We’ve kept capital requirements for Europe’s biggest banks fairly steady for 2024.
Our qualitative measures are primarily targeting areas such as internal governance, credit risk management and capital adequacy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1737039417032753283#m
[2023-12-19 09:17 UTC]
The results of the 2023 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process feed into the supervisory priorities and risk assessment for 2024-26.
The priorities focus on strengthening banks’ resilience to immediate macro-financial and geopolitical shocks
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1737040081498615857#m
[2023-12-19 09:20 UTC]
On the agenda of our conference on fiscal policy and EMU governance later today: Executive Board member
introduces keynote speaker Olivier Blanchard at 14:30 CET, and her colleague Philip R. Lane chairs a panel at 16:00 CET
Register here
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1736725594442756102#m
[2023-12-18 12:30 UTC]
We’re redesigning euro banknotes!
How did we select the possible themes? What will the new banknotes look like? And when can you start paying with them?
Learn more
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1736733053085495624#m
[2023-12-18 13:00 UTC]
The rise in climate-related disasters makes it harder to forecast inflation accurately. This means we face more challenges when deciding on monetary policy.
to learn how climate change affects our work as a central bank
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1736692048214770014#m
[2023-12-18 10:17 UTC]
Climate change threatens EU financial stability, finds a joint report with
. Banks are significantly exposed to high-emitting firms and households, with climate risks underpriced and underinsured. Better monitoring can help address risks
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1736688108232483292#m
[2023-12-18 10:01 UTC]
Coming up at 09:00: ECB Conference on fiscal policy and EMU governance. Register to follow live
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1736641952693502209#m
[2023-12-18 06:58 UTC]
We’ve just taken our latest monetary policy decisions, determining what’s needed to return inflation to our 2% goal in a timely manner.
Tune in to
to hear President Christine
present the decisions in our press conference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735323666869625317#m
[2023-12-14 15:39 UTC]
R to @ecb: The episode is now also available on podlink https://pod.link/1481819425/episode/07972b85c2f2688a456575a0f7ae255c
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735323816799228012#m
[2023-12-14 15:40 UTC]
This is not the time to lower our guard against inflation.
Our future decisions will depend on incoming economic data, said President Christine
after the Governing Council kept key interest rates unchanged.
Watch the press conference
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735353392610894328#m
[2023-12-14 17:37 UTC]
No es el momento de bajar la guardia frente a la inflación.
Nuestras decisiones futuras dependerán de los datos más recientes, señaló
tras la decisión del Consejo de Gobierno de mantener sin variación los tipos oficiales.
Ver rueda de prensa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735357412134080793#m
[2023-12-14 17:53 UTC]
Il est trop tôt pour relâcher nos efforts face à l’inflation.
Nos futures décisions continueront de dépendre des données à venir, a déclaré Christine
après que le Conseil des gouverneurs a laissé les taux inchangés.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735358999791337559#m
[2023-12-14 18:00 UTC]
Non è il tempo di abbassare la guardia sull’inflazione.
Le decisioni future dipenderanno dai dati economici più recenti, ha dichiarato la Presidente
dopo la decisione di mantenere invariati i tassi di riferimento.
Guarda la conferenza stampa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735360252604735570#m
[2023-12-14 18:05 UTC]
Nu is niet het moment om minder waakzaam te zijn voor inflatie. Onze toekomstige besluiten hangen af van binnenkomende economische data, zei president Christine
nadat de Raad van Bestuur de rente ongewijzigd had gelaten.
Bekijk de persconferentie
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735361510405234937#m
[2023-12-14 18:10 UTC]
Jetzt ist nicht die Zeit, bei der Inflation weniger wachsam zu werden.
Unsere zukünftigen Beschlüsse werden von den aktuellen Wirtschaftsdaten abhängen, so Präsidentin
nach dem Beschluss des EZB-Rats, die Leitzinsen unverändert zu belassen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735362769262874829#m
[2023-12-14 18:15 UTC]
Watch the ECB press conference live: President Christine
explains today’s monetary policy decisions
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735294327700521392#m
[2023-12-14 13:43 UTC]
President Christine
introduces the inflation outlook for the euro area
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735298956421115905#m
[2023-12-14 14:01 UTC]
R to @ecb: President Christine @Lagarde introduces the economic growth outlook for the euro area
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735299440418722176#m
[2023-12-14 14:03 UTC]
has just presented the Governing Council’s monetary policy statement.
Read the statement
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735300479519793440#m
[2023-12-14 14:07 UTC]
R to @ecb: See the combined monetary policy decisions and statement here https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pressconf/shared/pdf/ecb.ds231214~cbcff0882a.en.pdf
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ecb/status/1735300752673804413#m
[2023-12-14 14:08 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The European Central Bank is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. Its main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power.