 UTC]

Sovereign countries can unmake treatise and Pass laws to override foreign interference.


[2023-11-15 19:16 UTC]

Only a bonfire of human rights law can save the Tories from extinction
Sunak’s Rwanda fightback will fail unless he explicitly rejects anachronistic international conventions


[2023-11-15 20:31 UTC]

RT by @john4brexit: Today’s Supreme Court judgment is no surprise. It was predicted by a number of people close to the process. Given the current state of the law, there is no reason to criticise the judges. Instead, the government must introduce emergency legislation. 1/3


[2023-11-15 16:05 UTC]

The country seems to have been taken over by a government alien to the people. As the establishment is in the same boat, the opposition seems to share this disposition. This must have been how it was for the Anglo Saxons when the Norsemen of Normandy took control, perhaps. What is to be done?


[2023-11-15 16:50 UTC]

Rwanda ruling: Sunak threatens to change law after Supreme Court defeat — watch live- It seems the PM is full of words. Hollow promises and no action. Actions speak louder than words. Btw Mr Starmer, what action would you take?


[2023-11-15 16:55 UTC]

RT by @john4brexit: 'The UK-Florida trade pact is designed to make it easier, quicker and cheaper for each other’s firms to do business, focusing on space, financial technology, artificial intelligence and legal services.

Trade between the UK and Florida is worth more than £5 billion a year, but could expand under the new memorandum.

It is the seventh such deal between Britain and US states. The UK remains in negotiations with several other states including Texas, New York, California, Colorado and Illinois.

Mrs Badenoch was making progress in talks with the US federal government on a broader trade agreement.'


[2023-11-15 10:06 UTC]

Rishi Sunak should take cabinet reshuffle one step further
DANIEL I see you are getting your excuses and justifications for electoral disaster in first. It will lie at the door of the vested interest Social Liberals of the Conservative mulch in the middle


[2023-11-14 19:28 UTC]

RT by @john4brexit: For 13 years the SNP has insisted that Scotland had 25% of Europe’s wind power potential, even when it was clear the claim was dodgy. It was even included in the Scottish Government’s white paper giving the case for separation in the 2014 referendum.
Now a freedom of information request by think tank These Islands has revealed that the official figure is 7%. But rather than openly correct a long-standing false claim Scot Gov ministers tried to hush it up — and make no announcement.


[2023-11-14 09:08 UTC]

Six questions David Cameron can now answer- Britain had voted for Brexit and we were about to discover a scandal: he had instructed the civil service not to do any preparatory work in the event of a Yes vote.


[2023-11-13 22:52 UTC]

David Cameron’s decency is an asset to ailing Tories- Hague, you are such a disappointing toady. What decency? I only experienced arrogance and rudeness.


[2023-11-13 23:24 UTC]

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