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RT Council of European Municipalities and Regions
We truly hope that the draft report on a new to combat violence against women & girls to be adopted today @EP_GenderEqual
Check what we aspire to have in the text ⬇️
@FitzgeraldFrncs @evinincir @CEMR_Equality
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CEMR_Equality: TODAY @FitzgeraldFrncs @evinincir draft report on a new EU Directive to combat violence against women &amp; girls is up for adoption in @EP_GenderEqual
Here's what @CCRECEMR hopes to see included in the text that will go to ⬇️


RT Laura Kaun
Today is the day - one step closer to EU legislation protecting all women and girls from violence @EuropeanWomen @evinincir @FitzgeraldFrncs
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European Women's Lobby: ⏳It is time that women &amp; girls across Europe have the same level of support and protection!
🤞We hope the MEPs will use this landmark opportunity to fill significant legislative gaps across the EU and put an end to sexual exploitation &amp; violence against women across the block.


RT Frances Fitzgerald MEP
🗳️| This morning @EP_GenderEqual &amp; @EP_Justice Committee’s will hold a landmark vote on the first-ever proposed EU law on combating Violence Against Women – which @evinincir and I have negotiated over many months.
🎥| Watch the vote live here:


RT S&amp;D Group
Sex without consent is rape. It's a crime that must be recognised and punished by law all over the EU.
Today's vote in FEMM/LIBE is a true milestone in the fight against violence against women. EU Council must reverse their position. @evinincir @pinapic


RT WAVE Network
WAVE congratulates the @europarl_en, the co-raporteurs and @evinincir, as well as all shadow rapporteurs for their work and openness to hear the advise of Women Specialist Services. @EUparliament @EU_Commission @coe


RT FEMM Committee Press
Violence against women: sex without consent is rape, say MEPs
MEPs in @EP_GenderEqual and @EP_Justice adopted the report by @FitzgeraldFrncs and @evinincir on the directive on combating violence against women
Read the press release ⤵️


RT Altinget
DEBATT. @sdriks beslut att rösta emot de så kallade Pegasusrekommendationerna är en oroande signal. Genom spionprogram som dessa hade det varit möjligt för SD att övervaka sina motståndare för att lättare kunna utöva censur, skriver @evinincir


Historic decision in Committee on Foreign Affairs!
Palestinian have lived under occupation more than 50 years. EU must strengthen its cooperation with the Palestinian Authority, help the people &amp; act to end the occupation. PA also has a responsibility to promote democ &amp; reforms.
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AFET Committee Press: 🆕 On Tuesday, @EP_ForeignAff MEPs 🇪🇺, led by @evinincir, adopted a set of recommendations on how the EU should continue to engage with the Palestinian Authority 🇵🇸.
They strongly urge the Palestinian leadership to hold free and fair elections.
More:!xthRrx 👇


Historiskt beslut i utrikesutskottet!
Palestinska folket har levt under ockupation i mer än 50 år. EU måste stärka sitt samarbete med den palestinska myndigheten, hjälpa folket &amp; agera för att få ett slut på ockupationen. PA har oxå ett ansvar att främja demokrati &amp; reformer.
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AFET Committee Press: 🆕 On Tuesday, @EP_ForeignAff MEPs 🇪🇺, led by @evinincir, adopted a set of recommendations on how the EU should continue to engage with the Palestinian Authority 🇵🇸.
They strongly urge the Palestinian leadership to hold free and fair elections.
More:!xthRrx 👇


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“Transparency is critical in the ongoing tabulation of results. We stand alongside citizen observers that are closely following the process in all regional tally centres,” said the EUEOM Chief Observer @evinincir


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
EUEOM Chief Observer @evinincir in post-election coordination meeting for Heads of International Election Observation Missions Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas (ECOWAS), HE Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe (African Union), HE Yemi Osinbajo (Commonwealth) and HE Cameron Hume (The Carter Centre)


RT Kvinna till Kvinna Sweden
Heja, nu går det framåt! En milstolpe; nu finns det kvinnor i alla världens parlament och en fjärdedel av världens parlamentsledamöter är kvinnor. Men vi ger inte upp förrän det är hälften!


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
EUEOM Chief observer @evinincir welcomes 40 short-term observers have just arrived to . They will work in multinational teams of two and, prior to their deployment, they are receiving a comprehensive briefing focusing on election day proceedings.


RT IPPF European Network
🇪🇺Ahead of next week’s EP committee votes on the EU bill to , here’s an example from 🇪🇸 of how we need ‘Yes Means Yes’ laws, along with education, to build cultures of that protect women &amp; uphold equality. 👉🏽


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“By deploying more than 100 observers the European Union clearly shows its commitment to support the democratic processes in , strengthening respect for human rights and the rule of law.” said the Chief Observer @evinincir, Member of the European Parliament.


Re (Obs! ändring) Panelen består av @evinincir, EU-parlamentariker (S) &amp; co-chair för Europarlamentets tvärpolitiska grupp mot rasism och Seinab Hilowle, sexualpolitisk sakkunnig @RFSU. Samtalet modereras av Mona Nechma, chef nationell utveckling och policy på@LSU_se.


RT Palmecenter
S-MEP @evinincir: Märkningen av produkter från ockuperade områden “must be fully enforced by all members states...”. “International law must be respected in all cases.” Hur ser kontrollen av den svenska efterlevnaden ut @Regeringen?


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“Election observation is not a one-day event. To make an informed assessment of 2023 general elections, the EU EOM started its work already in mid-May and has deployed 28 long-term observers across the country to follow various aspects of elections.” said CO @evinincir.


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