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After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, “Polish people opened their hearts & homes to our sisters and brothers in need.” Anna is a teacher from 🇵🇱 Krakow.
With this candle, she is passing the light back to Ivan to .

too ⤵️


🇪🇺🇨🇴 "Our political priorities are the same: protecting the environment and building peace" HR/VP @JosepBorrellF ends his visit to Colombia.

Press release:!wGkjJ8


This week EU co-chairs @theGCTF for the 1st time.

The Global Counterterrorism Forum
➡️responds to real needs on the ground
➡️helps diminish terrorist recruitment
➡️increases civilian capabilities for dealing with terrorist threats

Find out more:


💚 Eco-hope News broadcast on the visit of HR/VP @JosepBorrellF to and the announcement of €10 million additional funding 🇪🇺🇨🇴 to fight deforestation and climate change.
RT @franciscoactiv2: Emisión del Noticiero de la junto con @eu_eeas a propósito de la visita del Alto Representante de la UE 🇪🇺 @JosepBorrellF a 🇨🇴 y las medidas de cooperación anunciadas ✊💚❤️


📣 The new episode of podcast is out!

This time, @EUYouthDelegate exchange with special guest @RichardGowan1, UN Director @CrisisGroup on Multilateralism and the need to find global solutions to global issues.

🔊 Listen here:


Find here the whole speech of the seminar "Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe: Recalibrating our strategic partnership" organized by the @eu_eeas with @eulacfoundation @AECID_en
RT @JosepBorrellF: Encuentras aquí el discurso entero del seminario “América Latina, el Caribe y Europa: Recalibrar nuestra asociacion estrategica” organizado por el @eu_eeas con @eulacfoundation @AECID_es


States have the right to define their future, Ukraine too.

They have the right to secure their borders, so does Ukraine.

They have the right to defend their sovereignty, so does Ukraine.

That's why we stand with an assaulted country.

RT @JosepBorrellF: Los estados tienen derecho a definir su futuro, Ucrania también.
Tienen derecho a asegurar sus fronteras, Ucrania también.
Tienen derecho a defender su soberanía, Ucrania también.
Por eso apoya…


The Russian war is a war of conquest, neo-colonial and declaredly imperialist.

We do not want the peace of the defeated.

We have to support a just , which does not chronicle conflicts and is based on the respect for international law.
RT @JosepBorrellF: La guerra rusa es una guerra de conquista, neocolonial y declaradamente imperialista.

No queremos la paz de los vencidos.

Tenemos que apoyar una justa, que no cronifique conflictos y que se base en …


We must work together to:

- revise and modernize the international financial and security architecture

- improve the representation of power in the world

- give greater weight to countries and regions that are underrepresented, like Latin America & the Caribbean
RT @JosepBorrellF: Hemos de trabajar juntos para:
- revisar y modernizar la arquitectura financiera y de seguridad internacional
- mejorar la representación del poder en el mundo
- otorgar un mayor peso…


The "other" transatlantic relationship is important and unites us. The global economy of this century cannot be built without Latin America.

It is essential for the energy and technological transformation. Without her we cannot develop sustainable green economies.
RT @JosepBorrellF: La "otra" relación transatlántica es importante y nos une. La economía mundial de este siglo no se podrá construir sin América Latina.

Es imprescindible para la transformación energ…


We must pave the way for a stronger and fairer relationship. True partnerships need balance.

We do not seek to build new dependencies, but to overcome those that history has left us and make this world a more liveable place for all.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Debemos preparar el camino para una relación más sólida y justa. Las alianzas de verdad necesitan equilibrio.
No pretendemos construir nuevas dependencias, sino superar las que la historia nos legó y hacer de este m…


We need to learn and reflect together on how we can better cooperate through a relationship of equals, listening to Latin American and Caribbean voices.

@eulacfoundation @AECID_es @FranciaMarquezM
RT @JosepBorrellF: Tenemos que aprender y reflexionar juntos sobre cómo podemos cooperar mejor a través de una relación de iguales, escuchando a las voces latinoamericanas y caribeñas.

@eulacfoundation @AECID_es @FranciaMarquezM


The EU will continue to promote credible, inclusive and transparent elections.

The recommendations of the 2021 Electoral Observation Mission are key to improve the Venezuelan electoral process. This was recognised at today's meeting.
RT @JosepBorrellF: La UE seguirá promoviendo elecciones creíbles, inclusivas y transparentes.

Las recomendaciones de la Misión de Observación Electoral del 2021 son clave para mejorar el proceso electoral venezolano. Así se ha reco…


Venezuelan people are suffering the most. The EU continues to provide humanitarian aid. Since 2018 we have contributed €540 million to address the migration crisis and urgent needs of millions of Venezuelans.

It is essential that social & humanitarian agreement is implemented.
RT @JosepBorrellF: El pueblo venezolano es el que más sufre. La UE sigue aportando ayuda humanitaria. Desde 2018 hemos contribuido con €540 millones para atender la crisis migratoria y nece…


Participating in the international conference on the political process in Venezuela convened by President @petrogustavo.

We must help the negotiating parties of the Mexico process to reach an agreement that puts Venezuela on a democratic path.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Participando en la conferencia internacional sobre el proceso político en Venezuela convocada por el presidente @petrogustavo.

Debemos ayudar a las partes negociadoras del proceso de México a alcanzar ac…


How has the EU helped the Venezuelan people since the beginning of the crisis?

HR/VP @JosepBorrellF participated yesterday in the International Conference on the political process in Venezuela, held in Bogota.


🇨🇴Colombia: Declaraciones del Alto Representante/Vicepresidente @JosepBorrellF a su llegada a la Conferencia Internacional sobre el proceso político en Venezuela!MfNVtc


@EEAS_SecGen @NATO From ’s war of aggression on Ukraine, to enhancing stability in the Western Balkans, to increasing engagement in the Indo-Pacific, common threats and challenges require common approaches and closely coordinated actions. @EUSec_Defence


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Secretary General @EEAS_SecGen and Deputy Secretary General Charles Fries briefed today @NATO’s North Atlantic Council on the EU’s position on the overall geopolitical context and its and efforts.


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