RT @europarl_en: The closing event of the Conference on the Future of Europe took place on Monday. Watch the video to find out more ↓
.@EP_ForeignAff discusses EU security challenges and NATO membership with Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto. Live from 09:00.
RT @jduch: El Parlament Europeu homenatja el Guti https://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/telenoticies/el-parlament-europeu-homenatja-el-guti/video/6158164/ via @tv3cat
El Parlament Europeu homenatja el Guti https://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/telenoticies/el-parlament-europeu-homenatja-el-guti/video/6158164/ via @tv3cat
Moltes gràcies a tú per la invitació i per haver-me donat la possibilitat de compartir vivències i records d’una persona estimada i respectada pel seu tarannà, el seu alt sentit institucional, per la seva feina i per la manera de dur-la a terme.
RT @ernesturtasun: Avui ha sigut un gran honor poder homenatjar a l'Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz des de la que va ser casa seva durant molt temps, el Parlament Europeu. Gràcies a totes les persones que…
RT @europarl_it: Ora in corso a @Roma la Festa dell’Europa per l’Europa, per ricordare David Sassoli ed in solidarietà con l’Ucraina.
Segui live!!!
RT @europarlpress: The Conference on the Future of Europe concludes its work
On Europe Day, the Presidents of the European Parliament, Commission and Council received the final report with proposals to reform the EU
Press release: https://eptwitter.eu/q7kc
🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺 #EuropeDay
RT @EP_President: This is the moment to answer Europe's call.
This is our time.
Together with @EmmanuelMacron & @vonderleyen, I have just received citizens' proposals for the future of #Europe.
A future which is yet unwritten.
Our story depends on all of us.
Speech 👉 https://eptwitter.eu/q7ka
Conference on the Future of Europe:
49 proposals, over 300 measures to put them into practice After a year of work, the result of citizen reflections will be delivered to @EP_President @EmmanuelMacron @vonderleyen in EP at 12pm. #EuropeDay2022
RT @Europarl_UA: Цієї ночі інституції ЄС підсвічувались кольорами українського прапора, щоб нагадати всім, що ЄС стоїть з тими, хто захищає наші спільні цінності.
RT @europarl_en: The EU institutions are lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag tonight to remind everyone that the EU stands with those defending our common values in the country.
Solidarity with Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine #EuropeDay2022 @europarl_en @Europarl_BE @Europarl_UA
RT @europarl_en: Follow the #EuropeDay radio station, live until 18.00 CEST.
You can leave messages and request songs.
Coming up interviews with:
- Jaume Duch
- Alain Hutchinson, Brussels Commissioner for Europe
- Marta Barandiy, Founder of Promote Ukraine
The volunteers from the European Parliament are set and ready to welcome you inside the @europarl_en 🇪🇺 Come and visit the house of European democracy for #EuropeDay in Brussels today until 17:30h.
RT @europarl_it: 🇪🇺🎤Rivedi la puntata di oggi de “l’Europa che vorrei” @MediasetTgcom24 con il portavoce del Parlamento europeo @jduch.
Tra i temi la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa, la guerra in Ucraina e le sanzioni alla Russia e le nuove sfide per l’UE.
RT @EP_President: European leaders must stand for politics of hope. Stand firm against aggression.
As long as we keep our priorities right, I am convinced that we are fit for the next generation.
🇪🇺 has never been stronger.
Speech 👉 https://eptwitter.eu/q7hB
RT @AnttiTimonen: Today at 9am @EP_President Roberta Metsola will deliver her @EUI_EU State of the Union address ”A Europe fit for the next generation?” at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. Follow live on EbS: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/1/20220506 and on the event page: https://stateoftheunion.eui.eu/ #SOU22
RT @MediasetTgcom24: Domani, venerdì 6 maggio, il portavoce del Parlamento europeo Jaume Duch interverrà in diretta nella nostra rubrica "L'Europa che Vorrei" su Tgcom24 alle 15.
Oltre alla crisi ucraina, si parlerà delle sfide per il futuro dell’Europa #FuturEU.
RT @Europarl_UA: Європейський Парламент сьогодні проголосує щодо двох резолюцій стосовно України: "Вплив війни проти України на жінок" та "Вплив протиправної агресивної війни Росії проти України на транспортну та туристичні галузі" (EN) https://eptwitter.eu/q7fw
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Director General for Communication and Spokesperson of the European Parliament. RTs are not endorsement. Personal account.