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HR/VP @JosepBorrellF represented the 🇪🇺 at the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit in Santo Domingo. Next appointment: the EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels next July.

"These two summits in less than six months is sending a powerful political signal to the world"


During his visit to Dominican Republic @JosepBorrellF inaugurated the Latin American and Caribbean Cyber-Competence Centre, LAC4, implemented by EU CyberNet, in collaboration with the Estonian Information System Authority, and financed by the EU⤵!tX4Ywf


HR/VP @JosepBorrellF concluded his visit to Dominican Republic where he attended the Ibero-American Summit. and call to LAC leaders to intensify cooperation. He discussed with President @luisabinader strong partnership with Dominican Republic ⤵!TWNmVD


The Green Deal Industrial Plan presented by the Commission offers major opportunities for many of our partners.
We will work on these extensively with them.
My new blog post on that issue:!rvFVBx


"You may embrace the European identity without losing your identity” HR/VP @JosepBorrellF exchanged with youth ambassadors in the Venetian tower in Durrës during his visit to Albania. After the 2019 earthquake, the tower was rebuilt with the support of the programme.


HR/VP @JosepBorrellF inaugurated in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the Latin American & Caribbean Cyber Competence Centre. Funded by 🇪🇺, LAC4 is a cyber-hub developing state-of-the-art technology & training on cybersecurity to fight cybercrime.

Digital Alliance


Aprovechando hasta el último minuto de la visita muy productiva a Santo Domingo.

Siempre un placer conversar con el Presidente de @LuisLacallePou, un socio clave con quien compartimos intereses y preocupaciones.


The book “The year that war returned to Europe, EU foreign policy in 2022” by HR/VP @JosepBorrellF presents the global geopolitical context and EU actions in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and other global crises and developments.!8VtDRh


Dominican Republic is a pole of political stability and economic progress, and for us it's a very strong anchor for cooperation with the LAC region. We are launching a new cooperation programme of €13 millions to promote an inclusive economy that advances climate transformation.
RT @JosepBorrellF: La República Dominicana es un polo de estabilidad política y progreso económico, y un ancla muy fuerte para cooperar con la región. Estamos lanzando un nuevo programa de…


Inaugurating the Latin American and Caribbean Cyber Competence Centre , the first regional centre created by the EU for training and capacity building in cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime.

Because 'my security is your security'.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Inaugurando el Centro de Competencia Cibernética de América Latina y el Caribe , el primer centro regional creado por la UE para formación y desarrollo de capacidades en ciberseguridad y lucha con…


República Dominicana: Declaraciones del Alto Representante/Vicepresidente @JosepBorrellF tras su encuentro con el Presidente @luisabinader!KpXCBp


RT @ExtSpoxEU: Burkina Faso:🇪🇺regrette la décision des autorités de procéder à la suspension de la diffusion de @FRANCE24 et considère les accusations injustifiées. La lutte contre terrorisme ne devrait pas être utilisée comme prétexte pour limiter le travail des médias


RT @JosepBorrellF: Con el Presidente @luisabinader confirmamos la excelente salud de relaciones UE-República Dominicana que se reflejan en valores compartidos, y crecimiento de comercio e inversiones.


El mundo está cambiando aceleradamente y nosotros deberíamos cambiar con el:
- el cambio climático
- la competición estratégica global
- la guerra rusa contra Ucrania

El diálogo político UE-República Dominicana hoy es una ocasión para hablar sobre todo que nos une.


"Always a pleasure to talk with 🇩🇴FM @RobalsdqAlvarez.
We remain united in defending international law in the face of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
Together we promote EU relations with . We also addressed the situation in and "
RT @JosepBorrellF: Siempre un placer conversar con Canciller @RobalsdqAlvarez

Seguimos unidos defendiendo derecho internacional frente la guerra rusa de agresión contra Ucrania.

Impulsamos juntos relaci…


that Dominican Republic is EU's main trading partner in the Caribbean region❓
It also hosts a Cyber Competence Hub to work on cybersecurity & fight cybercrime 🌐

More on EU-Dominican Republic partnership ⬇!BwnNnY

Empowering change


My new book, “The year that war returned to Europe, EU foreign policy in 2022” presents the latest developments of EU foreign and security policy in the global geopolitical context.!8VtDRh


The 🇪🇺 EU and the 🇺🇸 US have conducted their first joint naval exercise in the Indo-Pacific on 23-24 March, as part of our shared commitment to work for regional in the .


With @CancilleriaPeru Ana Gervasi. The social & political crisis must be addressed through the maintenance of constitutional order, respect for rule of law & dialogue. Important that those responsible for human rights abuses & violations are investigated and brought to justice.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Con @CancilleriaPeru Ana Gervasi. La crisis social y política debe abordarse a través del mantenimiento del orden constitucional, respeto del Estado de Derecho y diálogo.…


RT @JosepBorrellF: Con @CancilleriaPeru Ana Gervasi. La crisis social y política debe abordarse a través del mantenimiento del orden constitucional, respeto del Estado de Derecho y diálogo. Es importante que se investiguen y lleven ante la justicia a los responsables de abusos o violaciones de DDHH


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