RT by @ijoveva: Independent journalism is a cornerstone of healthy democracies!
Today @europarl_en will vote on the Media Freedom Act
@ijoveva: "It is the most decisive step we can take at the moment to ensure freedom of the media. No one should be afraid of it, except those who undermine it."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RenewEurope/status/1709142609560522926#m
[2023-10-03 09:45 UTC]
Na plenarki smo potrdili
Preprečili bomo zlorabe. Netransparentne prevzeme, državna financiranja. Pritiske na medije.
Javni mediji so marsikje – v 🇸🇮 na srečo več ne – najmanj podvrženi poskusom podreditve.
Skrajni čas je za zakonske, EU varovalke.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709182611837345816#m
[2023-10-03 12:24 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Po današnjem uspešnem sprejetju besedila Evropskega akta o svobodi medijev sem se srečala s podpredsednico Evropske komisije. Sporočam, da @VeraJourova zelo dobro sliši. Tako kot je preostala EU slišala in videla, kaj je Janševa vlada počela/želela početi z mediji v Sloveniji. 🙂
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709272663770661354#m
[2023-10-03 18:22 UTC]
“Austria joins ‘co-ordinated’ border checks against illegal migrants”.
(…)” the latest measures have thrown up a 1,500km hard border through central Europe.“
More like a ‘co-ordinated” demolition of the border-free Schengen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IJoveva/status/1709545092027920582#m
[2023-10-04 12:24 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva ob sprejetju evropskega akta o svobodi medijev: “To je ena od ključnih zakonodaj, sprejetih v tem mandatu (Parlamenta), ki se je ne rabi bati nihče, razen tistih, ki želijo to svobodo spodkopati.” Več podrobnosti o tem, kaj prinaša, v 🎥.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_SL/status/1709550790296089045#m
[2023-10-04 12:47 UTC]
RT by @ijoveva: The future of Europe is in our youth’s hands.
Today, we published a call for proposals worth €9 million to fund cross-border journalism projects for young Europeans.
This will provide them with thought-provoking and trustworthy content on current affairs.
More info ↓
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EU_Commission/status/1712415530936680627#m
[2023-10-12 10:30 UTC]
RT Klemen Groselj
Našim državljankam in državljanom moramo pomagati pri obnovi s hitrim zagotavljanjem vse razpoložljive pomoči ter dokazati da je 🇪🇺 prilagodljiva in odgovorna.
Skupaj z @ijoveva v pismu Evropski komisiji - Poplave v 🇸🇮 brez primere. @RenewEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KGroselj/status/1689610057334280192
RT Evropski parlament v Sloveniji
Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva v #PoslankinDnevnik✍️o zakonu o obnovi narave: »Sistem, ki temelji na izkoriščanju in izpodrivanju narave, je treba prepovedati. Skrajni čas je, da se začnemo VSI zavedati, kaj je pomembno za življenje na tem planetu.« Več ➡️ https://bit.ly/JOVEVAdnevnik
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_SL/status/1685297878611394560
RT Tour de France™
There isn't one quote we could pick out of this interview to do it justice. If there is one interview you watch today, make it this one with @matmohoric.
On n'a pas su choisir une seule citation qui rendrait hommage à l'interview. Du coup si vous devez écoutez un seul interview… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1682422045458550785 https://t.co/sK0LUkCStD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LeTour/status/1682422045458550785
RT Klemen Groselj
Bolj, kot grozljivosti prizorov iz Srebrenice, se spomnim neizmernega cinizma, brutalnosti in popolne odsotnosti empatije morilcev.
Kot je dejal eden od tožilcev na Nuremberških procesih, je vir vsega zla odsotnost empatije; odsotnost človečnosti kot take. https://t.co/W2u4IGVmAL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KGroselj/status/1678767843020795906
RT Klemen Groselj
28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide - It's commendable to see the European Parliament including a discussion on commemorating this tragic event on its agenda. @ilhankyuchyuk @hildevautmans @RenewEurope @LIBSEEN @NasaStrankaBiH @ijoveva @SrebrenicaMC https://t.co/Y8ppMre6mY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KGroselj/status/1677360577742610442
RT Evropski parlament v Sloveniji
Evropska poslanka🇪🇺 @ijoveva o zagotavljanju kakovostnih in plačanih pripravništev v EU z resolucijo, ki je bila pravkar sprejeta na #plenarnoEP: “Današnje pripravnice in pripravniki so jutrišnje delavke in delavci, zato bomo od boljših pogojev zanje imeli več prav vsi.” https://t.co/5f6f05Ywg5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_SL/status/1669221714201399297
RT @larawoltersEU: Time for a modern and inclusive European Parliament, that doesn’t force its Members to choose between their newborn and their voters. A Parliament that does not deter, but encourages young women from entering politics!👇 https://t.co/niEbdVs9QJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1668647278679130112
RT @larawoltersEU: Maternity & paternity leave in the European Parliament - it doesn’t exist. In practice, that might mean choosing between nursing your baby and representing your voters. Thank you @EP_President for receiving so many of us today and signing our manifesto for change! https://t.co/XdTL3jrmai
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1668615529442193418
RT @GuyVerhofstadt: Trump indicted, Johnson resigns…
Right wing populism has failed. Fuelling anger and lies but no solutions for people.
Time to get rid of their mouthpieces in Europe too: Le Pen, Salvini, Orbán, Wilders, AFD, VB and many others ! https://t.co/tVhs9rerSn
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1667437628550008832
RT @MAC_MEPs: For #EWAC2023, MEP @ijoveva call for equal access to cancer care and #CancerPrevention for all Europeans.
Learn more about the MEPs Against Cancer group https://www.cancer.eu/meps-against-cancer-about-meps-against-cancer-2/
#EWAC #EWAC23 https://t.co/zOU9z7kXFI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1662721629741371392
RT @JumboVismaRoad: 🇮🇹 #Giro
All the 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤, all the 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬.
This piece of art is really worth it. 😍
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1662560370341314561
RT @JumboVismaRoad: 🇮🇹 #Giro
What. A. Thriller.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1662556061348274176
RT @JumboVismaRoad: 🇮🇹 #Giro
We’re not crying, you are crying. 🥹❤️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1662553000987041795
RT @KGroselj: Odločitev US predstavlja zgodovinsko prelomnico v razvoju slovenskega medijskega prostora. S tem se nam je ponovno odprla pot do neodvisne javne radiotelevizije, ki več ne bo plen vsakokratne politične oblasti in njene podobe sveta, kar je tudi volja državljanov na referendumu. https://t.co/2Qm3CGmLqk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IJoveva/status/1662150260481720341
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