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Always fascinated the way the media take the Treasury line that cuts in tax/NI cost the Treasury x or y. It is not the Treasury’s money, it belongs to people & businesses! The Treasury merely steal the money & then often waste it.


[2023-11-23 10:33 UTC]

Rishi Sunak is finally trying to reverse Britain’s long drift towards socialism
The tax cuts and welfare reforms made this a truly conservative fiscal event, but it must be just the start


[2023-11-22 20:47 UTC]

RT by @john4brexit: The disastrous falls in productivity from our public sector. (And the massive increase in central government employees) via @facts4euorg


[2023-11-22 14:57 UTC]

“The Chancellor has taken baby steps in the right direction, but let’s not get too excited. Having wasted a year to justify the politics of power, at last the Chancellor has come clean that tax cuts promote business and growth and has acknowledged the importance of growth to prosperity and public spending. Poor forcasting by the BoE and the OBR failed to recognise the underlying strength of the economy and the inevitable fall in inflation, which has little to do with the Chancellor and PM.
The increase in the minimum wage, although a welcome boost for workers will put pressure on family businesses and can only be paid for by higher prices, loss of jobs or a curb on investment, the very thing the Chancellor says he wants to encourage.
The continuation of targeted reliefs for investment in plant and machinery is to be welcomed, but why not reverse the Corporation Tax hike and extend the reliefs to commercial property.
Investment in apprenticeships in manufacturing and tech is a positive step provided the monies don’t disappear into the bottomless pit of quango land and the education system.
The predicted ambition for growth remains tepid and will result in the U.K. continuing to become relatively poorer. A radical boost through business tax cuts, real deregulation, access to investment finance and support for exports is what is needed.
Most of all this government is presiding over the highest tax take since WW2 while public sector productivity tanks and growth flatlines.
John Longworth is Chairman of the Independent Business Network of family businesses


[2023-11-22 16:35 UTC]

UK borrowing figures give Hunt some room for tax cuts -We will see. Could have done it twelve months ago under Ms Truss & got growth. All the “disaster” of bonds etc is exactly what we have got with Mr Hunt. How come he hasn’t been sacked?


[2023-11-21 17:58 UTC]

RT by @john4brexit: FYI, here's a simple way to illustrate the problem in the public sector, measured by output per hour worked... 👇

Some caveats...

1. It is relatively hard to quantify the output of public services and to adjust for improvements (or deteriorations) in quality. Much easier in, say, manufacturing.

2. Output per hour worked is a measure of 'labour productivity'. The data for 'total productivity' (taking account of all inputs, not just labour) suggest the gaps are narrower, but still large.

3. Digging deeper, the biggest drags seem to be in and (especially) , which can partly be explained by the nature of these activities (labour intensive, requiring lots of personal contact).

For example, it's hard to raise the productivity of an individual , given the constraints on class size, or for a surgeon to perform a lot more operations.

Nonetheless, productivity has increased sharply in many services delivered by the private sector, so it can be done...

data source:


[2023-11-20 16:50 UTC]

A new Right-wing party will replace the Tories if they keep surrendering to the establishment
On tax and migration, half measures threaten to miss the scale of public anger at today’s failed orthodoxies


[2023-11-20 22:08 UTC]

John Longworth, chairs of the Independent Business Network, says “Businesses are crying out for an enterprise and growth environment. Reverse corporation tax, increase small business VAT threshold to £250,000 and a cut to stamp duty to boost housing market


[2023-11-20 07:26 UTC]

John Longworth, Chair of the Independent Business Network says “Businesses are crying out for an enterprise and growth environment: Reverse corporation tax rise, increase small business VAT threshold to £250,000 & cut stamp duty to boost housing market


[2023-11-20 07:38 UTC]

The Establishment wins again-how very, very right you are. Except of course for 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992 and 2019. Only twice in the past 53 years have the Tories won with a non-right-wing leader-ship: in 1970, Ted Heath, and in 2015 David Cameron


[2023-11-19 22:45 UTC]

Kemi Badenoch: The Treasury is not the department for growth - mine is
The Business and Trade Secretary is confident her bold post-Brexit direction will bring big rewards


[2023-11-18 23:21 UTC]

The unbreakable Tory alliance between Court and Country is finally shattering
Ever since Disraeli, the Conservative Party has been a coalition of clashing factions. They may no longer be able to live together


[2023-11-18 14:44 UTC]

This patronising lecture on behalf of the mulch in the middle demonstrates how fearful they are that things might actually change. Perhaps their Conservatives will go the way of the Liberals


[2023-11-18 14:46 UTC]

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