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In my role as the Chair of the Working Group on EU External Financing Instrument, I am convening an extraordinary meeting on EU funding to Palestinians.
The Commission is invited to explain&clarify how EU money is spent. We must finally ensure that no EU money goes to terrorism!


[2023-10-12 09:22 UTC]

RT by @davidlega: The courage of Jina Mahsa Amini lit a spark of hope in Iran & beyond for millions suffering & oppression on streets across the nation.

For the @EPPGroup, it is clear that the for Freedom of Thought should be awarded to & the women of Iran.



[2023-10-12 14:30 UTC]

Finally! This in a step in the right direction. Next, all Russian and Belarusian athletes should be banned from Olympics and Paralympics.


[2023-10-12 15:17 UTC]

The Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism issued a statement following Hamas' terror attacks on the Jewish people. ➡️ We call on all social media companies to take action to prioritize safety &amp; curtail dangerous content.
&amp; I.


[2023-10-12 17:28 UTC]

RT by @davidlega: Detta visar tydligt vilka utmaningar vårt samhälle står inför. Man ropar öppet att man vill utplåna Israel.


[2023-10-14 17:29 UTC]

RT EPP Group
🎗️Nobody should die of cancer in 20 years’ time.
Improving access to better care and boosting research will help Europeans live longer after a diagnosis.
Together, the .


RT Aktuella frågor
DEBATT: ”Inte självklart för Vänsterpartiet att EU ska hjälpa Ukraina.”
Inlägg av David Lega (KD), Europarlamentariker i utrikesutskottet.
@davidlega @Kdriks


Undeniable evidence: is arming with suicide drones for use in its war of aggression against Ukraine. Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, must be held accountable. The Iranian IRGC must be terror designated!
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DIA: On Friday, DIA analysts provided “undeniable evidence” that Iranian-made drones are being used by Russia in Ukraine. CNN reported on the findings today:


”Nya råd kring EU:s relation med palestinier sågas av KD-topp
– På bordet ligger den värsta rekommendationen som utrikesutskottet författat under min tid i Europaparlamentet, sade svensken inför omröstningen.”


JOINT STATEMENT: Urgent Actions For Cuba❗️
🔴Today marks 11 years since the murder of the EU Parliament Sakharov Prize laureate Oswaldo Payá
🔴The Cuban regime is exerting terrorism every day against its citizens
🔴The Cuban regime is an ally of Russia in its war against Ukraine.


Re 🔵The EU has had a political dialogue with the Cuban regime for 5+ years
🔵The EU sends millions of euros every year to the Cuban regime
🔵The Cuban people are getting less free and the people of Europe less safe.
Statement by @RosaMariaPaya &amp; I ⤵️


”David Lega (KD): Den värsta rekommendationen som utrikesutskottet författat under min tid i parlamentet.”
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Tidningen Dagen: Svenska EU-politiker träter om synen på Palestinska myndigheten


Read more about the question @petras_petras (Renew), @AnnaFotyga_PE (ECR) and I submitted to the Council about the agreement. We demand an answer: when will the Council activate the democratic clause of the PDCA and suspend said agreement??⬇️
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Cubanos por el Mundo: Eurodiputados piden activar cláusula democrática para suspender apoyo a dictadura castrista (+VIDEOS)


I am nominating Mahsa Amini and the women of Iran to the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2023. This is the highest tribute paid by the EU to human rights defenders. The brave women in Iran deserve it more than anyone.


RT Michael Gahler
The abscence of formal invitations will not prevent individual Russian and Belarussian athletes from competing in Paris. My statement with @davidlega stands: ban Russians and from 2024 Olympics! 👇
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EPP Group: @EuromaidanPress Ban Russia and Belarus from the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.
"The Russian regime weaponises sport as a propaganda tool to spread its influence and assert its dominance", says David Lega, MEP &amp; former athlete &amp; Paralympian.


Väldigt besviken på IOK, som idag meddelat att ryska och belarusiska idrottare kommer att få delta i OS, under neutral flagg. Nej! Fel! ⛔️ Istället: bannlys regimens lakejer, och låt de idrottare som motsätter sig kriget delta under flyktingflagg.


.@socialdemokrat, @miljopartiet och @vansternieu valde än en gång att inte stödja parlamentets kritik mot regimen på . Än en gång höll man kommunistregimen om ryggen. Den kubanska regimen är alltså en av de mest brutala i världen, där torteras politiska fångar systematiskt‼️


RT Peter Kullgren
Re @centerpartiet använder sin röst i EP för att förstöra för svenska jord- och skogsbrukare. EPP kämpade mot Naturrestaureringslagen i parlamentet, men förlorade tyvärr med knapp marginal. Det innebär en försämrad förhandlingsposition för EP när lagen ska förhandlas vidare.


I deeply deplore and condemn that the Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi has been sentenced to six years in prison, following 252 days of solitary confinement. The @EPPGroup has called for this case to be addressed in the European Parliament. 🚨
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David Lega: On my initiative, the @EPPGroup will request an urgency resolution about the Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehin in next week's plenary session. The dissident rapper was imprisoned for simply expressing his opinion and critisism. The EP should firmly denounce this tyranny⚠️


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