Viktor Orban wants Putin to win the war.
[2023-12-04 10:48 UTC]
There is a way to get rid of Viktor Orbans veto on short notice.
Member States can suspend his voting rights within Article-7-procedure.
They just have to put it up for a vote.
It is time...
[2023-12-04 07:53 UTC]
If Orban's blackmail succeeds, it would plunge European democracy into a serious crisis.
No EU-money for autocrats!
[2023-12-01 11:35 UTC]
Viktor Orban reassuring his European neighbors when he compares current-day-Hungary to a "contracted heart" that might expand again...
[2023-12-01 11:55 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Will the @vonderleyen @EU_Commission be 1st ever Commission in EU history to be sued not once but twice by associations of judges for disregarding the rule of law case law of the CJEU and its violation by national authorities for reasons of political expediency? Answer soon 🕰️
[2023-11-30 19:09 UTC]
If the EU-Commission will even release one penny of frozen EU funds to the Orban government in the current situation, it would breach its duty of guarding the treaties.
Consequences from the EU Parliament would follow suit.
[2023-11-30 19:12 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Hungary's "Sovereignity Protection" law to be passed soon is the next violation of the so called super-milestones HU has to comply with, in order to unfreeze EU subsidies. According to experts the law threatening foreign funded NGOs will be passed without proper public debate!
[2023-11-30 19:32 UTC]
This is the Europe that the Orban government wants. And they would pursue it during their Council Presidency:
A Europe that shakes hands with war criminals.
[2023-11-30 15:44 UTC]
Use government power against the media. Wonder, which European government Trump might have gotten this idea from.
[2023-11-30 08:30 UTC]
But he doesn't even speak Hungarian.
[2023-11-30 08:38 UTC]
In Orbán's Hungary associate professors are fired for denying preferential treatment to students with government ties. The family of the student in question holds shares in MOL, the Hungarian energy giant. MOL president Hernádi heads the foundation that has overseen Corvinus Uni since 2019.
[2023-11-29 13:47 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Would be good to see @Ili_Ivanova look into this
cc @GDelbosCorfield @Verfassungsblog @SAR_Europe
[2023-11-29 16:34 UTC]
"Ich bin stolz, dass Europas Demokratie sich endlich wehrt. Aber Demokratie schützen allein reicht nicht - wir müssen sie auch ausbauen. Ich trete an für ein Europa, das mit einer starken Stimme spricht. Das kein Autokrat mit seinem Veto lahmlegen kann!"
Meine Bewerbungsrede⤵️
[2023-11-29 12:03 UTC]
R to @daniel_freund: 1000 Dank an alle Delegierten für Euer Vertrauen. Ich freue mich sehr über Listenplatz 10. Und noch viel mehr freue ich mich auf den Europawahlkampf mit Euch.
[2023-11-29 12:04 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Ich habe mich mit komplett leerem Browser und gewechselter IP bei Tiktok neu registriert.
Im Bereich Politik waren die ersten 65(!) Videos entweder direkt von AfD-Accounts oder dem AfD-Umfeld.
Was China hier betreibt ist schlicht und einfach ein feindlicher Angriff.
[2023-11-29 07:29 UTC]
The head of MCCs media school. Calling democratically elected Members of the European Parliament "idiots".
As much as they claim that they are "independent": They are nothing more than loudspeakers for Orban propaganda. Including their Brussels branch:
[2023-11-29 08:18 UTC]
Looks like Viktor Orban has given up on EU funds as long as Von der Leyen is in power.
Keep in mind: It's Hungarian citizens paying dearly for this ego trip.
[2023-11-29 09:11 UTC]
Ihr findet mich jetzt auch drüben: danielfreund
[2023-11-29 09:44 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Our ED, @jozsef_martin , together w/@daniel_freund and others will be participating a panel discussion held in #Brussels on Tuesday afternoon!
The conference organized by @TI_EU will commence at 2:30PM CET.
Check the full agenda here:
[2023-11-28 12:57 UTC]
Wondering what Charles Michel was thinking about, when shaking Orbans hand:
- The Von der Leyen posters?
- The Putin handshake?
- Or how this guy keeps blocking any decision that requires a unanimous vote?
[2023-11-27 15:38 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green Member of the European Parliament 🌻 fighting against corruption and for a European Federal Republic 🇪🇺