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EFTA/EEA would give us few of the economic freedoms and man the constraints and costs
RT @JohnKHull: @Chris_Leigh_UK @JCS_1956 @john4brexit On an essentially 50:50 vote, EEA / EFTA would have been a sensible compromise that, I think, the vast majority could have accepted. Especially given that a super-majority wasn't included in the legislation, on the grounds that the referendum was advisory only.


RT @MrsMThatcher: You can't make people good, kind, generous, thoughtful or dutiful by compulsion. True harmony comes from the willing cooperation of free men. It is not served by an over-regulated society.


Pleased you recognise it is sad
RT @MikeWalters60: @AndyVeeMusic @john4brexit Yeah. Though I’m increasingly with the left, sadly.


The transfer of power from one socialist government to another
RT @johnredwood: UK public spending this year will be more than £300 bn higher than 2019-20. What will all this extra tax and borrowing deliver?


RT @LukeJohnsonRCP: One of the reasons why Hong Kong and Singapore have become so rich over the last 50 years is because there’s no capital gains tax. Singapore’s GDP per capita has risen 170x since 1960; the UK’s has risen by 33x.


RT @AW50968253: @john4brexit What do the Tories offer but a legacy of failure and a sense of creeping authoritarianism. And you think we - the generation that grew up seeing the world as partners, not former imperial subjects - want more of that, with a garnish of extra racism, homophobia and inequality?


RT @toadmeister: A civil servant was fired after raising the alarm about her department’s embrace of critical race theory and gender identity ideology. But thanks to the Free Speech Union, she has just won £100,000 in compensation.


RT @harryph: Margaret Thatcher: "Price controls discourage production, distort competition, encourage waste and strangle innovation. This means extra costs for business and extra costs for government, and in the end they do not slow down inflation."


Perhaps better live elsewhere if you feel that way
RT @pearofdestiny: @Squirlykat @john4brexit I have nothing but contempt now for people clinging onto the ridiculous blinkered belief that it would benefit anybody living here.


I think you are confusing that with Net Zero
RT @EM96929853: @Eddystone506 @john4brexit Help the rich. Which it has


You obviously don’t know what Brexit was about
RT @JCS_1956: @john4brexit Brexit is the problem - people had no idea what they were voting for other than a racists return to ‘white’ supremacy and old notions of British superiority.. leading brexiters objective all about tax evasion and erosion of rights and standards - time to admit the truth


You clearly don’t understand what actually happened in pensions, the market, the BoE and the unelected usurpers . I suggest you do a bit of research
RT @tiggy_ayoub: @theGrit_music @john4brexit Well said. The perfect response.


Blinkered . Where are these right wingers in the Parliamentary Conservative Party? Protectionist Tories, Greens, maybe.
RT @AlanPavelin: @john4brexit Er, no John, it’s really the opposite. What used to be a sensible centre-right party was taken over by fanatics who kicked out nearly all of what used to be called “one nation Conservatives”. We saw the result in the local elections, when millions switched to LibDems and Labour.


Starmer plans to block all new North Sea oil and gas developments- GENIOUS🙄- so, more inflation , more fuel poverty, more tax to support uneconomic energy, more gas imports, tens of thousands jobs cut. Inefficient,controlling, Socialist planned economy


Millennials are creating an ‘electoral timebomb’ for the Tories - The Times- “they are the first generation to become more left-wing as they age.” Might it just be that they don’t have anything other than left wing parties to choose from incl the Cons


Hope is not a strategy
RT @RachelReevesMP: My time in the US this week filled me with hope.

Hope that the ambitions of people in Britain can be realised.

That we can seize challenges and turn them into opportunities.

Opportunities for growth and good jobs across Britain.

Hope for a better future with Labour.


RT @Facts4euOrg: EU Commission President celebrates €¼ trillion ‘green’ debt on its central bank’s 25th anniversary.
Brexit Britain has escaped another massive financial burden by leaving the EU.
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