RT by @hildevautmans: 3. Dringende humanitaire hulp is noodzakelijk
4. Europa moet nu met één stem spreken om de vredesprocessen terug op gang te brengen
@hildevautmans in @De7deDag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/openvld/status/1716052427944665421#m
[2023-10-22 11:22 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: “Nu is er nood aan een pauze in het conflict en aan humanitaire hulp. Daarom verhoogt Europa het budget voor hulp en vragen we waarborgen dat de hulp bij de bevolking komt en niet bij Hamas.”
@hildevautmans in @De7deDag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/openvld/status/1716052429974737384#m
[2023-10-22 11:22 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: “Europa blijft niet aan de zijlijn staan. We moeten naar beide kanten luisteren. En samen met de VS een nieuw vredesproces opstarten.”
@hildevautmans in @De7deDag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/openvld/status/1716052432361304385#m
[2023-10-22 11:22 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: “Geweld kan inspireren elders in Europa. Enkel met een sterk geopolitiek Europa kunnen we conflicten uit onze regio weghouden.”
@hildevautmans in @De7deDag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/openvld/status/1716052434986881317#m
[2023-10-22 11:22 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: Kijk morgenochtend naar @hildevautmans in @De7deDag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/openvld/status/1715761073653993628#m
[2023-10-21 16:04 UTC]
Respect voor de verantwoordelijke keuze van
. Laten we zijn positieve impact voor onze justitie de afgelopen jaren niet vergeten.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1715420724880408986#m
[2023-10-20 17:32 UTC]
Met nieuw EU-wetgevingsvoorstel zullen we onlinediensten verplichten om kindermisbruik offline te halen. Als liberaal waak ik ook over een evenwichtige balans tussen kinderen beschermen & het waarborgen van privacy & vertrouwelijke communicatie. Beide kunnen samen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1715280024931078278#m
[2023-10-20 08:13 UTC]
are united in calling for de-escalation. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, in line with humanitarian law. A humanitarian pause must ensure aid reaches the population in need. Finally, the EU must speak with 1 voice.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1715284192915755037#m
[2023-10-20 08:29 UTC]
Congratulations to Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement for their well-deserved 2023
for Freedom of Thought! As
we reiterate our unwavering support to your fearless struggle to reclaim your rights in
. Women's rights are human rights.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714951255267635254#m
[2023-10-19 10:26 UTC]
Overwhelming majority for our
resolution on the war in Israel and Palestine.
Following my oral amendment, we are united in calling for a humanitarian pause to end the violence and provide urgent support to the population in need.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714978875262832714#m
[2023-10-19 12:16 UTC]
'Dear friends' Putin and Xi are increasingly undermining the rules-based multilateral order and creating competing organisations. The EU must reinforce multilateralism with like-minded partners including through swift implementation of Global Gateway.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714897207009165673#m
[2023-10-19 06:52 UTC]
Last day in
📌Vote on Israel-Palestine resolution & the humanitarian situation in Gaza as rapporteur
📌Generational renewal of EU farms
📌 EU protein strategy
📌 Announcement of Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2023
📌 “Fur Free Europe”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714899577814258009#m
[2023-10-19 07:01 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: 🎥@hildevautmans: "We must support Israel to stop Hamas, provide full humanitarian support to the Palestinian population, and renew the peace process. Then we will show ourselves as a real geopolitical Union, as opposed to the cacophony of the past few days."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RenewEurope/status/1714568388977045834#m
[2023-10-18 09:05 UTC]
Day 3 in
📌War in Israel-Palestine & the humanitarian situation in Gaza
📌Fighting online disinformation, illegal & terrorist content
📌 A true geopolitical Europe
📌Rule of law in Malta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714524899841015861#m
[2023-10-18 06:12 UTC]
As negotiator on the
resolution on the war in Israel and Palestine and the humanitarian situation, I call for the EU to undertake determined action:
1) We must fully support Israel in stopping Hamas. This means adopting sanctions against proxies, especially Iran.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714557046509428935#m
[2023-10-18 08:20 UTC]
R to @hildevautmans: 2) We must intensify humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population. Hamas is not the Palestinian people.
3) We must renew the peace process, no matter how impossible it seems. Not between Hamas and Netanyahu, but between Palestinians and democratic Israelis who want peace.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714558088152289451#m
[2023-10-18 08:24 UTC]
R to @hildevautmans: With these actions we will show ourselves as a true geopolitical Union, unlike the cacophony we have seen.
Every tragedy is also an opportunity. An opportunity to establish peace where hatred and violence are rampant today. @RenewEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714558274333282777#m
[2023-10-18 08:25 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: It’s time to assess the effectiveness of the EU sanctions on Russia following its war of aggression against Ukraine.
On #RenewEurope’s request, @europarl_en today debated on the impact of the 11 sanctions packages the EU adopted against Moscow and a resolution will follow.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RenewEurope/status/1714214996320608408#m
[2023-10-17 09:41 UTC]
Day 2 in
📌Effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia
📌 Negotiations on our resolution on Israel and Palestine
📌Ukraine Facility vote: €50 billion support for Ukraine
📌 Farm Sustainability Data Network
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hildevautmans/status/1714174182777385071#m
[2023-10-17 06:59 UTC]
RT by @hildevautmans: Mijn diepste medeleven aan de nabestaanden van de laffe moordaanslag in Brussel
Ik volg de ontwikkelingen samen met ministers van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken op vanuit nationaal crisiscentrum
We volgen de situatie en willen de inwoners van Brussel vragen om waakzaam te zijn.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/alexanderdecroo/status/1713999795440820727#m
[2023-10-16 19:26 UTC]
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