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Greenpeace activists carry out protest at Rishi Sunak's Yorkshire home
This has to be the subject of a security inquiry. The participants should be prosecuted.


And impoverish people. The Net Zero policy madness is unravelling
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Lefty Wright: @_678_JIM_ @billgdavies @john4brexit Well with Montreal it worked.
A Chinese company was prosecuted for secretly manufacturing CFCs by the Chinese.
Montreal worked because it was legally binding and necessary.
Paris will work because it's legally binding and necessary.
We can only control our part ie the UKs


RT James Clark 📈📉¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Re @MikeDLondon @john4brexit The chart does. China is building wind and solar, no doubt, but they're also building coal plants at a faster and faster rate:


BP invested 11 times more money into oil and gas than renewables, analysis shows - inews- THANK GOODNESS FOR BP


For this to have a positive effect it will be vital that new British standards are not blocked by foreign multi nationals for existing products &amp; components &amp; for future. Innovators must be encouraged. Recognition of competing products from overseas must be encouraged. Better,…
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Kevin Hollinrake MP: Contrary to some reports, British firms can continue to use the CE marking *alongside* the UKCA mark.
Extension will provide businesses with flexibility and choice to use either the UKCA or CE approach to sell products in Great Britain.
Read more here:


RT Margaret Thatcher
We Conservatives want power more widely diffused through private ownership, so that you never get more power in the hands of the Government than you get in the hands of the people.


A highly political speech
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Lance Forman: Oh dear.
So much for not getting involved in politics.
Charles will put patriotic Brits off the Monarchy big time with this ⬇️ message.


RT Julian Jessop
Interesting YouGov polling on 's announcement of more North Sea licences... especially the reversal from May (🖕 🙂)


First two phases of HS2 are unachievable, says watchdog- HS2 should have been cancelled long ago as was said by the Independent Business Network. It is not too late. Sell the land &amp; recoup something.


RT Catherine McBride
Sunak’s new oil and gas licences face a fight against the odds:
If banks won’t lend to oil and gas companies due to GFANZ membership,
and funds won’t invest in them due to NZAMI membership,
and insurance companies won’t underwrite them due to NZIA pledges
and the government…


Taki says: about diversity, equity and inclusion, “a great con perpetrated by those who want a bigger slice of the cake but are unwilling to work for it”


Starmer is about to be humiliated by the global retreat from net zero
Tories aren’t just playing politics. The geopolitical ground is shifting beneath the eco fanatics’ feet


RT Lance Forman
Re @RishiSunak Net Zero has weaponised energy and made it more expensive. The Americans got round this by fracking. We should do the same.


RT Professor Karol Sikora
Children's wellbeing and development must be society's number one priority.
Lockdown philosophy ignored that principle, allowing and even encouraging children to suffer.
We failed an entire generation.
Our response to one virus has done incalculable and irreversible damage.


RT Independent Business Network
The vindictiveness of Brussels. They are determined that post-Brexit Britain doesn't succeed.
We will show the world what Britain can do .


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