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Pomemben pogovor o temi, ki je blizu starejšim, naglušnim in meni kot materi in evropski poslanki.
Močan ‘da’ ciljani jezikovni strategiji za slovenščino in za več sodelovanja. Ne le v Sloveniji, tudi v EU na splošno, kjer glasno opozarjam na diskriminacijo slovenščine.
RT @radioPrvi: Zakaj Netflix in Apple ne govorita slovensko, znata pa slovaško in islandsko? Kdaj bo drugače? V sprašuje @AleksanderCobec, odgovarjajo tržn…


RT @RenewEurope: Media freedom is a vital pillar of a healthy democratic society. At the study visit of to @rzechpospolita, we saw once again how crucial it is for Poland & the EU to maintain media independence. A European Poland is one where the press is free & citizens are informed


Today, at @RenewEurope event in Warsaw with our Polish allies @PL_2050 . 🇸🇮 have kicked out illiberal populists out of government. I’m sure Poland is next. What is clear is that illiberals doesn’t bring any solutions, only division driven by resentment. 🇵🇱 people deserve better.


RT @RenewEurope: 🔴 Na żywo z Warszawy!

Demokracja w Polsce jest zagrożona!

Dlatego rozmawiamy o europejskiej przyszłości Polski i o palących problemach 🇪🇺, z @katka_cseh @michalkobosko @steph_sejourne @szymon_holownia @ThierryBreton & więcej.

Śledź debatę! 👇


RT @RenewEurope: Democracy in Poland is under attack!

Join our political rally in Warsaw tomorrow. We will discuss Poland's European future & 🇪🇺's pressing issues, w/ @katka_cseh @michalkobosko @steph_sejourne @szymon_holownia @ThierryBreton & more.

Follow the debate!👇


At last! European Media Freedom Act legislation is out.

At first glance, it comprises a lot of good binding measures to protect our journalists and editorial independence in the . Our democracies depend on press freedom. Looking forward to working on this.👇
RT @VeraJourova: Today we are breaking new ground to protect in the 🇪🇺.

can only work if journalists are able to keep in check those with polit…


RT @VeraJourova: Today we are breaking new ground to protect in the 🇪🇺.

can only work if journalists are able to keep in check those with political & economic power.

W/ @ThierryBreton we propose the .



Še en odraz dediščine prejšnje 🇸🇮 vlade. Evropski parlament v poročilu o temeljnih pravicah v EU 2020-2021 Slovenijo prvič postavlja ob bok 🇭🇺 in 🇵🇱; zaradi slabšanja medijske svobode. Politično nastavljeni kadri na RTV medtem napad na svobodo medijev nadaljujejo.


Neukrepanje 🇪🇺 je krivo za nadaljnje nazadovanje razmer na Madžarskem. 🇭🇺 ni več demokracija, je hibridni režim volilne avtokracije.
Dovolj je financiranja avtokratov. Skrajni čas je za resnično uporabo mehanizma RoL in sprožitev člena 7 TEU.
Stališče EP je jasno.👇


Prav je, da je predsednica Evropske komisije v omenila države Zahodnega Balkana in prav je, da se jih podpira, toda to je treba početi z dejanji. Treba je uresničevati obljube. To je bilo že velikokrat povedano - a vsakič znova le povedati je premalo.


V Hiši EU danes razpravljamo o razpravi o stanju v EU.

"Predsednica Komisije je dejala, da potrebujemo dogovor z naravo. To se lepo sliši, a v resnici moramo najprej biti mi tisti, ki nehamo škodovati naravi, da bo ta pripravljena na dogovor z nami."


RT @EKvSloveniji: 🔴Čez nekaj minut v živo👉O
in prednostnih nalogah 🇪🇺 v prihodnjih mesecih z

☑nekdanjim diplomatom Mirkom Ciglerjem &

🎥V živo na našem FB & TW.


Today, Serbian police decided to ban the Europride March in Belgrade. I extend my full support to and expect the government to overturn the decision and find a way to protect those who walk for love and freedom.
RT @belgradepride: Police bans EuroPride 2022 March

Today, on September 13, the Serbian Police banned this year’s EuroPride March, by handing over the official notice to the o…


RT @Renew_Press: .@EUParl_EN The 🇪🇺should spend more on and to counter the pandemic's impact on children's well-being.

@ijoveva "I am very proud to have advocated for the launch of an EU-wide campaign to raise awareness and promote education about


Velika večina Evropejcev podpira investicije v obnovljive vire energije (87 %), zmanjšano odvisnost EU od fosilnih goriv (86 %) in so za skupne EU nabave energentov (83 %). 78 % ljudi je že sprejelo ukrepe za zmanjšanje porabe energije ali pa to načrtujejo v bližnji prihodnosti.
RT @EU_Commission: When it comes to energy, an overwhelming majority of EU citizens support investment in renewables.

86% of citizens support measures to r…


RT @CultCreatorsEU: Our is "worried that the proposed massive budget cut of the programme will bring further harm to the cultural and creative sectors".

Therefore, we just submitted these amendments to the @EPCulture opinion for the @EP_Budgets report on upscaling the . 👇


RT @Reuters: The episode illustrated how Turkish mainstream media has become a tight chain of command of government-approved headlines, front pages and topics of TV debate 👉 3/3


RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of ’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country

Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development


RT @Europarl_SL: 🇪🇺Poslanka @ijoveva v ✍️ o nujnosti ukrepanja proti podnebnim spremembam: »Zelo smo navajeni nekega načina življenja, pogosto nam je preudobno, da bi karkoli spremenili. Pa vendar bodo to od nas terjale okoliščine. Prej ali slej.« Več ➡️


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